

@chaos / chaos.tumblr.com


Am I selling chaos?

Nope. Sorry.

I've gotten hundreds of pleading requests over the years, with offers ranging from pure self-entitlement to thin, bizarre attempts at flattery to laughably insane amounts of money. I have been doing what I do with all spam, marking it as spam and deleting it, but people have been getting more frequent and more persistent with their Internet Detective work, so I'm going to address the room.

You're not the first, you aren't offering me the most and no, I'm not interested.

And yes, in my more irritated moments I toyed with the idea of just posting their mewlings for me and my friends to laugh at but then I considered the stupid things I did when I was a teenager and how much I now appreciate that people didn't immortalise my moments of embarrassment. So, that is my gift to these frustrated youth desperately trying to craft an identity via spamming and cybervanity licence plates.

Do what I should have done: think up something actually funny and original. Funny is sexy. Then, when strangers message you, they won't want to buy your name, they'll want to buy you a drink.

(but maybe don't accept drinks from internet strangers)

An online multiplayer strategy game where questions are weapons.

This is what I've been working on for the past year, check it out!

A true victory is to make your enemy see they were wrong to oppose you in the first place. To force them to acknowledge your greatness.


No, there are currently no plans for a PSP2

David Reeves, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. Now, which do you think is more plausable: He's telling the truth, and Sony wants to give up all the hype, free press, huge sales and market share boost that comes with launching a new platform; or he's lying so as not to hurt those all-important Christmas sales figures? Yeah, me too. Expect a PSP2 announcement by the end of E3 2009.


Waiting for Quantum of Solace


Less work = More better


Put my father's business' website up. It uses Wordpress and a magazine style theme. Sometimes less is more.


A Mammoth Calf


I think we're ignoring the elephant in the room.


The Penguins of Northrend


Sorry guys, I hate to burst your bubble, but a country is not a man. America isn't going to get any less horrible. It's just a facelift.


I am participating in this year's NaNoWriMo competition. Write a 50,000 word novel, in one month. You win if you get the word count - that's it. I suggest you join me. It will be fun.

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