
I am so tired


he/him. gay sex. :)

My name's Archie/Chie, i’m a stupid lil faggot (he/him) I'm also an artist on Tumblr! this is my casual account, but my art exclusive account is @peachsodah

i have a ton of interests, i love reading and video games and I tend to follow more niche fandoms. i really love Dungeon Meshi, Scott Pilgrim, Mob Psycho 100, and Stardew Valley.


yeah id love you if you were a worm. but only then.


omw to kill the next person who passive aggressively asks an artist why they draw chilchuck with a tail


like I'm genuinely so fucking tired of white lgbts

I love being a lesbian! I love the community that lesbians of colour have built!

but it's a damn shame that we had to build our own distinct community because of how white lesbians treat us

white lesbians have like four different ways that they treat us: fetishization, disgust, erasure, and false allyship. and they're all equally bad and hurtful

constantly telling studs that you want them to beat you up. talking about lesbians of colour like we're sex objects. defending so-called "raceplay". do you really think you're better than the white men who tell woc that they're really into asian girls or latinas? it's fetishization!

and the disgust. disrespecting our cultures, our skintones. talking about your "preference" for other white girls. talking shit about black lesbians' hair.

or you try to erase us. you only acknowledge white lesbians. your wlw positivity blog is only white girls. you talk about iconic lesbians and only mention white ones. you imply or outright say that cultures of colour (especially in the global south) are inherently homophobic, like lesbians of colour don't even exist.

and the one that leaves the worst taste in my mouth? the false allyship. claiming to support us until it comes time to actually do something about it. letting people get away with racism because they're lgbt+. getting mad at us for calling out racism in the community. telling us it's okay to talk about racism, but we have to be nicer about it, that we're too judgemental or confrontational

and no matter which of these forms of white supremacy a white lesbian practices, they will always always hide behind being lgbt+ to get away with it. white lesbians will form a united front to defend each other from accountability for racism

it's no fucking wonder we've built our own communities away from you.


Spiders? Hate them but see their use. Mosquitoes? Begrudgingly acknowledge that they like... feed bats. But can anyone explain what the fuck ticks are doing that's helpful??? Because frankly I'm not convinced they're doing anything nice for anyone

ticks are a massive source of protein for the many many creatures that eat them, same as mosquitos. they're integral to the food chain.

also, parasites of all kinds are incredibly important to ecosystems for many reasons: they help keep populations- especially of large herbivores and predators- low and healthy, they help individuals develop immune strength, and they are often integral parts of their food webs.

much of life is parasitic. it's a very successful life-plan and food strategy. dont hold it against them: blood is a really nutritious food and the creatures they target (generally) have a lot of it. it's not their 'fault' they have the capacity to carry even smaller parasites/diseases. that's just how life is

Deer is big creature, has microbe community inside it making it super good at digesting plant, turning plant into easy nutrients.

Small creatures would like nutrients. Deer is too big to eat, hoards all the nutrients. RUDE! Not everybody can be a wolf! Not fair :(

Tick bites deer. Tick takes tiny bit of deer's blood, falls off deer. Tick now contains deer's nutrients

Small creature eats tick. Nutrients in deer go into small creatures.

In this way, deer can become food for spiders, birds, lizards, beetles, ants. It couldn't happen without ticks. They are the portable snack packs of the forest


And not even just when they get eaten by something else, either! The tick also excretes waste and molts an old exoskeleton several times in its life, if it lays eggs then the babies leave thousands of old eggshells behind, and if it evades all possible predators it still eventually dies of old age. One way or another all those deer proteins are recycled by the many ticks, flies, gnats, lice and fleas living and dying for countless generations during the Deer's comparatively tremendous lifespan. It's easy to think of vertebrates like us as just the default neutral citizens of our planet, but the vast majority of life on Earth is microscopic and very short lived. Even a squirrel is on the larger and longer-lived end of our planet's biota, demolishing habitat and hoarding food that would have otherwise been used by millions of tinier lives. So humans might look at a squirrel's parasites and see a bloodthirsty plague torturing a sweet little woodland critter, but in the eyes of nature, they're the ones who evolved to stand up to a gluttonous dragon.

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