
sparrow's cc

@sparrowcc / sparrowcc.tumblr.com

ts4cc by soaringsparrows

Just something quick I whipped up to yeet that English out of my game as quickly as possible. It’s not perfect, but I tried my best!

  • Requires latest game update (18/6/2019 Pride/pre-IL update)
  • Replaces two swatches on the male and female frames of the shirt to switch the text to Simlish
  • That’s it, it changes nothing else



Two updates in one day? Must be a miracle.

@verdigriss asked if I could make Tidy CAS thumbnails for the occult/scar categories, and I figured why not? So here we are. These are only for the cheek categories as they’re already pretty well-divided otherwise.

These files have no pack requirements and therefore will not break anything if you install them without the relevant packs, but you need the Vampires pack and/or the Get Famous expansion for these to be useful!



I figured it was finally time I got off my butt and actually, like, released this properly.

You might remember my Tidy Details and Tidy Accessories mods which add thumbnails to the various unfilterable categories in CAS. I did, however, forget about the Acne category added by the Parenthood pack... so now here’s a bonus package file that will add a Tidy thumbnail to the top of the acne category.

This file requires the Parenthood pack to appear and therefore isn’t included in the merged version. You can merge it yourself if you want with nothing breaking, though, so far as I’m aware.

No preview, because, well, y’all know what this looks like by now.



In the same vein as my Tidy Details & Tidy Tattoos, here we have Tidy Accessories!

These items won’t do anything to your sim when you put them on. That’s not what they’re for. So what do they do? They divide categories you otherwise cannot filter. Or, well, you can, sort of, but I figured this would still be a useful thing to have for lip/brow/nose rings and for splitting up fingers, and the others are just kind of complete the set after that.


Download under the read-more:


This cropped sweater by @dear-solar​ is super cute! I tend to like brighter colours in my game, though, and I’m such a sucker for duotone swatches... so clearly a recolour was needed. Hopefully you guys like it as much as I do!

  • Mesh included, but check out the original here!
  • Available for teen+ female sims!
  • Two packages: one with the basic 28 Chroma Pop colours as seen in the preview, and one with 51 extra duotone combos! Please note that the duotone package requires the basic one to function!
  • Custom thumbnails
  • Disabled for random.

Download under the readmore:


I LOVE the CC u made to label skin details n tattoos. Would u be able to do the same for Accessorizes? Like the rings, bracelet category? :)


Hm! I could see a use for those in dividing up the individual ring/bracelet categories, maybe... I’ll look into it! It's not something I personally have much of a need for, but hey, if people want it...!


I can't be the only person out there with more skin detail and tattoo CC than sense, right? And given the lack of filtering on those two categories, it becomes a total nightmare to navigate and work out if you can use this overlay with that set of freckles... what about this body hair with these tattoos? It's the worst.

So I made these! They won't do anything to your sim when you put them on - that's not what they're for. They work more like labels! These items will always show at the very beginning of each sub-category, even above any items added by EA. That way, you can tell at a glance what slot a given tattoo or skin detail will take up when you put it on your sim... which means no more guesswork when you're layering them up!


Download and larger preview under the read-more:


In celebration of Pride, to kick off my new sideblog, and because it's something that I've never seen anyone else make in TS4, here is a chest binder for your sims. It's not perfect, but it's the best I can do with my limited abilities. Enjoy!

There are two packages in the download; they're separated by gender, not by frame!

Skintone-matched recolours may be a possibility further on down the line. For now, the binders come in all 28 colours of my Chroma Pop palette, and feel free to make your own recolours - I've included PSD versions for both the male and female versions!

  • Basegame compatible
  • Available for teen+ sims of all gender/frame combos; masculine fashion tag
  • Available in 28 Chroma Pop colours
  • Custom thumbnails
  • Categorised as leggings
  • Disabled for random, enabled for all categories

Download under the readmore:


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