
@bozloweztune / bozloweztune.tumblr.com

Ribbit || 22 || they/them || Greyace/greyaro || if you need something tagged please send in an ask and I'll tag it! ||

being 5'7" is so fucked. AND i'm a top. i suffer more than you could ever know.


doing shadow of the colossus shit to her pussy šŸ§ā€ā™€ļø

uhm.... girls only have cocks around these parts, friend

Doing shadow of the colossus shit to HIS pussy

sorry im a lesbian

doing shadow of the colossus shit to her penis?

well if youre unsure i can take over for you


collecting lizards to boost my stamina and climbing the tower to do shadow of the colossus shit to her 17th secret penis

i think the concept of the post is starting to escape us

nothing escapes from me


i thought this was a hospital drama why does he have a shotgun?!??!?


It's a really, really good hospital drama


I'm so glad I turned on the Audio bc it turns out this is set to Boney M's Rasputin and is basically perfectly synced

I deeply encourage you to ask yourself this question about people in your life. Itā€™s really fun to compare notes.

Highly recommend not allowing a ā€œnoneā€ or ā€œbothā€ option.

Stick to the bit, House would not accept a middle answer!


I hate retellings that are advertised as feminist but instead are just the same plot from the female character's pov and her pov is that all the women in her life are inexplicably terrible and shallow and she hates them all

It's cool you gave her agency, but is every other woman written like a mean popular girl in a middle-grade fiction book?


Maybe this goes without saying, but DO NOT trust googleā€™s AI results if you search something about bugs. Every single AI result Iā€™ve seen about bugs so far has been wildly incorrect.


since the cowboy and the samurai were both dying out in the 1800s i want an action adventure historically wildly inaccurate comic about the last cowboy and the last samurai teaming up BUT one of them is gay and the other doesnā€™t understand what being gay is and there are multiple comedic mishaps resulting from this

after lots of frantic googling of ā€œwere samurais gayā€ ā€œwere cowboys gayā€ ā€œhow did gay samurais workā€ ā€œdid gay cowboys love each otherā€ ad nauseam i have decided that itā€™s actually funnier if both the cowboy AND the samurai are gay but not for each other and also they both have their very culturally specific understandings of gay social politics so both of them still are equally like ā€œdude why are you like thisā€ to each other

samurai, trying to comfort the cowboy who just got dumped over pony express: when my lover left me for another man, i killed both him and his new lover, and proved to all in shudo that it is what happens when you leave me for another, and i felt much lighter. would doing that also help you?

cowboy, absolutely reeking of the flask, who stopped howling purely out of confusion to try and figure out if the samurai was being serious: dude what the fuck is wrong with you

the depictions of homosexual identity at the time are painstakingly accurate and very clearly heavily researched, and this is purposefully in direct contrast to how absolutely absurd and crazy the entire rest of the premise of the comic is


im so serious when i say this google ai shit is the funniest thing to ever happen in the history of anything while also being fucking terrifying


the whole ā€œppl donā€™t care about female characters bc writers donā€™t make them as complexā€ argument holds no weight. boba fett was a hugely popular star wars character for decades when all he did in the original trilogy was say 4 lines then die.


Sometimes I think of how we went from the simple little line ā€œyouā€™re gonna love my boyfriendā€ in Paranorman (2012) which felt groundbreaking in childrenā€™s media at the time (and ticked off a fair number of people who consider lgbt+ content too ā€˜adultā€™ for children asfsdf)

To actual gay weddings in Steven Universe and Arthur, to openly gay and affectionate dads in She-Raā€¦

Progress for lgbt+ representation is slow and thereā€™s always backlash and opposition. But it feels like thereā€™s hope and Iā€™m so happy lgbt+ and queer kids get to see themselves in media.


Sometimes it feels like no progress is being made at all.

But aboutā€¦ 9 years ago now, I got mad at the tiptoeing around queerness in childrenā€™s media and outed two of my characters as dating. And nowā€¦ Shows arenā€™t forced to tiptoe. Itā€™s so great to see.

Thereā€™s lots of work to do but you look back and things are so much better than they were. When I was growing up there wasnā€™t even any tiptoeing there was just straight up NO rep at all.

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