


I have fallen into the dark abyss that is undertale Au's. Bittybones, Mafiatale, Underfell, you name it I've more than likely read a fic about it. My current favorite though, is anything Error sans.My Instagram - 09shell_sea09 (posts will be sporadic at best until I get better at digital art)


Worst part about this is I've only ever used that yellow square emoji once and it was just to see how it looked. This isn't who I am. However, in retrospect, I suppose it is

Reading through the notes is a surreal experience please keep adding more to fuel my effervescent consumption of non descriptive emojis


Well...this makes me look happier than I actually am but also not too bad a week either. @dulceringo (ignore yesterday Phone was dead couldn't exactly chat and use emojis ๐Ÿฅฒ)


Lilith defying Adam's will and fleeing the garden, with Lucifer falling for her fierce independence even before taking the forbidden fruit VS Vaggie disobeying Adam's orders and getting kicked out of heaven, with Charlie falling for her grateful smile in a world of damned sinners.


Alright time for that uquiz I promised (I spent a lot of time on this so y'all better appreciate it). It's just assigning you a horror protagonist trope. Some are a little mean, but it's all in good fun :). Anyway use the little picrew, add your results and tag your mutuals!!

So here's the quiz and here's the picrew. and here's mine:


Well, I was expecting the opposite of this result ๐Ÿ˜‚

What do you think, @09shell-sea09 ?

@dulceringo I was expecting you to be naive tbh but your also hella paranoid so this is probably on point cuz your naivety is to people mostly not so much situations.

They need to give the options for grabbing a weapon and going after your kidnapper yourself or the twist of being more fucked up than your kidnapper expected cuz I really don't think I'd hesitate if it meant @dulceringo or I would survive.


Hi hello I'm finally finished with this! This is the official design of Phantom in my fic :D

(preview looks so fucking blurry wtf)

Some notes regarding the design and Danny in general:

  • While this IS what his alter now looks like, Danny is not actively living the vigilante role.
  • Contrary to his name, Danny isn't the Charon. While he does have some properties that makes him a Charon, he doesn't go around and guide every single soul.
  • I'm cherry picking death/life references here if you can't tell.
  • Danny's a sore loser (affectionate) and doesn't like playing hero/vigilante so he's literally only there if the problem is either ghosts or anything related to it.
  • Funfact: Danny doesn't really fight anymore in my au (exceptions are there ofc), instead Fright knight acts like a guard dog to him and Danny just asks him to do literally anything.

Guess who got dragged into another fandom ๐Ÿ‘€

At first it was just fanart. Then all of a sudden I was reading multiple fics a day and thinking up aus and hcs

Anyways here are some doodles.

This is the first time my cat has done this but i was scrolling through your art (impeccable, might i add) and he pushes me out if the way to sit and stare at it

This is him, very excited


Spedran this for the anniversary! Can't believe Danny Phantom is 20 years old.

It's been very cathartic to me to be honest to see a show about a character who can't keep up with everything in his life, but he keeps trying anyway. It helps with that neat autistic burnout.

Happy anniversary Danny. You did good. I hope you got to visit the moon.


"And I am the idiot with the painted face

In the corner, taking up space

But when he walks in, I am loved, I am loved

Me and my husband

We're doing better

It's always been just him and me



rekindling my Starrod au ๐Ÿ˜‹

@dulceringo ....I just had ideasss@


I just remeber a post from a while back ( >.>)

Remember the Dairy King? Ghosts that STAY for one reason or another, instead of moving on? I made a prompt about HAUNTS, but?

What of Haunted Houses? Haunted by what? Themselves. Their People are gone. They lay abandoned. Dead homes. Limnal places. Haunted and alive.

And yes, some of them are angry. Who wouldn't be? They did nothing wrong! Their People are gone, the world strange, and they have known nothing but neglect and suffering. They of course lash out.

Maybe they saw horrors, inside their walls. Abuse they could not stop. Death they could not prevent. Humans are terrible things to them. Painful. Ugly.

But there are also those, we must imagine, who are DESPERATE. Clinging. Covetous. Trapping any unfortunate enough to stumble into them, because they can not bear to be alone again. Ugly cycles of suffering and need.

Not all, of course. There are houses you would never know were Haunted. So comfortable and warm, they just feel like a hug. Blankets ready just where you need them, tables always set for just as many as arrive. If they have gardens, they can even feed you!

The problem? For there always IS some sort of concern.


All I can imagine is Danny glaring at the heroes and cooing softly at the house. And then sweet talking them into moving to the Realms. Yes the whole house. Just, foundations and all. There, problem solved! No more haunted house!

John:.... That's... Definitely one way ta solve the issue???

Batman: It's also theft. Why did you steal the whole house?

Danny: The Ghost has been there longer than any human! I'm not letting you hurt my kind because humans are bigots!

"Theft? How is moving a sentient being by its own violation theft?"

Slavery still legal in Gotham, huh? Theft?! Did I take your dirt? No. You can build whatever you like now! They wanted to "tear that wreck down" anyway!

And? Bruce can't argue with that. Is it weird? Slightly. But this is Gotham. That's just a Tuesday. If the house was sentient, then it was probably just scared and protecting it... no, he used femal pronouns, HERself. He asks the floating teen to pass along his apologies.

He never meant to scare her. Or hurt her. He didnt know. Thought she was attacking people, not that she had been attacked. He will do better.

And? Ooof, way to take all the wind out of the kids sails. Now he just looks TIRED. Says he'll pass it on. Thank you. But? Oh no(tm). Constantine and The Robin's know THAT look. That's the "I see a young vigilante in need of Help. Is anyone gonna Mentor that?" Look where he doesn't even wait for an answer cause he CARES TOO MUCH AND DAMN IT BRUCE-

So know they are in the Watchtower, with this kids List(tm), breaking up Haunted Buildings by country and assigning Heros to do honest to gods WELLNESS CHECKS. Author and Diana are even getting the FUN little suprise that they need to send news home that THEY have a few. Who need to be cared for in specific ways.

(Diana feels so, SO guilty. The Forbidden Watch Tower was SENTIENT? They ABANDONED their sister?! No WONDER she lashes out! She must feel so betrayed! Oh Hera!)

And like? Captain Marvel looks like he could CRY for some reason? When Danny tells him there's this house in his city that NEEDS a magic user to live in it? It's hidden itself in a park but if he takes this duplicate, Danny can find it. You'll need to ask nicely if they have a Person, but they likely don't and are really hungry and scared. Could you live there for a bit?

And Billy, soon to no longer be homeless child, is like "Y-Yeah :) ".

And it's this honest to god little wizards tower attached to a cottage? That's like :D Champion Of Magic! Hi! I love you! Look I have BOOKS! Blankets! Please stay forever and love me! Want a cozy bed and color plates?

Billy would die for this house. He's never moving. Their name is Baubles, because there's lots of baubles and crystals everywhere.

I need for baubles to have like, small magical constructs. That are the o my thing that has kept Baubles sane. Because they have also become sentient. And just, all of them being so happy to have a person again. Billy? Is never going to have to cool, shop or clean again if he doesn't want to. Is he in fact being parented by his house? Maybe. But eh, he loves it.

Also! House of mysteries! Danny makes an offhand comment about how it's been growing more mischievous lately. Newest occupant seems to be a loveable bastard? But uh, might want to earn them the house has ideas. And they are not escaping them?

I wonder if any of the more mischievous Haunted Houses would pop themselves out of the Infinite Realms around Halloween to consentually scare people? It could be fun enrichment!


I was not expecting to cry over Baubles and Billy meeting.


Is Wayne Manor happily haunting her batty family? Helping out Alfred to keep everything clean in a reasonable time? Helping Alfred know when something is needed or when he needs to pop into a room to get all these overgrown children to behave?

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