

@lathalea / lathalea.tumblr.com

Far over the Misty Mountains cold... 18+ | Queue 24/7 | Masterlist Lathalea on AO3 | How about a Ko-fi with me?


➡️ Thorin

➡️ Fili and Kili




➡️Other Tolkien Characters

➡️Other Masterlists

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‘A strain of madness runs deep in that family. His grandfather lost his mind. His father succumbed to the same sickness. Can you swear Thorin Oakenshield will not also fall?’

Lonely Mountain and a few more dwarfs, collab with @chechula 🐉🥁 Also for the 2025 calendar.


Office Hours, Part 34

Summary: Lorelei Browning has just secured a job as an assistant professor at Exeter College in Oxford. Naturally, she is eager to prove herself and meet every challenge sent her way, but what she does not expect is the tall, handsome stranger who will quickly become much more than a colleague.

Relationship: Richard Armitage x OC (Professor AU)

Word Count: 1.9k

Rating: T

A/N: Well, here we are, this is the end of this story! I want to thank each and every one of you who has read this fic, and especially those who left kind comments. There were moments when I thought I might never finish this story, but your support kept me motivated to work on this story. I want to give an especially huge thank you to @lathalea for her endless support, for beta reading many of the chapters, and for sending me lovely photos and gifs of our handsome RA whenever I needed inspiration. I probably would have abandoned the story if it hadn't been for you ❤️

I hope you all enjoy this chapter, and as always, please leave comments! 💙

Awwwwww what a bittersweet ending 😭😭😭

3 months does go fast. I promise.

That was an amazing story. Absolutely adored it ❤️


And we want to read more about these two! 😍😍😍 No pressure (teeeheeee) but I’ll be haunting you in DMs @legolasbadass because the fanfic world is not done with them! 💚


The Stranger

Characters: mysterious Ranger tbd, OCs: Breelander human girl & hobbits

Relationships: Gen

Warnings: Mild discussion of an injury

Summary: On a dark and stormy night, a Breelander girl comes across an injured Ranger. Unsure of what to do, she enlists her neighbors, The Underhills, to help.


I am SCREAMING this was so so so so so gooooooood!!! Absolutely loved reading this, I will probably re-read it later, and it's highly likely I will still be thinking about this in many weeks and months to come...

(@fishing4stars I have to ask, will there be a part 2..? Pretty please...? 🙏)


I’m joining the screaming party, I’d love to read part 2 so very badly! This was such a great story 😍


The Stranger

Characters: mysterious Ranger tbd, OCs: Breelander human girl & hobbits

Relationships: Gen

Warnings: Mild discussion of an injury

Summary: On a dark and stormy night, a Breelander girl comes across an injured Ranger. Unsure of what to do, she enlists her neighbors, the Underhills, to help.


Right from the very beginning you captivated me with this story and drew me into Middle Earth for a little “adventure” with Amity and her neighbors! And the ending was just perfect, although now I want to read more of this! 😍😍😍


types of short fic

listed as best I can from shortest to longest

6 word stories: exactly 6 words long

twitterature: 280 characters or less

7x7: exactly 49 words long (Blake’s 7 fandom)

dribble: exactly 55 words long (LoTR fandom, The Faculty fandom). The same word count was popular in both Harry Potter and Farscape, but without a specific name. Dribble is sometimes seen as a half-drabble that is therefore 50 words long.

drabble: exactly 100 words long

155 words: exactly 155 words long (X-Files fandom)

double drabble: exactly 200 words long

221B: 221 words long with the last word starting in B (Sherlock fandom)

trabble / tribble / trouble: exactly 300 words long

flash fiction: no exact word count, but generally less than 500 words (pro fiction)

pentadrabble:exactly 500 words long

short short: between 500 and 1000 words

ficlet, snippet: no exact word count needed, but generally 1K or shorter

list pulled together from Fanlore - feel free to add more fandom-specific ones!


Processing existential anxiety one painting at a time.


For the three sentence fic... Thorin and reader (or take your pick for a different partner because I couldn't make up my mind) in a pirate/seafaring AU. Please and thank you!


First of all, I'm sorry you had to wait so long, but here it goes!

In the Splash of Time You don't know how long the storm raged on – hours or maybe days – the sky was continuously covered with a dark shroud of clouds, from time to time accentuated by sudden flashes of lightnings; you were soaking wet and cold, but together with the other crewmates you did everything you could to keep the ship afloat (even the toughest of pirates were helpless when facing a storm), but when one of the lightnings struck the main mast, you knew that was the end of your seafaring adventure: the falling mast was the last thing you saw – and then everything went dark.

You woke up on a rocky beach, feeling the sun burning your face and there were no dark clouds in sight; feeling exhausted, you tried to sit up, and then you heard a splashing sound, and a voice that came after it: "Easy, human, you need to drink"; then something touched your lips – a water bottle – and you drank greedily, enjoying its sweetness on your parched tongue that washed away the saltwater taste – and then you blinked, and looked up at the owner of that low, melodious voice: you saw a bearded face, wavy, dark hair, slightly wet, eyes as blue as the endless ocean, strong neck, bare, muscular chest... and a long tail, its silvery scales glistening in the sun.

Either you were hallucinating, or... your saviour was a merman.

Hope you liked this little thing @sweetestgbye!


Good things come to those who wait and oh my was this a good thing!!! 💙💙💙

The only problem is now I want more merman Thorin!

I’m so very happy you liked it!

And about wanting more of Merman Thorin… please clone me and I’ll be more than happy to write more 😈💕

Soon as my coworker finds that cloning machine he keeps talking about I will make sure to send it your way. Oooooh!! Then we can also clone enough Thorins for all of us! 😈

I really like your way of thinking 😏😏😏 Especially the last part 😈🤭


The Stranger

Characters: mysterious Ranger tbd, OCs: Breelander human girl & hobbits

Relationships: Gen

Warnings: Mild discussion of an injury

Summary: On a dark and stormy night, a Breelander girl comes across an injured Ranger. Unsure of what to do, she enlists her neighbors, The Underhills, to help.

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