
Echoes from the Sewer Drain

@savothesewercat / savothesewercat.tumblr.com

Aria'ana Savo Desdimona Sai Kesslivang's IC blog.

(XIV||22-Finale): Iamb-ish Pentameter.

SCENE: From left to right, OAKMOSS, IDANWYN, and ANNE-SOPHIE stand amidships on the Nixie, looking at the ship’s crystalline core. All have thoughts of ESCAPE and FEAR silvered at the edges with HOPE.


If I profane with my unworthiest hand    

this haunted ship, Her spirit clothed in mists,    

Would you, one passing priestess, ready stand    

to bless my rough touch with Sophia’s bliss?  

OAKMOSS (scoffing)

Good soldier, tju do wrong tjour hand too much,    

an unszeemly example for a witch.    

Tjour szaints have hands that gather tju to clutch,    

then szing their pszalms and push tju in their ditch.  

 ANNE-SOPHIE (with wounded pride)

You mean Witchdrop? Where I might meet my end?    


Aye, lovely, sae ye best offer yer prayers.    

ANNE-SOPHIE (holding her hands to her breast in shock)

You, too, Captain? And here I thought you friend!   

Then pray I shall, lest faith turn to despair.    

(ANNE-SOPHIE exits stage left, the FURY’S LOOKING-GLASS following after her.)


Szaints are not Godsz. They give not, only take.    

(OAKMOSS exits stage right, shedding fur, feathers, and cracked gems.)

IDANWYN (sotto voce)

Sounds lit’ ye, e’er chasin’ me Nixie’s wake.

(The lights fade until only the Nixie’s glow is left; curtains fall.)

((OOC Note: I got this weird ‘what if they were all in the same room’ thought, and so here we are. Apologies to Shakespeare and fans of iambic pentameter everywhere.))


With October just around the corner, NASA has released its latest Galaxy of Horrors posters. Presented in the style of vintage horror movie advertisements. As fun and creative as all three posters are, they're based on real phenomena. 🎃

Can you hear this exoplanet screaming?

As HD 80606 b approaches its star from an extreme, elliptical orbit, it suffers star-grazing torture that causes howling, supersonic winds and shockwave storms across the planet. Its torturous journey boils its atmosphere to a hellish 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit every 111 days, roasting both its light and dark sides. HD 80606b will never escape this scorching nightmare.

This bone-chilling force will leave you shivering alone in terror!

An unseen power is prowling throughout the cosmos, driving the universe to expand at a quickening rate. This relentless pressure, called dark energy, is nothing like dark matter, that mysterious material only revealed by its gravitational pull. Dark energy offers a bigger fright: pushing galaxies farther apart over trillions of years, leaving the universe to an inescapable, freezing death in the pitch black expanse of outer space.​

Cygnus X-1 Presents:

It’s Dinner Time and You’re The Meal!

Lurking in our galaxy, approximately 6,000 light-years from Earth, is a monster named CygnusX-1. This black hole, which has about 14.8 times the mass of our Sun, will stretch and squeeze anything it captures in its immense gravity. Cygnus X-1 is waiting, snacking on its neighboring star. Don’t get too close, or you’ll become its next meal!

This chillingly haunted galaxy mysteriously stopped making stars only a few billion years after the Big Bang! It became a cosmic cemetery, illuminated by the red glow of decaying stars. Dare to enter, and you might encounter the frightening corpses of exoplanets or the final death throes of once-mighty stars.

Something strange and mysterious creeps throughout the cosmos. Scientists call it dark matter. It is scattered in an intricate web that forms the skeleton of our universe. Dark matter is invisible, only revealing its presence by pushing and pulling on objects we can see. NASA’s Roman Space Telescope will investigate its secrets. What will be revealed?

In the depths of the universe, the cores of two collapsed stars violently merge to release a burst of the deadliest and most powerful form of light, known as gamma rays. These beams of doom are unleashed upon their unfortunate surroundings, shining a million trillion times brighter than the Sun for up to 30 terrifying seconds. No spaceship will shield you from the blinding destruction of the gamma ray ghouls!

These doomed worlds were among the first and creepiest to be discovered as they orbit an undead star known as a pulsar. Pulsar planets like Poltergeist and its neighboring worlds, Phobetor and Draugr, are consumed with constant radiation from the star’s core. Nothing but the undead can subsist in this most inhospitable corner of the galaxy.

This far-off blue planet may look like a friendly haven – but don’t be deceived! Weather here is deadly. The planet’s cobalt blue color comes from a hazy, blow-torched atmosphere containing clouds laced with glass. Howling winds send the storming glass sideways at 5,400 mph (2km/s), whipping all in a sickening spiral. It’s death by a million cuts on this slasher planet!


(XIV||22) Masterpost!

Last year, I challenged myself to write round-robin about four of my alts. This year I’m going to attempt to write an ongoing story about my three main ladies! I’m planning on doing ten prompts in a row for each of them. If that fails, I’ll still write something…so if that ends up being the case, challenge hopefully failed successfully! Good luck to everyone; this is always one of my favorite times of year. 

Submission Form || Links to each entry behind the cut! Temporarily pinning this for the month since it’s easier to edit daily that way.


Tuesday 9/6 8pm to 11pm US EST:

The Glitter Hall welcomes Limsa's sexiest pirate Reckless for ONE NIGHT ONLY! Come dance to bawdy sea shanties, drinking songs, and general tavern-like songs. Bring your best pirate glams and for one night be the most fabulous pirate you can be!

Disclaimer: Please do not touch the sexy pirate. You may spontaneously combust.

EVENING REMINDER! We open in less than an hour! 8pm US EST! Come be a glamorous pirate and dance with us in our pirate-themed dance party! We also have a bar and lots of rum...if you don't dance...


Who: You and your besties and your besties' besties!

When: Saturday, August 20, 2022 at 7 PM Eastern

Where: Eastern La Noscea (x:36.2 y:25.5) [The Moonfire Faire island!]

Wear: Your beach finery! It's a luau!

Why: Because everybody deserves a beach episode.

What: It's time for another one of Club Crescent's besties over at @aetherbound-institute 's magical exhibitions, and we and our partners at @redlanterns-ffxiv are here to help make it a bash to remember! Educational experiences are optional but highly encouraged. This year's elements are Earth, Wind and Fire. Disco is also optional but highly encouraged because this is a beach party, not our fabulous semi-annual Disco Club Night. Disco will not be optional at Disco Club Night, you have been warned in advance.

🏄 Masterlink 🏄

((Crescent club nights are meant to be a joyous occasion, and we understand if everything gets to be a bit much. Slipping out to somewhere quiet and returning is absolutely fine! Given the current atmosphere surrounding 'clubs', we'd also like to specify that while we do have a DJ providing optional music, our events are RP events, not twitch-streamed influencer parties.))

★ We’d adore your help in spreading the word, thank you! ★


Had a blast at a performance, as usual~! It was good fun to see others and myself boogie it down before a bunch of fun singers/performers and the songs! Thanks a lot for hosting it @savothesewercat and co! Lot’s of love to ya!

glad to see you opelle : )

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