
Don't let your memes be dreams


Katie. Videe game artist and fanfic author (dragonpyre on ao3). Commisions are OPEN!

free my girl she did all that shit but the fandom is mischaracterizing her for it

free my girl she has the same character traits as a male character but is getting deemed a bitch for them

free my girl she acted irrationally in a situation where it was impossible to act rationally and is now being hated for it

Anonymous asked:

Just found your Selkie Jason, I am in love. As a weird lil mf, obsessed with Celtic mythology, and an unhealthy obsession with drawing animal/human hybrids (like harpys) it makes me happy to see a lil seal boi

Thank you so much! Honestly I'm mostly inspired by @sreppub, don't know how I'm the one known for it now, lol. And hell yeah, Celtic represent! I'm legally obligated to spread our culture


this one is so real.


people legitimately do this to me (and other adults under 5ft) in real life all the time and it's majorly annoying.

Once while I was at work, behind an information desk at the entrance to a building, a random dude started lecturing me about the evils of truancy and asked why I wasn't in school. (do you think a highschooler would be working here?)

another time a woman at a bus stop argued with me when I said I was going to work not class. (once I correct you, you need to believe me, not argue with me about it)

another time a guy talked to my wife about me while I was there as if she was my guardian or something

people need to stop treating short adults like children.


i hate when i send someone a meme in another language and they're like "uhm... translate? 😒" fucker i sent you a meme where 90% of the words have an english cognate and/or you don't need to know what they're saying to find it funny. can you at least TRY

i sent this meme to 7 people, and 4 of them asked me to translate for them. i legitimately do not think that was necessary.


Things I’m learning about All For the Game fans: a lot of y’all didn’t grow up with a cheese drawer in your fridge and it shows

If you care about cheese, refrigerators, or Andrew Minyard either positively or negatively please reblog for a larger sample size :)


I have a drawer I refer to as the cheese drawer but it's really for cheese and cheese accessories; I also keep mustard, charcuterie meats, and the occasional dipping sauce in there. But it is For Cheese in my mind.


hands on the wall foaming at the mouth screaming and crying about how Surf's Up (2007) is the greatest movie ever . to think, i loved it as a kid, BUT WATCHING IT AT 19 YEARS OF AGE???? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST THE MOVIE IS SO GOOD i know JOY

Watching it rn at age 17 and it's so amazing ohmigosh

THERES A BEHIND THE SCNEES VIDEO ON HOW THEY DID THE CAMERAWORK IN SURFS UP and it is so so so impressive i am not even intelligent enough to describe it

surfs up IS SUCH A GOOD AND ICONIC MOVIE and the technology and talent put behind it.. the designs.. the atmosphere... so fucking cool

I've never even HEARD of this movie but that is such a cool technique holy cow

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