

@stil-lindigo / stil-lindigo.tumblr.com

she/her ♢ queer art/comics ♢ TERFS DNI ♢ business enquiries: stillindigo.art@gmail.com ♢ buy my comics here: stillindigostore.com

There is no safe place left. The Israeli army is merciless and does not know humanity. Save us from certain death through support via PayPal wallet.


this is a verified fundraiser. please see @/el-shab-hussein‘s masterpost of vetted fundraisers. Alaa and Bilal are on the priority fundraising list there. I am also in contact with Alaa and can attest that this is real.

both of them lost their beautiful home and their livelihood due to the genocide.

update: very good news! due to a very generous donation, Alaa and Bilal reached their initial goal. they are now trying to raise enough money to evacuate the rest of their family as well.

the new goal is 25k and so far they have reached $ 16.024/$ 25.000

please share this and donate, even a small amount of money (1-2$) genuinely helps.


do not forget the patron saint of these weeks that we celebrate ourselves proudly and openly in the streets

her name was Marsha P Johnson, and we have her to thank for so much.

remember, the first Pride was a riot, and she was one of the brave souls who endured it to help carve the path which so many of us walk today. she helped found several activist groups regarding LGBT safety and wellbeing. and she was absolutely radiant, too.

thank you, Marsha. we remember you.


Hello everyone, I will begin by introducing myself. I am Shahad Abu Musa, a third-year dentistry student. I have dreams and ambitions in the field like everyone else. As you know, we are now in Gaza in a war. I had many ideas before creating my campaign, but I saw them as the only solution to raise money. And getting out of the war... and I would like to ask for your help in this regard!

I have a family of 7 members, and I try to help them by collecting money to get out of the war and live a little safer! And this picture is of us: my father (Hatem Abu Musa), 50 years old, my mother (Maysoon Abu Musa), 46 years old, my older brother (Firas Abu Musa), 19 years old, my middle sister (Batoul Abu Musa), 17 years old, my sister (Lyan Abu Musa), 16 years old. And my younger sister (Joud Abu Musa), 12 years old, and other than that, I (Shahd Abu Musa), 21 years old.... We want your support and humanity to donate to us and share our donation link to reach the largest number of people!

As you know, we live a lot of fear and fleeing from death every single minute, hunger, killing, siege, lack of hospitals and many more!! These pictures illustrate a little of the suffering we experience daily...

I work during these times of war, as a volunteer dentist. We try to relieve people's pain as much as we can, help them, we want them to be fine in the midst of all this destruction, killing, and lack of life... It is enough that we just try!

Therefore, I am writing this post, and I hope that you will help me escape the war and continue my life for me and my family where I left off. Please help us, even if just a little, by donating and sharing. Thank you from the bottom of my h and thank you for your precious time. Thar from the heart of Gaza.

Thank you for your time ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️!


Tahseen Tawfiq is trying to raise enough money to evacuate his family (consisting of multiple very young children) from Gaza. Unfortunately they're still far from their goal, but remember that even a little counts!

Excerpt from Gofundme:

Now, we are find ourselves in a constant state of fear and uncertainty, living in cramped quarters, struggling to make ends meet, and haunted by the memories of what we are endured. But amidst the darkness, we are refuse to lose hope. we are cling to our dreams, however distant they may seem, and strive to create a better future for our children.

Progress: €7,145 / 60,000


i have a disco elysium quote in my bio and that's lead to the funniest scam email i've gotten.



Tahseen Tawfiq is trying to raise enough money to evacuate his family (consisting of multiple very young children) from Gaza. Unfortunately they're still far from their goal, but remember that even a little counts!

Excerpt from Gofundme:

Now, we are find ourselves in a constant state of fear and uncertainty, living in cramped quarters, struggling to make ends meet, and haunted by the memories of what we are endured. But amidst the darkness, we are refuse to lose hope. we are cling to our dreams, however distant they may seem, and strive to create a better future for our children.

Progress: €7,145 / 60,000


Crammed together like heaps of flesh in tents that feel like scorching ovens, our days have regressed to a more degraded version of those of the earliest humans. From morning till night, we search for the same things Abel and Cain sought to survive: water, food, and fire. We endure long hours in queues to get a meager amount of water, and the food consists of old, low-quality canned goods. We sleep and wake to the sounds of savage airplanes, unsure of where they will strike next or who among us will be turned into scattered remains. Here in Gaza, we are living the worst existence humanity has known since its very beginning, You are our only hope for escaping Gaza and its oppression. Please help my siblings and me find a safe place to live💔🇵🇸


fuck the coalition fuck albanese and especially fuck penny wong, I’m ashamed I ever thought you were one of the good ones.

I’m just so fucking sick and tired of Australia being the US’s lapdog in everything it does. We’re so addicted to the idea of being in proximity to power that we let them use our military bases, commandeer our weaponry, our politicians are doing their damned hardest to destroy our healthcare system, and literally in EVERYTHING regarding foreign policy it’s like our main parties are in competition with each other over how hard they can suck uncle sam’s dick. It’s pathetic and I know I can’t expect any better from yet another colonialist state built upon mass genocide of its indigenous people but fuck dude fucking fuck, it’s just so embarrassing.

australians just love to parade around like we’re any better than the US because we passed gun legislation like fucking 30 years ago as if it excuses all the violence and bullshit we currently commit against queer kids, women, poc, aboriginal women men and children like humble yourself, we’re a shithole in our own right and even worse, most of us are apathetic about it too.

and of course I can still love us I can still love this place because it’s my home and always will be and I grew up here and everyone I’ve ever loved is here but god dude we are just so far behind everything in terms of progress, and with cost of living and the housing crisis and politicians going back to the tried and true method of blaming migrants for all our problems, all backed by our current refusal to do anything but limply trail after the US as we fund and arm genocidaires…we’re going backwards and it’s painful.


fuck the coalition fuck albanese and especially fuck penny wong, I’m ashamed I ever thought you were one of the good ones.


verified ways to send aid to gaza directly

Help a Palestinian family directly:

  • gazafunds.com - Donate directly to a Palestinian family in urgent need of evacuation, medical attention, food, rebuilding homes/businesses etc. (Spotlights 1 verified gfm at a time so if you don't know who/where to donate to just go here and donate to the one they show you!)

Help provide tents (urgent):

  • The Sameer Project: Currently providing tents for displaced families in Gaza (emergency bc tents in Rafah are being burned as we speak) (paypal) (gfm)

Food, cash & essentials:

  • Care for Gaza: Working on the ground in Gaza to distribute food, cash, medicine & other essentials to displaced families. (paypal) (gfm)
  • Direct Aid for Gaza: also working on the ground in Gaza to distribute food, cash & other daily essential suppliess to displaced families. (paypal) (gfm)


  • Gaza Municipality's water project: The official Municipality of Gaza needs help rebuilding the water infrastructure in Gaza City to restore access to clean water and waste management services for the people of Gaza. (This campaign only has a couple of weeks left but it's still only at 15%!)

eSIMs (urgent):

Medical Aid

  • Palestine Red Crescent Society: Provides emergency medical and ambulance services and humanitarian relief on the ground in Gaza e.g. rescuing and treating the wounded.


content warning: images of burn injuries on children in the description of the fund, plus one in the header.

This Palestinian family is urgently trying to reach its goal after, like countless others, they’ve lost their home, their business and been injured in Israel’s attacks on Rafah. Already, some of the children in their family have suffered major injuries. Please donate if you can, even $5 will go a long way!

PROGRESS: €16,103 / 35,000



I'd like to bring some more concerted attention to this fund in particular, since it's so close to it's goal!! I've spoken to Ruaa myself over twitter - she's a very talented dental student who just wants to finish her studies and care for her family.

Please consider donating to get her over her goal!

PROGRESS: $13000/ 15,000

UPDATE: This fund's goal has been increased to $30,000 to help evacuate Ruaa's whole family (the initial plan was just to evacuate Ruaa and her younger siblings).

Current means that she's already almost halfway to her goal - please keep Ruaa's family in mind when donating!

PROGRESS: $14,663 / 30,000



I'd like to bring some more concerted attention to this fund in particular, since it's so close to it's goal!! I've spoken to Ruaa myself over twitter - she's a very talented dental student who just wants to finish her studies and care for her family.

Please consider donating to get her over her goal!

PROGRESS: $13000/ 15,000



At these moments, we are being bombarded with dozens of missiles, and a massacre occurred hours ago next to us, killing approximately 90 people, including children.

Please help save my family and children

I don't want my children to be the next victim!!!!

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