In celebration of Pride, to kick off my new sideblog, and because it's something that I've never seen anyone else make in TS4, here is a chest binder for your sims. It's not perfect, but it's the best I can do with my limited abilities. Enjoy!
There are two packages in the download; they're separated by gender, not by frame!
Skintone-matched recolours may be a possibility further on down the line. For now, the binders come in all 28 colours of my Chroma Pop palette, and feel free to make your own recolours - I've included PSD versions for both the male and female versions!
- Basegame compatible
- Available for teen+ sims of all gender/frame combos; masculine fashion tag
- Available in 28 Chroma Pop colours
- Custom thumbnails
- Categorised as leggings
- Disabled for random, enabled for all categories
Download under the readmore: