
king of the junjle


@fagdragon's reluctant art blog. i almost solely make oc stuff and don't recommend following if all you want to see is fandom stuff

@fagdragon's art account, likes and follows from there

furry artist, mostly for my own ocs. and although i will occasionally dip into fandom stuff, i do not recommend following solely for a specific fandom

all my art is tagged with #jungleart, and every character is tagged by name as well (as well as any other applicable tags such as #self, #sona, etc). non-art posts are tagged with #talkys

i have a habit of checking people's profiles, especially if they follow me, mostly just out of curiosity. if you see me on my main liking or reblogging or following you after you've interacted with me here, that's why

you can find out where else i am via the rentry below


hey so two people in a row on my dash just commented that trying to open the new communities popup on tumblr mobile(?) brings up major flashing lights, so please please PLEASE take caution doing so. i don't like asking people to reblog stuff but please reblog this or make your own post about this to tell people about this because this could seriously hurt someone

based off of the notes, thankfully it does not seem to be happening to everybody. but i would not test your luck and see if it happens to you just to be safe because i have no idea what specifically causes this or if it's only on specific devices/os/app versions/whatever. absolutely still stay cautious despite this however

tumblr's reporting is useless at best from what i know but if anybody knows how to report this bug and/or knows more about it than me, don't be afraid to add onto this

update from tumblr about this. update your apps if you use android and haven't yet


hey, quick serious post because apparently people need to learn this because this is the second time i've gotten an anon like this

  1. yes, it is weird to randomly accuse strangers of having a fetish
  2. yes, it is weird that some of you think the only reason someone would draw a fat person in a positive light is because of a fetish
  3. yes, it is weird that you are making assumptions about how i treat real fat people based on the assumption of me having a fat fetish that i do not have

literally if you're one of the people who sent one of those anons, what you're doing is not only really fucking strange and invasive but also shows you cannot imagine fatness being portrayed positively without immediately assuming it Has to be sexual in nature. and if you can't realize that that assumption is immediately more harmful to actual fat people than a fetish you imagined someone has then you don't actually care about fat people like you've convinced yourself you do. leave me the fuck alone and do better.


would you guys be opposed to me posting about my blockbench/figura avatars a little more on here? not as often as my main because that will get annoying fast considering it's what im hyperfixated on at the moment BUT like i mean bigger leaps in progress and/or when i get to a point where it feels "done" i guess? i'm very proud of all of it and i'd like to show more of it off is why i ask but if there's not that big of an interest then that's fine lolw

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