
Akira Otoishi. that's it

@dearest-tulip / dearest-tulip.tumblr.com

25|Virgo|Babey|Akira Otoishi simp|She/Her|Admin @hetalia-crackfessions @jjba-crackfessions|icon design by @akira-otoishis

how can you not be angry

wake up. open instagram. dead baby with no head and no limbs. close instagram. open tumblr. list of gofundmes that still have zero donations. close tumblr. open twitter. sees videos of politicians writing “we love israel” and “finish them <3” on nukes. close twitter. open facebook. oh cool a long time childhood friend who watched me grow up says that there “is no genocide” then calls you an antisemetic asshole for daring to say “free palestine”. close facebook. open instagram. dead baby with no head and no limbs. how the fuck are you not furious


imagination (1963) - harold ordway rugg

"chekhovs cat / schrödingers razor / occams gun"


Chekov's Cat: if you see a cat in the first act, it will probably be relevant later. (example: Alien)

Shrodinger's razor: an unopened box may or may not contain the solution to the story; there's no way to know without opening it. (example: Monk)

Occam's gun: the simplest way to kill off a character is to shoot them. (example: Bambi)


i have been cracking up at this for the past 3 minutes

Chekov's Box: If there is a container introduced in the opening act, it will be opened later.

Schrodinger's Gun: Treat every gun as if it's loaded unless you've checked it yourself.

Occam's Cat: If you hear strange noises at night, it's probably a cat.

Occam’s Cat: If you

hear strange noises at night, it’s

probably a cat.

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.

[ID:three pieces of text with most of it blacked out so that it says "Chekhov's cat", "Schrödinger's razor" and "Occam's gun" \end ID]


saw a someone say on twt the reason why marcille has bad taste is because she grew up conservative and im like let me relate this to that one encounter I had w a butch while i was in my comphet era


from now on your tumblr nickname is whatever you get from this sexual identity generator 

No offense these are the funniest fucking tags

Whatever an “amphibious gay” is. Literally or metaphorically, We have no idea.

orally fixated gym bro







What the fuck is ‘deliciously catgirl’

Viliainounous amnesiac

nonsexual stud

“nervous amnesiac”???

Anarcho-communist detective. Based tbh

Sounds about right

My shadow twin


I'll take it


Here's something that a lot of thin people don't know about being fat: you have to be very careful, these days, what the weight limit on your furniture is. So much is made of particleboard or even cardboard or flimsy plastic, and it may be great for the environment for things to be made of recycled materials, but it can easily leave fat people in the incredibly humiliating situation of breaking a chair by sitting on it, or a table by leaning on it. It also creates an effective "fat tax" on furniture, since the more solid materials tend to cost more.

When I was looking for loft beds to make my apartment effectively larger, the majority of them had a weight limit of 200 pounds, including the weight of the mattress. That puts a weight limit on the person of roughly 150 pounds, and that presumes a light mattress. That's not taking into account blankets, pillows, and stuffies, which can easily rack up a weight of around ten to twenty pounds without much trouble, bringing the safe weight for a person down to roughly 140 to 130 pounds. The ones that held more than that had a steep increase in price, with ones that held 300 pounds costing roughly 600$ more than the 200 pound ones, and the 400 pound ones, which I wanted for tolerances, ran a good 800$ more on average than the ones for 200 pounds.

More generally, solid wood, metal, tempered glass, and thick, durable plastic cost more than particleboard, cardboard, and flimsy plastic. They are also far more likely to be safe for fat people to use.

If you are a thin person and want fat people to be comfortable when visiting you, invest in furniture that is clearly made with sturdy materials. Having to brush off standing the whole visit is embarrassing both for us and, if you are a host who cares about the comfort of guests, for you.


🔹 Saying that it's okay to write or read about dark and taboo topics but only when they're portrayed in a certain way is still censorship.

🔹 Wanting to ban or forbid media that you believe portrays a negative topic in a positive light, by glorifying, romanticizing, or fetishizing it is still censorship.

🔹 There is no objective metric to decide if a story is portraying a negative topic the 'right' way.

🔹 Just because a piece of fiction doesn't explicitly condemn or portray an evil action in a bad light in the text doesn't mean the author thinks its good or is trying to persuade the audience that it is good.

🔹 Survivors of trauma will not always write fiction about their trauma in a way that seems 'right' or 'normal' to you.

🔹 Banning fiction because it portrays dark, taboo topics in a way you consider gross or disgusting is still censorship.


[Tags reading, "#I've said it before and I'll say it again #I create art for adults #and as an adult I expect you to already know that hurting people is wrong #I'm not gonna hold you're hand through that like you're a toddler #"hurting people is wrong" is something you should have learned in kindergarten #not at 24 from an m-rated dark romance novel"]

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