take me the long way home

@parttimeprophet / parttimeprophet.tumblr.com

queue running!! | kez | they/them | 18+ only mdni | occasional writer

“No one wants to look at art of OCs” I don’t think that’s true at all…I follow people specifically to see their OCs literally all the time. Bring back being curious about people’s OCs, asking questions about them and hyping them up like we did when we were teens


i wanted to ask you….

/gets down on one knee

can our ocs hang out


The first PRIDE was a riot

Stormé Delariverie, the first woman pictured is a mixed Black butch lesbian who was dressed in drag that night because she had just finished performing as a Drag King at the The Apollo and Radio City Hall. She's literally referred to as the "Rosa parks of the gay community." Not trans but certainly a gnc black lesbian.

Sylvia Rivera, who has admitted to throwing the 2nd Molotov was a Puerto Rican/venezuelan trans woman, she's pictured last holding the banner with the bob cut.

Rivera is standing beside the beautiful and always smiling Marsha P. Johnson. She was another Black trans woman who pioneered the movement. She was at so many protests and queer events that I couldn't pick a photo!!!

On August 5, 1961, four party-going sailors entered Black Nite, a popular St. Paul Avenue gay bar in Milwaukee, on a dare. They started a fight with the bouncer, only to be chased out of the bar by gender-nonconforming Black “queen” Josie Carter, who knocked one of the men unconscious with a bottle. It's the first recorded LGBT uprising.

One day in 1966, an officer placed his hand on a trans woman at Compton’s—she responded by throwing her cup of coffee in his face. A riot erupted as dozens of trans people, drag queens and gay men fought the police. They broke windows, destroyed a police car, and set a newsstand on fire. Drag queens hit police with heavy purses. In the end, however, police arrested the women.

The 'Flower Power' Protest. The Patch was an LGBTQ bar in Wilmington owned and managed by Lee Glaze. Glaze had a secret signal—he’d play “God Save the Queen” on the jukebox—to announce that police officers were entering the bar, allowing patrons time to comply with the discriminatory laws. On August 17, 1968, undercover cops left the bar and returned with several uniformed officers for backup, though it’s unclear what prompted this action. They fanned out and began to screen the crowd, looking for IDs that didn’t “match” the holder’s outward appearance.

He marched everyone to buy flowers and then they waited at the police station for the two to get out.

There are cis white people in these photos because the trans people were in jail. This is them standing in SOLIDARITY for their GNC community.

You DO owe Stonewall to POC and trans people and drag queens and drag kings and GNC people, whether you like it or not.

I hope nobody ever feels comfortable saying this ignorant ass shit to me again.


I don’t care about it at all (I have carried its weight around like a rock on my chest since the very day it happened)

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