
Batim/batdr and fnaf

@owlclawstudios / owlclawstudios.tumblr.com

(( asks are open )).(( roleplay is open )) {female} { she/her lesbian
Anonymous asked:

Poof! now henry is turned into a cat for 6 asks

(Also, I know I’m a bit slow on asks, since I’ve been very busy lately. But I’m definitely going to try and get back into the swing of things! Hopefully I’ll get to answer multiple questions today and tomorrow, so just hang in there and keep sending asks! I will get to every single one at some point! )




I find it ironic that your ask header says "bother me about Henry" because that's exactly what I'm here to do. If I recall correctly you're the one who owns the Henry in the recent merfolk au where a lot of the batim cast is trapped in an aquarium? He's given me absolute brainrot because 1) he's such a wonderfully cute design and I've loved it from the first time I've seen him in the CoC posts, 2) very soft man, I love your headcanons for him, 3) I CAN'T GET SELKIE HENRY OUT OF MY HEAD HELP


omg!! thank you friend!!!

yes i am the person who owns CoC and aquarium au henry, im so glad you like him!!! I ALSO have henry brainrot, so youre in good company

if you have any questions or anything about either henry, shoot me another ask! till then, have a selkie boi




HI TUMBLR!!!! IM BACK WITH MORE SELKIE AU CONTENT!!!!! As it turns out there may or may not be more Creatures lurking about JDS. Henry may or may not be one of them. He may or may not have come from the sea. He may or may not be a humpback whale 50ft leviathan disguising himself as human. He may or may not be fascinated with their movement and has documented it ceaselessly to the point where he learned how to animate. He may or--

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