
this blog is mostly inactive and does not have a dni. the labels/flags here are free to use and edit with credit.


since i've grown comfortable with my identity, i've found less and less of a reason to continue this blog. as much as the community has helped me, i don't think staying in it would benefit me anymore. if i do happen to become active again, i'd likely change some things for it to feel like fresh start.

i have some regrets on how i ran my blog, but it was a learning process i needed to go through. my labels will always be free to use by anyone, as i personally believe unrelated morals shouldn't be a factor in the labels one uses. though i cannot (and would not) dictate who uses my labels, i would like to re-state that altage should never be used as an excuse to participate in predatory behavior. trans-minors and trans-adults always need to take the reality of their development into consideration.

i have a decent amount of labels (with definitions but no flags) i planned on coining, but i doubt i'll ever find the motivation to post. if anyone would like to claim them, let me know either through messages or asks.


i'd like to remind everyone that altage was always meant to be a comfort alternative to the transage label. i'm personally not a fan of how easily people are willing to segregate communities based off of unrelated morals.

when coining altage, i primarily had two groups in mind. those who dislike the trans- prefix, and those who are uncomfortable with the history that the transage label has. i feel as though i may not have done the best job when i started this blog out, but that's mainly because i didn't think it would get as seen as it has been. don't belittle your work!

Anonymous asked:

why the hell do you support stuff like shota and loli ??? /genq

i'm big on manners, so i would originally delete an ask like this. however, i'm going take this opportunity to explain some things.

i'd like to start off by saying, no terms or posts of mine are inherently sexual or even sex related. people are allowed to use kodo terms in nonsexual contexts. it might even be a form of reclamation for some. i'd be more concerned about actual child-abuse than the terms people use. i've never stated i support the genre of media on my page, and i'd like to keep (especially unrelated) discourse off of my page. instead of immediately analyzing if a term someone uses is considered problematic or not, you should instead consider asking why someone may identify with said term in the first place.

Anonymous asked:

Did you coin deathstuck? I cannot find the term but it sounds like something you coined...

i don't believe so

Anonymous asked:

What is the difference between ageless and agenull?

agenull is an age that is non-existent, but present. it falls under ageless, which is the complete lack of age.



A kodoslider is a combination of kodoage and ageslider. A kodoslider is a headmate whose age changes and but is always shotage and/or is never a (full) adult.
Age sliding is when the age that a headmate feels or behaves as changes over time. Some age sliders have a static age that they slide up or down from, and others do not. Age sliders will often have a specific range that they slide between and can be large or small.
Kodoage is a (trans)age identity under the permakid umbrella, describing those who feel their he van be best described through kodos, and/or being one.

coined by: @altage

flag by: @altage

etymology: kodoage + ageslider



A lolislider is a combination of loliage and ageslider. A lolislider is a headmate whose age changes and but is always loliage and/or is never a (full) adult.
Age sliding is when the age that a headmate feels or behaves as changes over time. Some age sliders have a static age that they slide up or down from, and others do not. Age sliders will often have a specific range that they slide between and can be large or small.
Loliage is a (trans)age identity under the permakid umbrella, describing those who feel their he van be best described through lolis, and/or being on

coined by: @altage

flag by: @altage

etymology: loliage + ageslider



A shotaslider is a combination of shotage and ageslider. A shotaslider is a headmate whose age changes and but is always shotage and/or is never a (full) adult.
Age sliding is when the age that a headmate feels or behaves as changes over time. Some age sliders have a static age that they slide up or down from, and others do not. Age sliders will often have a specific range that they slide between and can be large or small.
Shotage is a (trans)age identity under the permakid umbrella, describing those who feel their he van be best described through shotas, and/or being one.

coined by: @altage

flag by: @altage

etymological: shota + ageslider


TereTeen Flag

Decided To Make A TereTeen (Identifying as a permateen due to trauma) flah !!


btw this blog is ran by a collective if anyone gets confused as to the different mannerisms or not recalling creating/saying certain things.

Anonymous asked:

is this blog still active

somewhat. i hop on every once n' awhile. despite altage being an important part of my identity, i'm not super active online.

Anonymous asked:

the carrd link doesn’t work /info

yeah not sure what's going on with the carrd atm. it might not come back if i can't figure it out. apologizies and thanks.


Permateen: A term used within the transage community to refer to those who identify as teens (pubescent and post-pubescent adolescents), regardless of their chronological (or physical) age. Aka; intra-teen.

okay but this is straight up just the gnc flag with dulled colors...

these mfs are trying so hard to wiggle themselves into the queer community and its so fucking sickening. like sure it could've been a genuine accident but i highly fucking doubt it.

if you take a quick look through my page, you would see it was a genuine accident. altage is not lgbt and i have never claimed that it should be. i'd appreciate it if people would stop assuming the worst of people with whom they disagree with. anyone in the altage community is free to make an alternative flag and disregaurd the one i had made.


do you associate colors with certain ages? like, for me, 10 is a nice bright red, 14 is cotton-candy blue, 18 is navy blue, 45 is like dandelion yellow, and 500 is like a pearl-ish pink. Stuff like that?


I don't think I associate specific ages with specific colors very much, but I do often associate specific age groups with certain color palettes/types. Babys give me pastel vibes, kids give me bright/primarycolor vibes, teens give me dark color vibes, adults give me average color vibes, and the elderly give me dulled color and grey vibes. Pre-pubescent ages in general give me soft/bright yellow and green vibes and post-pubescent ages give me dark/bold purple and blue vibes.

I'm very intrigued in what others associate with age, so pls share if you're interested. :o)


Hasn't it called synesthesia? I associate different colors with a personality, gender modality, and gender and age identity at once. I don't even know what colors I see for accurate ages described in numbers, because they're different for every age at different times

yes, it is!

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