

it/its crippled and tired I don't have much info in my bio for a reason dm me if you wanna know shit not a minor art blog is @theartistrans

In the past week or two my phone broke entirely, and I had to replace it, which took a while, causing me to miss work, which I badly needed. When I got my check, I had much less than expected. I had a post up to try to get help to replace my phone and cover what we need this month to get stable, and it didn't meet the goal. Additionally, in the past day, PayPal has frozen my incoming balance from any work/kofi/presumably everything? because I made more than they expected, I guess, I don't know, and any advice is appreciated.

All of that being said, we got enough food to make us a bit, I need help affording toilet paper and me and my roommates meds. I'll probably figure out food for the rest of the month now that some of our food crops are producing, but anything helps because we also have about $1,000 in medical costs this month.

I will do art for anyone who helps with this, just dm me @theartistrans also dm me for proof of this situation, I have so much but it's a lot of private medical documents so. Yeah.

$C V Zelle (dm me)


We have not received anything to go towards this, may be able to get a ride to the store today, and we really need toilet paper and our meds. If anyone wants to buy stuff I've painted?

Goal met, anything else will go to this months ridiculous medical costs.

An appointment I thought was next Friday is actually this Friday, and I am likely going be $200 short on the cost. The appointment is for my autoimmune and seizure issues. Anything helps with this.


Fundraising has become next to impossible so I am not asking for a wheelchair anymore but please help me and my family get through one more month and i think ill be able to not ask anymore. We're two disabled trans women and a cat.

Venmo: AGIEF

Cashapp: $cmder

$489/$1700 raised


Fundraising has become next to impossible so I am not asking for a wheelchair anymore but please help me and my family get through one more month and i think ill be able to not ask anymore. We're two disabled trans women and a cat.

Venmo: AGIEF

Cashapp: $cmder

$489/$1700 raised



Please help a homeless trans woman survive!

Charlotte is a homeless trans woman who is extremely sick and living in her car with her dog. She has faced extreme transphobic violence over the past few weeks, including being physically beaten and sprayed with bear mace. She has no clean clothes and really needs to take a shower. She has a tumor in her stomach that makes it hard to digest food, and she has had multiple expensive court cases because of driving without car insurance. On top of that, her car is in really poor condition and needs to be fixed. I try to text with her when I can and I am truly worried about her health and the level of violence she is experiencing. With $350 Iā€™m hoping she can fix her car, get some clothes, and a hotel for one night. If 35 people send $10 thatā€™s enough! Please share and donate or share if you can! Anything helps!

VENM0 @ruby_arnone


No donations in 2 days! Please help if you can!


literally what the fuck is it about europeans that makes them emit heretofore-undiscovered variants of Hitler particles when confronted with the existence of Travellers/Roma

what the fuck


ive been out all day idk if its been on tumblr at all but shit was fucking crazy today there were a lot of arrests and a lot of people getting attacked by the police.

this was my campus today. i managed to escape but many students and faculty were arrested after an attempt to expand the encampment. there was absolutely zero violence from the protesters and they were met with riot police from multiple cities. not that verbose right now but i have been avoiding cops for five hours and had rubber bullet guns pointed at me. i can still hear the helicopters circling from my apartment. i will be looking for bail funds and i ask that you help out/reblog if you can once they drop

according to the encampment instagram 46 people have been arrested


the North Carolina government is trying to ban people from wearing mask even if you have a medical reason. if you live in NC please message your local legislators the bill is going back to the house because there were amendments by the senate. You can follow this prompt and thereā€™s other resources at the link. and yes Covid is still killing and disabling people.

please if you live in NC message your reps!


i may need some help with $ again but idk itā€™s not urgent but i forgot how expensive the end of the week is for uber so šŸ˜£

yes so iā€™ll still need some help again šŸ˜ž i brought lunch and thatā€™s kinda how i found out i still donā€™t have enough

i donā€™t need much. i have enough for tonight and tomorrow but ill struggle a bit after that. so ill need justā€¦..$65 more in total and thatā€™s it! i swear šŸ˜£ im putting it out there that this will be my last time for real!


paypal/venmo dms only!

thank you!


Anonymous asked:

Weighing in briefly on the egg discourse, I think that a lot of TME people don't actually acknowledge the idea of an egg as existing - some people are cis men and some completely unrelated people are trans women. I don't think its really intentional, but to them the idea of a pre-transition trans woman isn't a real category of person, so obviously """"trying to convince a cis man that he's a trans woman"""""" would be a little fucked up.



This has been said before but I also think there's something there about the root of transmisogyny- the idea that it's just bad for a "man" to "become" a woman. For someone to insinuate that another person might be a trans woman is still an offense in their mind; they're confronted with the potential act of feminization, and even if they are themselves queer or trans, it upsets them.


I don't want to ascribe a thought process behind it because I don't know, but a lot of TME, especially cis people, will be really dense about the idea of a "man" transitioning or wanting to be a woman. If you present as a man, you can walk up to a TME person and say "I hate it when people treat me like a man. Don't call me dude or bro. I really am unhappy with masculinity and uncomfortable with male spaces." And the thought that you're a trans woman won't even cross their minds. It just doesn't compute, because their only images of trans woman are either from heavily sanitized mass media or porn.

I think this is also part of why a lot of people think of potential eggs as just being guys with long hair and nail polish, why they think its oh so sad for brave gnc men to get reduced to boring trans women. But that whole femboy type of egg is only a very specific type. Most eggs in my experience are people deeply dissatisfied with their current gender but too scared to ever experiment when they know how dire the social consequences are, so they just live their lives in a depressive dissociative slog. And when I see something so deeply painfully familiar I can't help but reach out to them and offer an ear and a hand, which is how I've ended up cracking several eggs. But the signs aren't clear if you haven't lived them yourself, so they look at our sisterhood and just see us as dangerous corruptive groomers forcibly transing their poor cis men.

also gnc men femboys turning into trans women is cool and awesome


A jewel box of a book āœØ This 19th century French sales sample book contains very thin metal ornaments, made of foil over card. These would have been used like fancy sequins, and adorned everything from cards to clothes! Theyā€™re sometimes called Dresdens after the town in Germany where many were made. I know I say this a lot, but this book really floored me šŸ¤© Part of col. 838 in the Winterthur Library šŸ“š


U.S. Counties where the African American population is 25% or more

Remember this map next time some liberal starts talking about just writing off the entire south.

In a lot of ways this is WHY the south is disenfranchised


Literally literally this. In the most real and concrete way possible

The south has so many people who are abused by their own political systems in it. The majority of people in the south are not the problem, the fraction that are emboldened and politically empowered by their rigged governments are.

Source: reddit.com

every time I see non Asians go by Asian names online I get whiplash bc I'm like o shit another one me!! then I find out they are a white weeb from Arkansas going by Haru that can't name more than 3 countries in Asia


& also sorry to continue yapping but i gotta add onto this. people only ever really do this with korean or japanese names, SOMETIMES chinese names depending on the context or what theyre into and i think it shows just how deeply white people do not care about any of us at all. they dont care about south asians or southwest asians or central asians (hi im mixed turkic thats me) or southeast asians or even north asians they just want their east asian fantasies. not only is their weird fetishisation disrespect enough but they push it even further when they make it abundantly clear that they think only a very select amount of cultures are worthy of their weird roleplaying "hi guyyss my name is (asian name) >_<" bullshit


one pervasive element I keep seeing in transmisogyny within queer spaces is the belief that trans women are ignorant to the complexities of gender.

The idea that we're somehow less queer or less radical than GNC men, the way certain nonbinary tme people talk about "binary trans women" as simpler, certain transmascs talking about how being "socialized female" gives them a better understanding of misogyny than trans women... people talk down to trans women about gender.

Anyway let me be clear. It is basically impossible to reach an acceptance of your own transfemininity without breaking down hierarchical and oppositional sexism to some extent.

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