
I'm a go go dancer



My bestiest bestie recommended you and I have a BIG idea. I've always thought about a fic where y/n (any gender) moved into this creepy-ish home. After awhile of being there, there had been strange movements and noises and etc. Often the ghost of the house (timothee chalamet) visits only when they're asleep to either caress their hair or cheek because timothee is afraid to show himself to them; especially from fear of scaring them. He is a very beautiful ghost too. When the reader falls in love with timothee, they can only feel him. The reader is the only person that can physically touch him because of how strong their love is. (I might be a bit cheesy).

and the best part of this story is that when the reader dies in the future — the two lovers can and will always be happily together.

A very fluffy and sweet story! With some slight angst.

This is such a cute idea!! I love a little angst-y, cheesy story so I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. Love your and your besties blog as well!!

Hauntingly Yours.

Information and warnings — Gender neutral reader, gender never specified, Ghost Timothée, old hollywood Timothée, slow burn, very, very long fic.., reader death, Timothée doesn’t know what technology is, hurt/comfort, lover boy Timmy, fluffy angst.


"Join the Marauders fandom," they said. "It'll be a magical adventure," they said. Now I'm emotionally compromised, have trust issues with fictional characters, and spend my nights crying over pranksters from 40 years ago.


Marauders fans when you ask them what’s their favorite Harry Potter character and now they have to explain to you why is it harry’s dead father who was shown once and looks like Aaron Taylor Johnson


Slithering Hearts

Chapter 1

Pairing : Regulus Black x Fem! Reader
Synopsis : You begin an unlikely friendship with the little Black. And soon your whole life seems to have become a tumultuous pathway. The catch, James Potter is your brother.

You never know how much you're gonna miss a person until they are going away, even for a small period of time. Less to say you were feelling a little bummed watching your dear brother James standing in the platform waiting for the Hogwarts train. It was gonna be his first year, and even though you were gonna join him next year, it still didn't change the fact that he was going away, that too for a year.

While he busy getting being fussed over by mum and dad, you glanced up at the sound of the train coming. James turned excitedly, hugging mom and dad, before he could fully turn to you, you jumped on him cluthching him, "Aww, little zouwu, are you going to miss me"

"No", came your muffled sound, James patted your back, "I know I am special but don't cry over me now". He grinned at your glare.

"I'm not crying" you huffed.

"Whatever you say" James smirked.

"Write me letters" you mumbled.

"I will" He smiled, he probably will, if he didn't you had plans to *ahem* renovate his room.

And thus he walked towards the train, you looked around the station to see similar scenarios, your eyes met another kid's, your age probably considering he was still with his parents, his mom seemed to be scolding the older brother probably who looked physically pained to stand there. You waved at the boy, causing him to stare confusingly. That's when the train signalled, causing the older one to run towards the train. And soon you saw the train took off while clinging onto your dad's hand. "Let's go now", your mum muttered. As you turned to leave, you once again turned towards the boy you saw, just to find him already looking at you.

After that the whole year went in a blur, you learned about James's new adventures every week from his letters, there were ramblings of the new friends he had made, the annoying and the good teachers, journeys to hagrid's hut, about pranks that even your parents didn't know of and of the many adventures he had. All that only went into details when he came back for christmas and summer break.

The whole of summer break you pestered James to tell you everything you should know. You sat on the couch, legs resting on his stomach as he remain sprawled on the couch.

"Jamie, what house do you think I'll go to?"

"Hufflepuff, obviously" James smirked.

"What, why" you huffed, crosing your arms.

"I mean, you're not smart, not brave, not ambitious and that leaves you in- James voice craclked as his face was hit by the force of the couch pillow. He removed it, getting up staring at you with a malicious glint, causing you to run yelling "Dad, help me, James is hitting me"

"I didn't even -she did it first"

The Diagon alley was always a wonderful place to be, they always had some new and exciting things, you got your wand, a sleek yew wood with white river monster spine at its core.

Mr.Ollivander had glanced at her strangely, "Treat it poorly and you won't access its power, treat it right, it will be loyal to no other". You had nodded, deciding later to brew upon it. For the most part, you were happy to get your own, cause when James got it last year, he didn't even let you touch his, no matter how much you begged him.

You were currently left by your parents at the pet shop, you were searching for a good owl, when a small hustle caught your eye, a snow great horned owl, fighting with another brown one. As you came close, he stood up and stood in the front, fluffing his feathers as if it had done no wrong, cute, you thought.

Taking the owl in your hand, you had turned swiftly, almost colliding with the boy who was standing behind you, the owl screeched, catching him, you exclaimed a loud "Merlin". Staring wide eyed at him you seem to find his face quite familiar, but you couldn't pinpoint, why. Regulus hadn't meant to stand there but he too had found the owl's commotioninteresting. And before he could move, you collided into him, he kept looking at you before realizing he was blocking the way, "Oh, sorry" he muttered moved sideways, You smiled moving past him.

He stared back at the owl on the rack, he lifted his finger, the barn owl moved towards him, nuzlzling in his fingers, he smiled "She's sweet', taking the owl to the counter, he again glaced at the same girl, the shopowner smiled, "Oh, the lovebirds", Regulus head snapped towards the cashier, "What". The shopowner chuckled, "I meant the owls, they are quite in love with each other". You glanced at her curiously "But they were fighting". The shopkeeper smiled looking at them, "Oh, they haven't realised it yet".

Author's Note : The writer means no Hufflepuff slander, it is meant to taken as just a jest. The writer fully supports Hufflepufs like the other houses.


here are some of my favorite obx writers!! check them out and show them love!!

@starfxkr (almost anything you’re looking for obx wise you can probably find it here! she writes for pope, jj, john b and rafe! and she’s cool as hell )

@shellxrls (my wife, so talented, so lovely, also knows a lot about shifting which is pretty neat)

@rubiehart (has the most amazing ideas and is so sweet, so much love for her! def check her out especially if you like JJ)

@rafeandonlyrafe (COMES OUT WITH RAFE FICS ALMOST EVERYDAY LIKE ITS CRAZY IMPRESSIVE!! love being silly together)

@princessmaybank (COMES THROUGH WITH THE JJ FICS!! an absolute sweetheart)

@starkeyisthelastname ( another amazing rafe writer!! always something great to read here!)

@eternalxvenus ( all sorts of goodness over here!!!


these writers are absolutely phenomenal and have incredible minds! I am so glad that I have come across each and every one of them and have had the joy of reading their work! I am also incredibly grateful that I have been able to befriend each of them! some of these users are my tumblr besties and I’m so glad to have them! I appreciate you all and all the work you’ve put out there!!

I will be adding to this list as I remember more names 😅




hi, can i request timothee!willy wonka x reader that is hella touch starved but can't/ doesn't know how to ask for affection? The gender of the reader is absolutely up to you

Have a nice day/night!


Wordcount: 2.4K+

Description: What is this feeling in his body? What is this desire he has that makes him want to tear his skin off? And are you the cure to make this chocolatier feel whole?

A/N: hey. I was supposed to finish this last night, but life got in the way. Had a lot of fun writing this. They were so cute. I just love adorable little in love Wonka. I most certainly loved writing these two and would return to write more for the librarian and Wonka. Also, thank you for the request.

Warning: Fluffy, kissing, confusedWonka. First love. Sickening sweet lovers. Unedited.


How do I love Thee?


Wonka being embarrassed and thinking you'll leave him if you find out he can't read. Angst to fluff pleeasee


Something sweet with Wonka please

Wordcount: 3.5K+

Description: Mr. Wonka is a wonderful chef that you can't help but fall in love with until he starts to avoid you and you wonder if only you are in love.

A/N: Hey. I had fun writing this. I love love writing with Wonka. As always my Wonka takes place in the 20-50s so they often speak a bit strange I'm not sure. haha. I am nervous about workshop today, so I wanted to post this before class. They gave me Jack and Rose vibes so I added that picture don't worry they don't die.

Warning: Angst to fluff. Adorable couple. In love. First love. Jealous suitor. InsecureWonka. Kissing. Takes place before the events of the film. Unedited.


Competing for his affection.


Could I perhaps ask for a fanfic or like a one-shot for Laurie from Little Women, "them hurting/scaring you" 🙏 (only if you want to, if not, you can ignore this, take care!!)

Wordcount: 2.1K+

Description: You loved Laurie with all your heart. There wasn't anything in this world you wouldn't do for him. The only thing you wanted from him was his love and respect in turn, but maybe you weren't as loved by Laurie as you thought.

A/N: so this is sad and a bit short. I always have trouble with angst so sorry if it is rubbish. I don't have a part two in mind but if you guys want to see them make up let me know.

Warning: Angst Angst Angst. No happy Ending. Yelling couple, crying children. Overwhelmed reader. absent Laurie

Anonymous asked:

alright i’ve seen a lot of arranged marriages with paul and reader is always the one who’s salty about it but what if PAUL was the salty bitch? never seen that before.

reader just wants to make him happy. she’s been in love with him since they were introduced as kids. Paul, however, ain’t about it and he’s all pissy and what not.

The Death of a Star

Summary: Paul thought he could never love you but when a starts to die, it sucks everything in and in your death, your rebirth, he learns he can.

Warning(s): Cheating! Not the sexual kind but the emotional kind! Toxic marriage, sorta dark Paul, almost sexual cheating, talks of bastards, child birth, violence, arranged marriage, pussy eating, fingering, PinV sex, creaming, use of the voice. Talks of baby making and brief pregnancy mention.

Note(s): I took your ask and shook it all about. And hi, hello, i got this ask basically THREE YEARS AGO! And its been sitting in my docs, brewing, growing longer and longer. This is 12k words. If you want more long fics like this from me and not two/three parters— PLEASE let me know. ALSO, shout-out to @cocoamoonmalfoy bc i bothered her with just random segments of this fic for two years I'm pretty sure 😭 this is so fucking long please don't tell me if there's mistakes im gonna scream.

A little after. (Same universe drabble!)

There is something about motherhood that has changed you.

Of course, there have been obvious changes. You were a girl when you first arrived on Caladan, a girl when they dragged you under the twinkling stars and made you swear to the void you would never stray from your husband. A mere child who wanted nothing more to be happy, to make her family proud, a child who smiled at her husband no older than her and repeated words she truly didn't know the meaning of.

You had become a lady when your husband first laid with you, a woman when the single time was enough to bring forth an heir. It was what your ladies told you at least, bringing a person into this universe was a woman's work and you had done just that. Your son, Oliver Atreides, was born screaming, kicking and crying. The ladies said you were a woman now, covered in sweat, tears, and your own blood but you couldn't bring yourself to agree. You think some parts of the girl you once were resurfaced when they hand you, your babe. You had held him close and wept to him. ‘Oh, Ollie. My little Ollie.’

Motherhood has changed you, yes. It made you harder in spots where you were once soft. But nothing has changed you more than marrying the Atreides heir, Paul.


Hey!!!!! Remember me? Haha. Just wanted to check on you. Take care and love ya bye!!<333



You just made my day arghhhhhhh😭😭😭😭😭

I've not been very active on the past few days but yes I do remember you🎀

Love youuu!!! 💋💋💋💋


Fake Boyfriend - p1

Pairing - soft!rafe Cameron x virgin!femreader

Summary - you lie to your best friend about having a boyfriend.

Warnings - please note there will be individual ratings on each part. But I’d like to keep it 18+ because there will be smut eventually.

The party was in full swing, you could hear the music from the Uber two streets away. Combing your fingers through your curls, taking a quick glance at yourself through the rearview mirror. Giving the driver an awkward smile when he shamelessly checks you out.


Do you love me?

Pairings - Rafe x reader

Summary - you catch Rafe watching porn. Based on this ask

Warnings - masturbation, porn, reader being sad, language, unprotected sex. (18+)

A/n- always have the conversation with your partner about porn, some people don’t care but others do so please don’t leave any rude comments.

When you had gone looking for your boyfriend around 11pm you had expected to find him asleep on the couch, credits to the movie the two of you had tried watching running in the background. White noise helped him sleep. What you hadn’t expected to find was your boyfriend watching porn, on the big screen. His cock between his hand as he tugged himself, soft moans and grunts spewing from his lips as he watched the scene in front of him.


Silver Necklace.

pairing; Regulus Black x Potter!Reader
summary; after being paired with regulus black in potions class, you manage to slowly become friends. he steals your heart and it’s only a matter of time till he breaks it.
warnings; overall just angst, bits of fluff, mentions of sex (just asking about it, no smut), making out, enemies to lovers-esque
notes; fem!reader, mean-ish(??) regulus at start, no use of y/n, kinda long fic so not proof read, ps. i know sirius is 1959 but it works out better if he’s 1960 so don’t come at me, also, i read atyd for this .. (so this is kinda influenced by that)

Every passing day, you swore your heart ached more and more. Every glance you cast over to him in the halls, passing by as if strangers when not even a couple months ago you had been laughing and confiding in each other like idiots.

He had become so lifeless in such a short amount of time. You felt as if your grasp on your once joyful life had slipped through your fingers like coarse grains of sand.

Sooner than later, you had found yourself conflicted. Battling between wanting him by your side but having your beliefs clash. Then it was revealed and all was lost. You just wish you had the strength to go on as if he didn’t exist, like you used to.


James: I think I’m in love with you!

Regulus :


Regulus: *pulls out a big binder with pieces of paper sticking out everywhere

James: what’s this?

Regulus: Our wedding plans, I’ve been planning it since first year. Remus taught me to scrap book.

James: *in love


now imagine jegulus being harry's parents and pandalily being luna's. barty now has to deal with not only one but two kids, babysitting them

*playing with dolls*
barty: uh, how you doing?
harry looking at luna: uncle barty, say it in your girl voice!
luna: why do we keep asking you!
barty to james: hey look away
barty: how you doing? 🩷💅
james: *fvcking dies*

could work also with evan

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