


she/they, 21, a queer ace lad, percussionist who loves a good leitmotif | 日本語を学びです。

A quick run-down:

My writing side blog: @elluminiswrites

Hi, I’m Libby, or Lib, or any variation that you’d like to call me! My pronouns are she/they, I’m comfortable with most gendered terms, but I definitely prefer more neutral and/or slightly masculine terms from internet strangers (I adore the word lad). Feminine terms don’t really bug me or anything, just don’t use them condescendingly and we’ll be good. Friends and mutuals may call me whatever they so choose.

That main labels that I use are queer and ace. I also identify as a sapphic dyke, so we’ll probably have issues if you’re against the reclaiming of slurs. I have diagnosed adhd, which I talk about frequently. I’m probably somewhere on the spectrum (if my RAADS score is anything to go by) but any time I talk about autism let it be known that I am not diagnosed and not currently seeking a diagnosis. Please don’t ask about other diagnoses because I will not be giving them—you’re only getting the previous shit because I talk about those online.

I’m an adult. I generally don’t post content that I would consider inappropriate for the average teenager, but it’s always possible. Peruse with care and take responsibility for curating your own experience on the internet. Also, please don’t privately message me if you’re a minor (with the possible exception of maybe questions about music, since that’s the only topic I have any expertise on). I’m just barely into my twenties—I don’t have any life advice to offer, so I see no reason to be talking to someone that young online. It’s creepy and weird.

This is my main blog, so things are very eclectic. I have no schedule, so posts will be spammed all at once. I also do a very poor job of tagging—the only things I’m consistent with are trigger warnings (formatted tw ___) and my post tag #libby shouts into the void. Filter anything you don’t like, and feel free to message me if there’s anything else you want tagged. Reach out to me about music or Japanese, which I’m currently trying to learn!


i wish smplive wasn't so Like That because a lot of the ccs who came from it are some of the chillest and accepting in the space and their new content is both really funny and free from all the SMPLive 2019 Edge.

watch a 2024 pokay or joko or cscoop video you won't regret it

y'all are missing out on the joy and whimsy of cooper making a vague bomb threat at a conservative politician mid-uno game and doubling down because all the government can do about it is "send him to jail with all those hot men"


Twilight remake where everything is the same except Bella is played by Kristen Stuart as a full on dyke a la her character in Love Lies Bleeding, Edward is played by Robert Pattinson but he's doing the Heron's voice from The Boy and the Heron, and Jacob is played by Taylor Lautner's wife, Taylor Lautner.


He survived glaze firing, the wick and oil reserve work perfectly as intended, and now he remains in chains, offering light.


The funniest sword fight scene in the history of cinema. 




Let’s be honest, this is how I would sword fight.

@warmageragnar Lewis Vs Otranto, a realistic version.

The Court Jester starring Danny Kaye, Basil Rathbone, and the amazing Glynis Johns, and Angela Lansbury and it is all around a fun time.


All kidding aside, watch Basil Rathbone’s foot work. He knows fencing, and sets up the form even though he’s still playing up the stage blows for Danny Kaye to flail at for comedic effect.

Okay, but I need to talk about this because it’s even funnier if you know the context... Basil Rathbone was one of the greatest swordsmen in Hollywood history.  Which is why he almost never won any of his onscreen fights–he was good enough that he knew how to effectively make the other guy look even better.  That’s why the swordfight in The Adventures of Robin Hood looks so awesome even though Errol Flynn is nowhere near Rathbone’s level.

But this fight, right here?  Was one of the only fights where he needed a stunt double.  Because while he was able to keep Danny Kaye from being seriously injured, Rathbone himself nearly got skewered a few times by Kaye’s flailing around.  So in a bizarre way, this is probably the closest to an even match Rathbone had in his career… just not for the reasons you’d expect.

“Don’t you know, there are some things that can beat smartness and foresight? Awkwardness and stupidity can. The best swordsman in the world doesn’t need to fear the second best swordsman in the world; no, the person for him to be afraid of is some ignorant antagonist who has never had a sword in his hand before; he doesn’t do the thing he ought to.”
-Mark Twain, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (1889)

The origin of a saying I’ve seen quoted in various works of fiction - “The best swordsman does not fear the second best, he fears the worst since there’s no telling what that idiot is going to do.”


Just so like... it's clear... anyone who censors words that contain "man" or "men" to anything like "xxn" that's TERF shit.

Any reference to women/womanhood that solely revolves around having a uterus or "womb" is TERF shit.

Any sentence where the OP says they support people being "trans identified" with quotes around ""transwomen"" or ""transmen"" is TERF shit.

I'm seeing a lot of you baby Tumblr gays out there not knowing what these specific TERF dogwhistles look like.

"Wombxxn" is an incredibly dumb way of spelling "woman" that treats the word "man" like a slur and also reduces women to their ability to give birth.

"Trans identified" is their way of saying "this person calls themselves trans, but I don't believe they are."

Saying "People should be allowed to identify however they wish, but we still need to protect women/children" IS TERF SHIT.

Learn to identify this garbage, because not all TERFs are going to spell out their intolerance for you. Some of them are going to try and seem reasonable and polite and normal, and it's fucking dangerous to our community.

Also unpack any internalized transphobia and your transmedicalism, because both those things will have you quickly siding with TERFs and bigots.


Happy World Goth Day!

Remember, there is no one way to be goth.

  • Be aware of the bands that helped form the subculture (Bauhaus, Siouxsie, The Cure, etc.), but also know there are all sorts of goth music subgenres, so explore!
  • Goth is for everyone. If someone tells you that you have to be thin, white, young, able-bodied, etc. to be a Real Goth, ignore them. They're wrong.
  • Goth fashion is based in DIY and combining random bits until you have a look that makes you happy. Goth fashion isn't about spending huge amounts of money at various big 'goth lifestyle' websites.
  • Always support indie bands, artists, clothing designers, jewelers, etc. when you can. Posting about/promoting them is support!

With much love,

Auntie Jilli


When I was 17, I went away to writing camp.

Which. Yeah.

But I met a girl there, a bright, loud, goofy girl named Dahlia, who had come up to MA from NEW YORK CITY, where she lived.


Anyway, we kept in touch, and she invited me to come stay with her family for the weekend, and somehow, I talked my parents into it.

Mom was REALLY desperate for me to have friends.

Anyway, I took the bus all the way down, by myself. I was quite pleased by this. Showed up with a backpack and no concept of what NYC entailed. Dahlia took me back to her tiny apartment in a brownstone, we dropped off my bag and we were off and running.

She'd gotten tickets, she told me. To a cool club. To see a band called The Cramps.

This is the part where I tell you, for reasons unbeknownst to anyone, especially me, I was wearing a pink Minnie Mouse shirt.

I do not wear pastels. I wasn't really... a Disney fangirl? Why did I have this shirt? Why was I wearing it? Why did I choose this shirt, of all the shirts I owned, to wear to NEW YORK CITY?

I was an idiot.

I was also awkward and fat and strange, but I went along, bouyed by Dahlia's enthusiasm. I don't remember a lot about the club, other than it was loud, and the music was, like, embedding itself in my skeleton, and it had... an aroma.

But I gamely swayed and followed the far, far cooler people around me, punks and club kids all, and finally, went looking for a bathroom. On the second floor, near a sketch looking balcony, the sign for the bathroom pointed off down this hallway, and off I went.

Smack dab into this cluster of Goth locals.

And I remember, to this day, the feeling of being so out of my element that I might as well have been on the moon. I so obviously did not belong, and here I am standing, trying to decide if it's worth trying to get past these kids.

I remember this one girl. In a black lace and velvet dress, and black lipstick, and fingerless lace gloves. And she kind of smiled, and if you've ever been the bullied kid, you know what I mean when I say, my stomach iced over.

And she said, "Hey. Cool shirt."

I looked down at Minnie. Back up. "Your dress is really pretty."

(I am super good at social interactions)

"Are you looking for the bathrooms? Don't use these, people are doing... stuff in them."

(I did not ask what 'stuff' meant.)

And she took my arm, like we were friends, and walked me back out of the hallway. Pointed downstairs. "The better ones are in the back." And she patted my arm and smiled, and said, "It's a GREAT shirt."

And then she was gone.

I will remember that Goth girl forever. For a moment of exceptional kindness that made the rest of my trip so much easier. As an adult, I realize she'd probably been bullied for her clothing, for how she looked, and that one moment, and likely thousands more, she decided not to pass that pain on.

Happy World Goth Day. May we all be so true to what makes us happy.


band is @/thepssyboys on Instagram


The Pussyboys are going to release a single this June (The tiktok says Spotify but I'd rather buy on bandcamp for like an actual purchase and the band actually gets money instead of just spotify)

Honestly I'll prolly forget by tomorrow so dunno why I care, but maybe someone else will be glad to know.

Oh yeah same name on tiktok, I guess they can't use their real name on SNS, just 1984


Frankly some of you should be hornier over weirder shit. The fear of being too genuine is the enemy of art. Be a bit of a pervert. It's good for the health. Doesn't have to be a sexual thing just own up to being a bit obsessed in some cringe shit it's fine.


File this under "phrases from Tumblr that didn't have to go that hard but totally did".

Sometimes I get possessed by the spirit of an artist


guards! read me my bedtime yaoi

my liege if you keep having all of the guards come to your bedroom to read you bedtime stories, there will be no one to actually guard the castle during that time!

any intruders are welcome to join us for story time


my liege the enemies to lovers yaoi is affecting your perception of the danger of real enemies.

when will it be my turn.


health and safety section of barista training had a question about dealing with pests, one of the multiple choice answers to which was "call the police", which immediately reawakened the memory of "no way i'm not gonna narc on my buddy" in me like a sleeper agent activation phrase



鬼神 Kill Em All 1989

I am useless photographic memory man

410,757,864,530 DEAD COPS


it annoys me when sapphic women see an attractive woman and are like “i’m no better than a man 😳😔” like BABE you are allowed to see an attractive woman and want to fuck her!!! free yourself from the cottagecore PG13 narrative of sapphic attraction, look at her with lust in your heart!!!


#also men wanting to have sex with women is not disrespectful either! what’s disrespectful is crossing boundaries on purpose


I truly hate how the cinematic critique concept of the "male gaze" has been taken and fully bastardized into a progressive puritanical idea that privately feeling sexual attraction to someone is sinful


I’m not a comics expert by any means but I think that superheroes would be way less famous if they existed in the real world. Like irl, a lot of cities have local celebrities that are inside jokes for the people who live there. And between there only being 1 or 2 vigilantes in a huge city and the press not having great access to them I just can’t imagine them being any more famous than a citywide meme.

Like imagine you go to Gotham or some shit and this big fuckoff man in a black cloak and mask wooshes right past you while you’re in line for a burrito and you tweet about it and you get like 5 quotes being like “lmfao tourists don’t even know about batman anymore” like. The bat?? man??? And he’s just some guy that runs around assaulting criminals??? Or you visit your friend in NYC and see some wierdo in a red and blue gimp suit eating a hotdog and no one bats an eye and you’re like “do you think that guy is okay no judgement but like what is up with him” and they’re like “omg wait did I forget to tell you about spiderman?” And you can’t tell if this is just a New York thing or if you are actually losing your mind. Like can you imagine

I think every 6 months a tourist from Gotham posts a candid pic or video of themselves interacting with the Joker (or an equally notorious villain) assuming they’re street performers and captions it like “man people in this city are so funny!! 🤪” and horrified locals have to inform them that they were bothering a mass murderer. Like those reddit posts of people handling deadly wild animals without realising how much danger they’re in

@onenicebugperday who are these buggies?

The left is a giant water bug (aka “toe biter”) and the right is a tarantula hawk wasp. Giant water bugs can give you a very painful jab with their mouth parts and female tarantula hawk wasps have a super painful sting. Both are painful, neither is anywhere near deadly. You’d be fine. After some yelling.

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