
solar eclipse eyes

@desertpacificoctopi / desertpacificoctopi.tumblr.com

leofwyn // 24 // they/them

planned obsolescence is out of damn control. there was once a time that a bedframe, any simple bedframe, could withstand the weight of two 300-pound men going at it obscene style, as nature intended. it was furniture made by REAL carpenters. now the darn things can barely withstand a sensual threesome between 3 scrawny lesbian twinks. with the march of capitalism driving the profit incentive over efficiency, now we all have shitty overpriced bedframes and everyone has to suffer the effects of homophobia.

this brings up a really good point: a good bedframe should be able to support two 300 hundred pound gay men OR two 300 pound lesbians. only a really bad bedframe would lesbophobically give out under the weight of lesbian lovemaking. two 300 hundred pound bears, a 300 hundred pound femme and her 300 pound butch, a 300 hundred pound bisexual otter and his 300 pound bisexual goth wife. good carpentry should be inclusive.


was at the local watering hole when the news broke and a random guy looking at his phone went "wow!" so i asked "trump?" and he said "no, new species of tiger beetle"


I was trying to explain to my grandma what being bisexual meant and saying that I looked at ladies butts and she was all “You’re not GAY everyone checks out ladies rear ends” and my sister was like “I have never wanted to look at a ladies butt” Later my grandma called me and was like “I THINK I MIGHT BE A LITTLE GAY”


I just saw this on Reddit

But it was posted like this and as I didn’t remember the post, I asked

And I had to look it up and found the original and saw that it indeed was posted to Reddit edited?? To look??? Like it was an interaction between??? Seth Everman??? And me???



I have OCD and with that comes quasi-hallucinations, and I grew up watching a ton of horror films so some of the worst of mine are the standard white skin/black hair demon girl type shit.

However, because a lot of them are based on horror film I have found comfort in doing things that “go against” horror films and being like “see? This could never happen.”

(It’s irrational. I know that. But shut up. This is how I cope.)

For example: I started hearing garbled whispering from beneath my table, so I started playing the muppets sound track. Because they would never play Movin’ Right Along when the protagonist is about to get attacked. That won’t happen. Disney, who owns the muppets, wouldn’t give them the rights.

And it fucking worked.


Listen. New or questioning trans girl. People will say that wearing a skirt and panties giving you a boner is proof that what you're doing is unnatural. This is untrue. You are experiencing the sense of liking how you look: something most cis people have. You have begun to enjoy your body, something that has been absent for years. Your first kiss ever also will feel/felt that much more powerful. It's a little lame but just enjoy it for now.

Very true. It's uncomfortable because it's new, not because it's wrong.

Anonymous asked:

Three years back, I created 13 alternate accounts on Discord and inserted them into my friend group over the course of a few months, pretending each of them was a new person. They have their own personality and typing / grammar distinctions, and their own fake life events and stories that I've had to keep meticulous track of. Some of them even engaged romantically with real people, though none in the present day. Nowadays the original friend group is split up, with some fake people being present in about each server that still has some kind of connection to the former group. One active group chat even has six alts and one real person. I literally have to keep this up like a puppetmaster because these pretend people have real, important connections to people I still care about. It's hard but I literally don't know how to resolve or change the situation without causing a wave of dispair and destruction in one way or another.

hey, what the fuck? are you okay prev? prev? hello?????


i used to do this thing when people would angrily disagree with me in a forum thread where i would immediately pretend to launch a text-based rpg called TOWER OF THE WIZARD and provide them with settings and scenarios and prompt action inputs from them and for some reason they would start playing it every time

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