
Embrace the subjectivity of beauty and get scared

@fireball-me / fireball-me.tumblr.com

They/she. 🖤💜

the thoughts of diogenes of sinope but presented as if they’re dril tweets

  • “in case anyone was wondering, yes, that is me running naked throug the agora with a lantern every day, yelling for an honest man as my dick swings magnificently in the breeze”
  • yeah i only own this cup, yuo could say i live the simplest life (sees 9 yo child drink from hands) oh shit, oh fuck (zeus strikes me w a thunderbolt bc of my hubris
  • (after telling alexander the great to get out of my sunlight) its a tough job out here to own all the fools and trolls on twitter dot com but its a burden im willing to bear
  • “shitting in a bush outside the marketplace when i hear a bard reciting homer. i do what i must. i stand tall in complete agony; as shit runs down my leg”
  • “i will never log off!” i holler as i am dragged from the agora for jerking off near the red figure boar vases
  • “im going to hold my breath until all the trolls in athens are banned" i say. immediatly i collapse dead on the ground and a dog eats my corpse as my soul descends to tartarus 
  • (while holding a plucked chicken with fake nails glued to its feet) “it is with a heavy heart that i must announce that plato is at it again”

so sooo sick of misinterpretations of the word "eldritch" and "eldritch horror". omg haha eldritch horror guys *angel art* eldritch beings lol *big tentacle monster* IM SICK OF IT!!! IM SICK OF IT!!!!!! GO PLAY DOKI DOKI LITERATURE CLUB


You are so right. It's less about some kind of "aesthetic" and more a thematic concept of power and comprehension and NOBODY GETS IT. Pretty soon people will be calling taylor swift eldritch


i work with this guy from ireland and conversations with him are such a treat. Bro! So daft 😂 has become a huge meme for me in my brain

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