
colores urbanos

@coloresurbanos / coloresurbanos.tumblr.com

Hola a todos! soy Martita! en la vida real soy diseñadora y confeccionista de ropa, urbana de estilos alternativos, juego a los sims desde los sims 1, comencé hacer ropa para los sims 3 en el 2013, porque no encontraba del estilo que me gustaba, asi que, con el tiempo fui encontrando la forma de hacer todo lo que necesitaba para sentirme a gusto con mi sims, desde ropa, pelo y sus accesorios!

is there anywhere i could buy your designs? i absolutely love your rockabilly v3 dress design and i’m a vintage dresser. i live in the united states, however i’d be more than willing to pay international shipping.


Oooh! I stopped making real clothes and closed my shop many years ago!!! Sorry! If you search for "coloresurbanosfanpage" on Facebook, you can see things I've done in the past!

Are you going to make anything themed for Halloween/Día de los Muertos? :3


Yes! I want to celebrate Halloween with the little ones in the house! So I'm preparing some hairstyles for the girls and I want to make some themed boo headbands for pets!

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