

👍 Hera + Satsuki

Honestly, Satsuki has never seen a Viera before and she's still absolutely mystified by them. The very first time they ever met was because Satsuki couldn't resist pulling on her ears to see if they were real.
The rudeness of it all be damned, of course. Cause after all - she's dead. Most people can't see her. Only children and the occasional Weird Adult Who Has Bad Headaches. It's not like if she physically interacts with someone, they're going to immediately round about and notice her. Most will think it's just a weird chill.
So imagine her surprise when Hera does. She probably ran away after being noticed and gave Hera a small 'search the city for this goddamn kid' quest.

👍 Katya + Orianna

Katya's viewpoint of her team is one of convenience - she is there purely because she has something to gain by joining them, and due to her more selfish moral standings, is less attached to the other members beyond the immediate benefits of having safety in numbers.
That being said, the other two aasimar in the party, as far as she is concerned, are dumb as a bricks if they think she's the party Tiefling, and not Orianna. Who is. Very clearly a tiefling by sheer appearance alone.
Orianna is more whimsical in nature than the other party members, and thus is a bit more difficult to read in comparison, so Katya is honestly not sure if sure if she's just amused by this misconception, or if she's using it to her own advantage as well.
... that being said, Katya definitely views her as the smart one among her other party members, and thus more worth spending time with. Which is definitely a positive viewpoint, even if a roundabout insult for everyone else in the party.

👍 Serena + Carel

Serena's the one who befriended Carel, not the other way around - Carel's too skittish and lacking in social etiquette to actually know how to make friends. So Serena is definitely the one who breached that gap and just dragged Carel into Friendship.
Them both being archers and roughly around the same age bracket in their respective species definitely helps.
She's a bit jealous off Serena's sheer damage potential, though - while she's a very quick draw, Carel just doesn't have the ability to put nearly as much power into her arrows as Serena does.

👍 Linette + Alafare

Hilariously, Alafare is closer to Verna than she is to Linette. That isn't to say they aren't fairly close - as Alafare is a fellow lover and scholar of magic, Linette is drawn to her by sheer virtue of interest. They hold a lot of shared interests and easily bond over literally anything magical. But Linette does infact keep her distance from Alafare regardless. Unlike her sister, who despite her absolute refusal to get close to people out of fear of potential betrayal actually really wants friends and is thus more willing to let others in so long as they know what buttons need to be pressed, Linette is... well, she keeps a wall up at all times. Even to those who should be realistically allowed past that wall. It probably infuriates Alafare to no end, to know that even after all these years, Linette still doesn't trust the rest of the party to let them in close and share her own insecurities - especially when Alafare is in the best position to be the one those secrets are shared to. It doesn't stop Linette from interacting with Alafare at all - if anything, the proximity allows Alafare to actually see that there's a wall that has yet to be torn down. And Linette is aware that the wall is more obvious - making her more prone to evading attention to said wall whenever it's brought up. A conundrum. For now, the two play a precarious song-and-dance with Alafare trying to tear down that wall, and Linette silently patching that wall back up whenever she notices that it's been weakened.


quotes from the first book of carissa broadbent's crown of nyaxia series . might be spoilery but i didn't include names . tw for cursing , death , suggestive content . for all your vampire , enemy ( to lovers ) & reluctant allies dynamics . * feel free to change roles , pronouns .


" don't look away. " " this place is a fucking disaster. " " never guessed you were pretty under all of that. " " i take no criticism from a drowned rat like you. " " which reminds me, i have something for you. " " made me think of you. " " it's a good color for you. " " youth is wasted on the young. beauty, too. " " you're sweet. prickly, but sweet. in an acidic sort of way. like a pineapple. " " i'm tired. tired of being afraid. " " crazy old bitch. " " don't drink yourself to death. " " you're dead here. try again. "


" you are prey in a world of predators. " " may the Mother guide you. " " i was trying to save your life. " " i'm not a fool. " " are you deaf, or just stupid? " " you're unfriendly. " " ally with me. " " top of the eastern tower. if you change your mind. " " you'll be easy to kill later. "


" a gift from a goddess. " " i have a gift for you. " " you're a demanding little thing, aren't you? " " becasue i'm nice and pretty. " " OPEN. THIS. FUCKING. DOOR. " " remember right now exactly how lucky you are. " " i feel sorry for her. " " that was a foolish decision. " " i taught you better. " " i would have been there, if i could. " " keep those teeth ready, little serpent. " " watch their back, but don't let them see yours. " " use him. but never allow him to use you. " " what in the seven fucking hells is wrong with you? " " we can't cooporate if you won't let me get close to you. " " i won't even dignify that with a response. " " you're working against me, not with me. " " you are afraid of me. " " i'm not going to hurt you. how close do i have to get without splitting you open to make you believe that? " " i don't know how i ever thought this was gonna work. " " don't let them take her. "


" you're many things. but a good actress is not one of them. " " we're losing moonlight. " " don't you worry about me. " " get the fuck away from her. " " i'll be back. don't burn to death. " " i called and called but he wouldn't answer. " " we're surrounded by those who would like to see us dead. " " don't forget those teeth of yours. you will need them. " " daughter of the moon. welcome. " " i'm sorry for what i'm about to do to you. " " i'm glad your bedside manner is about as delicate as i would have expected. " " too late for that. you're stuck with me. " " did you miss me? " " i'm coming for you. " " you worried me. i should have known better. "


" return to the church at sundown. " " you were fucking magnificent. " " something bothers you. " " a dance? " " one more dance. " " give me one honest thing. " " are you going to kill me? " " you might destroy me anyway. " " that wasn't how i'd imagined making you come for the first time. " " you seem to be good at winning the hearts of ill-tempered creatures. " " we have enough if we ration. " " it finally happened. you've lost your mind. " " after everything, you're still afraid of me? " " i'm not a fucking animal. " " didn't think i'd see you again. " " you said it yourself. you don't have a choice. " " you can still say no. " " don't do anything stupid. " " we need to run right now. "


" you look them in the eye. " " i gave you everything. i made you all that you are. " " don't look at me that way. " " kiss me. " " we'll probably die tomorrow. " " show me something worth living for. " " i've done a lot of thinking about you. " " i would beg, for you, i would. " " you have fucking destroyed me. " " there she is. " " give me a fair fight and i'll give you a fair death. " " i'm glad it was you. " " end it. " " i know what it is to lose half of one's soul. " " so many mistakes in the end. never you. " " you're safe. "


" i was ready to let it all go for you. " " that is the stupidest plan i have ever heard. " " we will find the answers. " " everything looks so much more peaceful now, doesn't it? " " power is a bloody business. " " and there is no one i would rather have beside me. " " i give you my body. i give you my blood. i give you my soul. " " i'd like to be alone. " " you look like shit. " " better this than dead. " " what's the plan? " " you can find me when you need me. "


👍 Patchouli + Remilia


While Patchouli is the first to mock and tease Remilia, she is the last that would betray the vampire. Be it the head's trust, expectations, or desires, the magician of the mansion will always see to it that Remilia is not left wanting. And when she cannot do the impossible, she finds a suitable substitute.

This is because Remilia is genuinely Patchouli's closest and most trusted friend. It's part of the reason she bellyaches and bemoans whenever Remilia wants something - frankly dumb - done, but Patchouli always does it. Spaceship to the moon? Done. Indoor pool party? Done. Tampering with the weather to discourage Flandre from going outside? Done.

As Remilia's friend, however, Patchouli also understands that this is a two way street. As she's never let Remilia down when she could help it (Reimu/Marisa are forces of nature, let's be honest), the librarian knows that Remilia would do the same for her. She wants an incredibly rare book in which only one copy exists? Remilia finds it. She wants a garden for dangerous and magical plants AND people to maintain it? It's built. She wants medicine found on a remote island off the coast of Spain? Done.

So while she's finicky and sassy towards the vampire in a way that no one else in the mansion is, Patchouli would sooner meet her own end than turn her back on her dear friend.


👍 WoL!Lee and Hera


Hera has an uncanny ability to get Lee to wear things she normally wouldn't. Normally, Lee prefers to dress dashing and gallant. She believes it suits knight and a hero, befitting the image she has cultivated to inspire others. It also helps to cover up some of her deep rooted body issues such as her scars or her discomfort with the male gaze she developed being pushed at an arranged marriage at too young an age.

Most find it difficult to get her to branch out from this. Lee resists such efforts saying it doesn't suit her. Not Hera however. Be it suggestions for personal outfits or modeling her fashion designs to draw attention to them with her unique status, she never fails to get the Warrior to wear whatever it is she wishes. Lee even learned to walk in heels from her. "Fair Hera is quite fearsome. Between her and Tataru there is no chance of resistance. it is better to just submit and act as a model."


"...Still, if it makes her smile and helps her pursue her dreams I am proud to wear her designs. I actually rather quite like some of them, if I'm honest. I never thought I would look good in such things, but having someone as fashion minded as her making them specifically for me makes it easy." "..Just don't tell her I said that, Okay? That is how I end up trying to fight primals in a mini skirt and stilettos."


👍 Lee and Alafare


No deadly sin embodies Lee better than Pride. Coming from a prestigious family at the top of Taldan society and being forced to exceed standards to get by in the male driven empire she learned at a young age to admit fault was to admit weakness. She learned to be stubborn, bull headed, and unapologetic as she forced her way through the closed doors in her life. This has been a bane as well as a boon however. In her social life, she finds it very difficult to admit when she is wrong and has taken years to apologize even for huge mistakes. A fact that Alafare knows very well.

Thanks to recent events Lee is working on this, especially towards Alafare to help rebuild their strained friendship. She still finds it very difficult to say out loud, and in the moment may fail to, but she will quickly write out the apology at length and mail it to the dhampir. In writing she finds it easier to express herself and speaks more candidly, admitting things she could never face to face. She admits it's cowardly and loses some of its effect this way, but invites her friend to keep the letters and to cash them in on her whenever she needs a favor in exchange for this small mercy.

..Considering how often the knight misunderstands, jumps to conclusions, or simply is socially inept, Alafare likely has a huge stack of 'Lee has to' coupons to cash in as she sees fit.


👍 Claudine and Maya


Maya infuriates Claudine. But the reason that she does has changed as the two have bonded. When they first met, it was because Claudine had never been knocked out of the spotlight. She had always been first place. And sure, she knew beforehand that the prodigy daughter of the famed director Tendo and an actress would be someone to marvel at, but she never thought that someone could knock her down to 2nd place.

However, her jealousy and pride gave birth to other feelings, and with those feelings, Claudine's source of infuriation changed. While she still despises the idea of being "2nd Best", Claudine now sees Maya as rival. And her infuriation now stemmed from how she would come short of meeting her rival performances (and also her rival's taunting).

Then the rivalry gave way for newer, more personal feelings. Her infuriation now and currently comes from Maya's lack of humanization of herself. The other actress's insistence that "she is a prodigy of the stage" and "an empty vessel to fulfill the audience's desires" do nothing but piss Claudine off to no end. But when she's infuriated now, Claudine has no problem directing it at Maya and using it to pull out the humanity that Maya tries to push down and repress.


👍 Katherine and Alafare


Katherine's the top


To the surprise of absolutely no one, Katherine is Alafare's number one fan. Her once singular, boring bookshelf stocked with political theory, dry notes on foreign customs, and heavy textbooks on the nations of the world and their nobility is now more colorful as they're filled with every volume and print of Alafare's published works.

In fact, she's even bought more bookshelves prior to them moving in together in anticipation for how ever many more works Alafare would publish. It was one of the few signs of more than mundane life in her room. Of course, the investments proved fruitful when they did move in together and Alafare brought her personal hoard of literature along with her.

On the topic of Katherine's minimalism lifestyle, she's actually started to invest in her homelife more since moving in with Alafare. Her once barren walls - save for a family portrait - are now decorated with landscapes and maps marked with where she'd like to visit. Her desk is a little more disorganized with notes on plays she wants to write with details from recently read books that she'd like to replicate or employ. Her bookshelf holds more than just writing, now decorated with little plants or rocks or souvenirs from her travels.

Most notably, her cooking game has become much, much more expressive in the form of food art - much to the despair of the people that have to eat her adorable creations like raccoon pancakes.


mad scientist stupid

You might be a genius in one area but you fail hard in other things. You try to apply your knowledge of one thing to something you aren't great at to varying results. You are reckless and do whatever it takes in pursuit of your goal (this usually involves something exploding). You were doing quantum physics this morning but charred your grilled cheese for dinner. Your social skills probably aren't the best but you're "that person that knows a lot about the thing" so that's something to be proud of.

Tagged by: @mysticallities ty!

Tagging: @momigeddon (alice), @wonderloste (amadeu), @londonfallen (silas), @corvidmagicae + steal it from me!


Sorry Hera - there's a small child reaching up to grab at one of the viera's ears, full intention to pull on it lightly to see if it will come off. Who knows if Hera can actually see this kid, so it may seem as if her ears are getting caught on thin air. (Satsuki, @curecriticalwounds)


"A-ah hey now, no pulling!" The viera wasn't quite sure where this child had come from, she had been so busy sewing she didn't notice until she felt the sharp tug on her ear. Even if the child wasn't pulling hard by any means, her ears were still quite sensitive and she certainly didn't appreciate unprompted grabbing! Carefully moving her ears away from the child, giving them a quick run through with her hands to smooth over their fur "Those are no playthings little one, you shouldn't go yanking on them any more than a lady's ponytail." She turns in her seat to face the child directly offering a caring smile. "Now... mind telling me where you've come from?"


the kingdom of copper  (  the daevabad trilogy book 2 )   s. a. chakraborty change tenses/pronouns as needed !!  some lines have been edited for clarity / length / ease of roleplaying     tw ;  death ,  violence ,  religion mentio

  • ‘keep your sense of humor. you’re going to need it.’
  • ‘you look like you’re about to be sick.’
  • ‘you don’t look fine. you’re trembling.’
  • ‘are you afraid of me?’
  • ‘quite frankly, you terrify me and I wouldn’t mind staying on your good side.’
  • ‘you’d be amazed by the things a person can do to survive.’
  • ‘if I’ve not said it lately, I think I hate you.’
  • ‘I find the idiotic rumors enjoyable.’
  • ‘the ( ____ ) do not need a reason to be violent. it is their nature.’
  • ‘you have the look of someone freshly scolded.’
  • ‘I wish you would talk to me.’
  • ‘I feel like I have no idea what goes on in your head.’
  • ‘you have more walls up than a maze.’
  • ‘I can always count on you to honestly insult me.’
  • ‘nothing’s going to happen to you, I swear. I won’t let it, and I’m obnoxiously honorable about these things.’
  • ‘affection is a weakness for people like us, a thing to be concealed from those who would harm us.’
  • ‘a threat to a loved one is a more effective method of control than weeks of torture.’
  • ‘your affections are yours. but do not let them be a weakness. in any way.’
  • ‘I don’t trust you. I don’t trust myself with you.’
  • ‘that’s not a weakness i intent to let drag me down.’
  • ‘you should be proud. not many people can outwit me, but you? you had me believing you were my friend until the very end.’
  • ‘is this enough for you, then? you’ve intruded upon my privacy to dredge up the worst night of my life. is there anything else?’
  • ‘liar. oh, do you not like being called a liar?’
  • ‘I want to go home.’
  • ‘you don’t need to be a weapon to be an asset.’
  • ‘I know you don’t trust me. I know we have our differences. but this? this goes beyond all that. I need you to tell me the truth.’
  • ‘I reward loyalty—- I don’t terrorize people into it.’
  • ‘i’ll not forget what you did tonight.’
  • ‘whether or not I need to know more was not your decision to make.’
  • ‘I need at least one person I can trust, one person who will tell me the truth no matter what.’
  • ‘it breaks my heart when I remember the man you used to be.’
  • ‘I didn’t mean it like that. I only meant that I wouldn’t have blamed you for wanting me dead.’
  • ‘wanting you dead and actually killing you are very different things. and I’m no murderer.’
  • ‘i’m no murderer.’
  • ‘glad to know you’re just as brutal when you’re being honest as you are when lying.’
  • ‘I couldn’t take that risk. you’re not the only one with a duty.’
  • ‘surely you can lie better than that.’
  • ‘why are you looking at me like that? it is alarming.’
  • ‘you owe me a debt. I don’t intend to let it go unpaid.’
  • ‘a partnership founded in deceit is no partnership at all.’
  • ‘I would not wish to lie and bring you into danger unwarned.’
  • ‘saving a life and taking one are very different matters.’
  • ‘I don’t think (name) will ever look at me the same way again. I don’t think anyone will.’
  • ‘I wish I could tell you that it becomes easier.’
  • ‘I suppose our reputations are small prices to pay if it means our people will be safe.’
  • ‘grief clouds the mind, makes people say terrible things.’
  • ‘does it get easier?’
  • ‘you will make us monsters.’
  • ‘you will make us monsters. that is what we are if you let this happen… and that’s not a reputation you’ll ever lose.’
  • ‘then we will be monsters.’
  • ‘then we will be monsters. I will pay that price to end this war.’
  • ‘you do know that most people sleep at night, yes?’
  • ‘you know nothing about me.’
  • ‘it’s such a monumentally absurd story—- even for you—- to concoct that I’m assuming there’s a chance it’s the truth.’
  • ‘there are always people to save. and always cunning men and women around who find a way to take advantage of that duty and harness it into power.’
  • ‘are you asking questions now? I thought all you did was obey.’
  • ‘you would make for a better companion if you were clever.’
  • ‘i’m sick and tired of acting like the only way to save our people is to cut down all who might oppose us, as if our enemies won’t return the favor the instant power shifts.’
  • ‘I suppose I’ve forgotten there are situations for which kindness is the most powerful weapon.’
  • ‘i’m so tired of this. all this plotting and scheming just to keep breathing. it feels like I’m treading water … and, god, do I want to rest.’
  • ‘I think that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.’
  • ‘you’ll always owe me. I have a talent for extending the debts of powerful people indefinitely.’
  • ‘you can’t fight him. he is capable of things you can’t imagine. he’ll destroy you.’
  • ‘go and steal some happiness for yourself. trust me when I say the chance doesn’t always come back.’
  • ‘oh, do you not enjoy being embarrassed? that’s odd, as you don’t seem to mind doing it to me.’
  • ‘what do you know about grief? who have you lost, (name)?’
  • ‘who have you lost? whose died in your arms? who have you begged to come back, to look at you one last time?’
  • ‘I almost believed it, you know? your act.’
  • ‘don’t you fucking die, (name).’
  • ‘are you going to stick a dagger in my back and run off the moment I tell you?’
  • ‘can we try being on the same side for one night?’
  • ‘can we fight about this later?’
  • ‘I should have been here. this is all my fault.’
  • ‘I promise you—- you’re safe now.’
  • ‘I know what it’s like to have ambitions, to be the cleverest in the room— and have those ambitions crushed.’
  • ‘I know what it’s like to have men who are less than you bully and threaten you into a place you know you don’t belong.’
  • ‘the things I could teach you; you’d be a goddess. you’d never have to lower your head again.’
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