
Ashes of Time

@eluari / eluari.tumblr.com

Fantasy Writer & Artist // Germany // Currently writing and illustrating WIP: Born to the Sea

OMG du hast Born to the Sea bei Droemer untergebracht? Respekt! Ich freu mich so für dich! Und werde mich dafür einsetzen, dass wir das Buch in der Bibliothek, in der ich arbeite, anschaffen und es prominent aufgestellt wird :) Freue mich schon darauf, es zu lesen!


ach wow, das ist so eine unfassbar liebe Nachricht von dir & so eine schöne Geste! Bitte, bitte berichte, wenn du es gelesen hast? Ich bin so gespannt! 💕🥹 Und ja, ich kann mein Glück mit Droemer Knaur selbst noch immer kaum fassen und freue mich einfach so sehr darauf, diese Geschichte endlich teilen zu können.

And to all of my English speaking followers who are absolutely lost now: check this post 💕🤗



Genre //Adult Fantasy Status // Finished 💕 - Release 02.04.2024 Publisher // Droemer Knaur (german publisher) Themes // a fall from grace | vengeance | justice | action & consequences | magic | loyality | survival | love | war | fate | rebellion | sacrifice | m/m romance

There were times when I thought that I'd ever make this post. Times when I doubted that a story with an m/m romance would ever get picked up by a major publisher. But here we are ... 🥹

Melodie der Asche is the german title of my WIP Born to the Sea, and what you see up there, is the official cover. The real cover of the story, that started in 2019 here on Writeblr. I even got to illustrate the hands ... T_T Anyway, I'm forever grateful for all the support I've found. I miss you & love you, guys! I hope you're all doing well. 💕

You can preorder Melodie der Asche *here* & I have included the german preview text in case you happen to speak german.



Genre //Adult Fantasy Status // Finished 💕 - Release 02.04.2024 Publisher // Droemer Knaur (german publisher) Themes // a fall from grace | vengeance | justice | action & consequences | magic | loyality | survival | love | war | fate | rebellion | sacrifice | m/m romance

There were times when I thought that I'd ever make this post. Times when I doubted that a story with an m/m romance would ever get picked up by a major publisher. But here we are ... 🥹

Melodie der Asche is the german title of my WIP Born to the Sea, and what you see up there, is the official cover. The real cover of the story, that started in 2019 here on Writeblr. I even got to illustrate the hands ... T_T Anyway, I'm forever grateful for all the support I've found. I miss you & love you, guys! I hope you're all doing well. 💕

You can preorder Melodie der Asche *here* & I have included the german preview text in case you happen to speak german.


BORN TO THE SEA - A long overdue update

Genre //Adult Fantasy // Status // Finished 💕 Themes // a fall from grace | vengeance | justice | action & consequences | magic | loyality | survival | love | war | fate | rebellion | sacrifice | queer

Hi there, apologies because you may not remember me, or how you´ve ended up on this taglist. But I still remember you. 2019 you were by my side when I wrote the very first draft of my fantasy novel "Born to the Sea". Until 2021, when I finished my final draft tumblr felt very much like home to me. I shared my thoughts on writing, met new friends, and I’m forever grateful for all the encouragement, interest and love towards what has become an experience of a lifetime ...


BORN TO THE SEA - A long overdue update

Genre //Adult Fantasy // Status // Finished 💕 Themes // a fall from grace | vengeance | justice | action & consequences | magic | loyality | survival | love | war | fate | rebellion | sacrifice | queer

Hi there, apologies because you may not remember me, or how you´ve ended up on this taglist. But I still remember you. 2019 you were by my side when I wrote the very first draft of my fantasy novel "Born to the Sea". Until 2021, when I finished my final draft tumblr felt very much like home to me. I shared my thoughts on writing, met new friends, and I’m forever grateful for all the encouragement, interest and love towards what has become an experience of a lifetime ...

Anonymous asked:

ARE YOU GOING TO DELETE YOUR BLOG?? ;-; I hope not, I'll be really sad..

Aww, no. 💕 Don't worry, nonnie. It just underwent a ... thorough clean up & I had quite an emotional ride scrolling through all of my content starting from 2014 up until 2022. Most of my writing updates, general writing posts and art stayed of course. But unfortunately the shiny edits and character asks had to go.


hallo schreiblr!

Hier eine kleine Einladung zu einem kleinen (wir sind momentan zu dritt) Discord-Server für Deutschsprachige ✨

Es handelt sich um einen ganz normalen Server für Schreibende, nur eben auf Deutsch. Ziel ist es sich über Projekte auszutauschen, sich über den Buchmarkt zu unterhalten, sich über die deutsche Sprache zu beschweren - was immer auch passt (Tierfotos sind auch immer willkommen!!) ^^

Bei Interesse, schickt mir einfach privat eine Nachricht!


Born to the Sea Writing Update #22

PoVs // 3rd Person: Caliyan | Laudan | Vaelen Status // Eighth (?) Draft / Final Draft (?) Current Wordcount // 150k Tags // WIP Intro / WIP Tag

Born to the Sea explores a dark, twisted fate between lovers and a truth so harsh, that it might have been better if it didn’t come to light. 

Today I retreated to the garden to work on my manuscript, which might very well be in its final draft by now. After a successful beta-round, it feels so good to read everything printed out and polish the last bits, before my querying adventure begins.

In a little creative outburst, I created these bookmarks and gave myself quite a lot of feels at the same time. I can’t really reveal the meaning of the ring and the red band because it would obviously be a massive spoiler, but both play a huge role in Born to the Sea.

Anyway, I’m really excited and dear @stories-by-rie  promised to have another thorough look at my book baby. I’m considering to run a second beta-round at the same time, to check if everything is working as intended. My finished draft is in german, but if you happen to speak german and would enjoy a deep & tragic fantasy story with an m/m romance, please get in touch. 💕

Also, please don’t worry if you don’t speak german. There is an English version in the making, as well.


#Blitzgeschichten - Flash Fiction auf Deutsch     (German Flash Fiction Event)

Es ist wieder so weit. Auf diesem Blog posten @cirianne​​ und @eluari​​​ regelmäßig frische Prompts und freuen sich darauf, eure Geschichten lesen und zu rebloggen.

Das Konzept / Ziel:

Es   ist Zeit in die Tasten zu hauen. Zu dem vorgegebenen Thema schreibt ihr eine Kurzgeschichte, ein Gedicht, alles was ihr wollt. Lasst eurer   Kreativität freien Lauf, habt Spaß und überwindet so die ein oder andere  Schreibblockade.

Wörter: 100-1000   Deadline: Bis Donnerstag, den 24.06.2021 um 20.00 Uhr (Gmt +1)   Tag: Taggt den Post mit #blitzgeschichten und erwähnt @blitzgeschichten in euren post, damit wir ihn finden können.

Das heutige Motto:

#Blitzgeschichten 011: Sommernacht

Was passiert in der Nacht im Sommer? Eine zufällige Begegnung? Ein Wiedersehen nach langer Zeit? Lasst uns daran teilhaben!

Lust auf Flash Fiction auf Englisch? Besucht @flashfictionfridayofficial​​.

Taglist unter dem Cut. Schreibt uns, wenn wir euch hinzufügen sollen.

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