



Bottom of the River Masterlist

Tim Bradford was known to be many things. Hardass, stickler for rules, vengeful, angry. Words like these had been tossed around tirelessly to describe him. If anyone met him today, they would think he was born stuck in his ways, a man destined to be encompassed by the negatives in life. 

But, contrary to popular belief, he wasn't always like he is now. He wasn't like this when he still had his wife.

Tim Bradford x Reader

Act One - HomeComing

Act Two - The Truth

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totally just friends

warning : mentions of smut and cursing

sypnosis : what's weird? we are just friends

james potter x female!reader

part 1 / part 2

there was nothing wrong with you and james's friendship despite many people's opinions. you guys were just friends who were super comfortable with each other.

and yeah james would grab your tits or ass as a joke or you would joke about sucking his dick but it wouldn't mean a single thing.

but then there was a whole situation that came with a realization and it all started with the confession in the library,

"i like james." the entire table looked at your best friend, claire in shock.

i fucking love this :,) there is a part two as well so pls go read !!!


cinnamon girl

fwb!james potter x female!reader

summary: there are things i want to say to you but i'll just let you live.

word count: 2.2k

warning: mentions of smut and angst.


Being friends with benefits with James Potter wasn't the easiest nor the most boring. You didn't even fully understand how you got into this predicament.

All you remember is James's obvious charm and his humor which had always enchanted you and he was always quick with his tongue.

The only problem was you were falling in love with him.

You had warned him this would happen but he had always thought you were talking about him which he assured you, he wouldn't.

You both were an outlet for all of your bullshit and problems, what made it worse was that you were friends with all of the Marauders, hanging out with them every day.

All of these thoughts passed as you were laying in his bed at this very second. You were stopped when you heard him groan, "Mmm, good morning." He smirked, kissing your neck delicately.

You gave him a polite smile, sitting up while you fiddled with your fingers, "James, I think we need to ta-" You attempted.

"Too early for talking," He moaned into his pillow, "Did you wanna get breakfast?" He asked, rising up.

You rolled your eyes, "Sure."

He gasped, "Did you just roll your eyes at me?" He looked at you with daring eyes.

"Don't." You giggled as he lunged forward, tickling you as you pleaded, trying to grasp air.

"Come on, say it!" He yelled, tickling you.

"Uncle! Uncle!" You screamed as he stood on his knees, flexing.

You kicked his stomach slightly as he toppled over you, "Dirty play." He groaned.

"Curse Remus for teaching you that saying." You whined.

"You are only mad because I can take you down." He boasted as you scoffed, remembering his body on top of you.

You tried pushing his body off of you, "Jesus lay off the bread Potter."

He pinned your arms to the sheets, looking at you as you grew flustered, "You know you like me a little chubby." He winked, kissing your lips harshly.

You could feel his entire being, the smell of home and butterbeer. He felt like warmth on a rainy day or running through a field of flowers.

He lifted his head, breaking the kiss, "Guess what?" He asked.

You smiled, "What?"

"Lily actually talked to me yesterday," Your smile fell, "I mean she actually talked to me! Not even an insult but she asked how Quidditch was going, and she initiated it!" He excitingly said, still on top of you.

"Good for you James." You tried your best to sound happy.

He grinned brighter, "And we might even go on a date, I mean Dorcas said Lily was actually considering it." A pang in your heart, "Isn't that amazing?" He laughed in pure happiness.

"Yes, it is James, congratulations." You simply said.

He said nothing more but instead kissed you in response.

He pulled back, "I'm just gonna go take a quick shower then we can meet the boys downstairs." He stood, "You know I do miss them but I do not miss sharing a room with them and I'm sure you don't either." He winked, grabbed his towel, and left for the washroom.

James being a prefect had its perks like a new room and being able to not wake up to a bunch of ruckuses by the rest of the Marauders.

But it didn't help with your heart, hanging out with him more often and having sex more often.

You knew James wasn't using you, you knew that he thought you wanted it too which you did but, you wanted all of James.

You wanted the label, you pleaded for it.

But you knew it would only compliment things and James was a boy, he wouldn't know what to do if you told him how you truly felt about him.

You just wished you had never agreed to this in the first place. Remus had advised you not to and you knew he was right but the way James treated you, it felt nice.

He never neglected to tell you how beautiful you were or how grateful he was to have you, even telling you that he 'loved' you.

You knew he loved you but not in the way that you loved him.

He always showered you with kisses and affection. On Valentines Day, he even got you an entire bouquet of chocolate roses. And on Christmas, he got you a perfume that smelled of everything you loved.

Lavender, peaches, violet, him.

You wished life could be easier.

You knew that in another universe, you and James probably had three kids, all of them running around like crazy while James chased them around and you baked chocolate muffins and smiled brightly about your life.

You could only wish it would happen in this one.

You chose to stop pondering on things that aren't real and get ready for classes.

During the walk to the dining hall, James could not stop talking about Lily and how he was excited that she was finally noticed him in a good way.

"Are we still on for tonight?" He asked, "I was thinking we could sneak into the kitchens, just us."

"Yeah sure." You said.

"It's a date." He joked, wrapping his arm around you. You did an awkward laugh before sitting down in the middle of James and Remus with Peter and Sirius across from you all.

"About time," Sirius exasperated, "I know you guys like fucking but it's taking a toll on me."

You rolled your eyes, throwing a piece of bread at him, "Don't be mad because you don't get laid." You said, grabbing an apple.

"Y/n, I think you forgot who you are talking to." He scoffed.

You shook your head, putting some eggs on your plate as James started telling Sirius and Peter about Lily. Remus looked at you in tiredness.

"There is no way you haven't told him how you felt yet." He whispered.

You shushed him despite the fact of James being next to you, "There is nothing to tell." You whispered.

"Mhm." He hummed.

A bell signaled everyone to get to their classes as you started going, "Y/n, let me walk you!" James yelled.

"James, we have the same class as the rest of the boys." You giggled.

"I was trying to be romantic." He pouted as you hit him softly with your shoulder.

Romantic? That made absolutely no sense but that was his beautiful humor.

You felt a hand on your waist as you looked at James, his expression didn't falter, still laughing at a joke he had made.

You liked that he could comforately do that without caring if people thought you guys were a couple or not but you knew it meant nothing to him, just a friendly thing.

"So Y/n," Sirius wrapped his arm around you as James moved his own hand off, looking a bit pissed off, "Are you going to sit with me today?" He asked, giving you a not-so subtle wink.

You played along, "What do I get out of it Black?" You smirked, looking up at him.

"Well.." He paused, "I can make you come in five minutes with this finger," He held up his ring finger, "Under the desk." He winked.

Remus and James grimaced as you laughed, "In your dreams Black." You left his arms, hitting him lightly in the stomach.

He pouted, "How come she will fuck James and not me? I am way better in bed."

"No, you aren't mate." James scoffed, "She's in love with my tongue." He said, sticking his tongue out at Sirius.

Sirius gave him a mocking face as you all entered the classroom. You noticed that Lily was sitting at an empty desk, looking at James already.

You sat down at an empty desk, hoping that James would sit with you. You looked at him as well, he was looking at you then back at Lily.

He walked forward to you as a wave of relief passed over you, "I'll see you tonight, okay?" He said to you as disbelief took your expression entirely.

He didn't wait for an answer, sitting down next to Lily.

You couldn't believe that he had done that to you, you never thought James would be so cruel.

You sat there in silence, just staring straight across from you.

Peter sat down next to you, taking your hand in his as a way of understanding.

You squeezed his hand, thanking him as you looked over to see James and Lily laughing about something.

Your heart was breaking at the sight of it all.

The class seemed as if it took an eternity to end. Usually, you had James there to make jokes and make the class worth the misery of Slughorn's long lectures but instead, he was making jokes and making the class worth the misery for Lily.

You saw Lily and James exchanging their last words, smiling at each other as Lily left, blushing ferociously.

James came beaming, rushing to tell you all about his encounter with Lily and how well it had gone.

It was actually giving you a headache.

You cut him off finally, "I'm gonna go lay down actually."

"Are you all right?" James asked.

"Yeah, just tired." You replied convincingly.

"Oh okay, I'm gonna go hang out with Lily at Hogsmeade for a bit after lunch but I'll be back before tonight." He mentioned before talking to the rest of the Marauders, not waiting for your response.

You turned away and made it toward your dorm.

You couldn't help but be pissed at James for even treating you like this. Usually, it was annoying but it wasn't intolerable or something that made you sick.

It was as if James couldn't care for your well-being today.

You weren't used to this James, the James that fully neglected you for Lily Evans.

He might've been not that attentive but only before Quidditch matches, never because of Lily.

You knew he cared about your feelings but today, it felt like you completely dismissed them.

You did actually have a headache though.

Taking a nap would most likely fix it faster than a bunch of classes and boring lectures.


You awoke after hours, the buzzing in your head finally being non-existent.

All of your dorm mates were in bed so dinner had already passed, it was time for you to meet up with James.

You had put on your prettiest set of pink pajamas, spraying the best perfume you had that smelled of violet and citrus.

Sneaking in the kitchens would be your only problem sadly due to the excessive guarding of the corridors.

Usually, you would use the invisibility cloak but James had it and there was no possible way of going to his dorm and getting it from him.

You risked being caught, sneaking to the kitchens, using your wand as a small flashlight.

Thankfully, you didn't get caught and you made it to the kitchens. No elves were in sight as you grabbed tubs of ice cream, and whipped cream with chocolate syrup and cherries.

You sat down on a stool, not wanting to start eating without James.

You had waited an hour and thirty minutes so far, but no sight of James yet. You were worried that he was so tired that he forgot.

The ice cream started melting and you had to use a freezing spell to stop it.

You started nodding off, about to sleep before you heard two voices laughing.

You looked over to see James and Lily laughing, his jacket around her shoulders as you were internally fuming.

They both stopped laughing at the sight of you.

"Oh Y/n," He looked at you in shock, "I totally forgot about tonight." He looked entirely guilty.

You didn't respond, but instead, you got off of the stool and grabbed your wand.

You went towards the doorway where they were, "Excuse me." You excused yourself as Lily moved and James didn't.

"Y/n." He said, looking at your eyes that were glossy.

"I said excuse me, James." Your voice broke.

He moved beside you as you stormed off toward your dorm.

You heard footsteps charging after you as you looked behind you, "Stop." You sobbed as James stopped in his tracks, "I'm not going to talk about this, go back to your date." You demanded.

"You are important to me." He said.

"More important than her?" You asked, tears falling down your cheeks.

He didn't know what to say, "Yeah, that's what I thought."

You turned away, "I always put you first." You said before looking back again.

"I understand if we can't be more than whatever the fuck we are but at least have enough respect for me to not make me wait for you." You argued.

"I never meant to hurt you," James said, guilty.

"But you continue to do it and it's shameless," You sobbed, "You know no matter what, I will always be there for you, I will always be at your beck and call and you know it's because I love you." You said.

He stood speechless, "But you used me as a placeholder for her until she gave in." You cried.

"I never used you, I thought it was mutual-" He tried explaining.

"I tried to tell you this morning how I felt and you ignored me, you didn't even let me try to tell you." You stated, "But you never care to listen to me, you only use me for sex." You spat.

"Y/n, I-" He started but you both heard footsteps.

"You are out of time, James." You said, turning your heel and running off to your dorm.

please read this, i’m in love



I’ll probably do more of this. 



noa’s 1k fic recs !!

oh my god. 1k??? aaaa I can not believe how fast my blog is growing! I created my account only 5 months ago, not knowing how tumblr works lol— I even told someone a few weeks ago that it would be nice to have 500 by my birthday (22nd of June) so this is insaneeee. thank you so much !!! I love u all lots 💗

me, reaching this milestone, would’ve never happened without my amazing mutuals and their love and support so that’s why this celebration is all about them. I don’t talk to everyone as much but I appreciate you all equally. this post consists of my favorite fics from my talented mutuals, because you guys deserve all the recognition and love! so to everyone seeing this, please check out their blogs and fics!! 💓 (im so sorry if I didn’t include you in this, the limit is unfortunately 50 😔)

harry potter

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ DRACO MALFOY

saved by @blackthunder137
competitive by @thehalfbloodedwitch
unexpected surrogate by @drayslove
falling by @siriusblackstwin
runaway by @slytherin-princess247
video entries by @miss-celestial-being
annoying by @dracoslittleangel
not enough time by @nottluvr
time-turners and troubles by @lazydreamer19
voldemort’s right hand by @thespiritoflife
rainy days by @malfoysgem
hiraeth by @yoooespinosa
till the end of time by @ellora-brekker
in love by @dmalfoyswhore
forbidden by @dr4cking smut
happy birthday, little flower by @dr4cosimp smut
sleepy by @elysian-i smut
that one night by @dracosaurora smut

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ FRED WEASLEY

star gazing by @cupids-crystals
sleepy reassurance by @pottahishotasf
be okay by @prettyboypucey
pink panties by @bellatrixscurls smut
chess by @anordinarymuse smut
dress up by @ohwowimlonley smut

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ THEO NOTT

the odds of affection by @desireav
please don’t go by @dracosluvbot
nott your sweetheart by @my-my-only-angel smut
you’re no good for me but baby, I want you by @morwap smut

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ HARRY POTTER

you? me? date? yes? yes. by @nevilleismywhore
crying lightening by @mendesxruel
cardigan by @wherearemypeaches
love letters by @loopy-lupinn
heaven help a fool who falls in love by @honeystevie
best friend’s brother by @dylwrites smut

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ JAMES POTTER

it ends before it starts by @natti-ice
stars in his eyes by @moonbcrry
seatbelt by @moonlitmarauders

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ REMUS LUPIN

killer queen by @spring-picnics
mine by @beaucherie smut

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ REGULUS BLACK

you’re not as bas as I thought by @chanotel

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ TOM RIDDLE

a good morning by @garfieldsladybird


soulmate by @sugasthreedollarkookie

stranger things


is there someone else? by @jexnrey
stitches by @honeymunson
flustered words by @coreycom

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ EDDIE MUNSON

that should be me by @sapphireplums
tear stains by @delehosies
try me by @strawberrysodaslut smut

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ ROBIN BUCKLEY

the intimacy of liking a girl by @pogueswrld

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ MAX MAYFIELD

strawberry ice cream by @soren-mai

totally just friends

warning : mentions of smut and cursing

sypnosis : what's weird? we are just friends

james potter x female!reader

part 1 / part 2

there was nothing wrong with you and james's friendship despite many people's opinions. you guys were just friends who were super comfortable with each other.

and yeah james would grab your tits or ass as a joke or you would joke about sucking his dick but it wouldn't mean a single thing.

but then there was a whole situation that came with a realization and it all started with the confession in the library,

"i like james." the entire table looked at your best friend, claire in shock.

i fucking love this :,) there is a part two as well so pls go read !!!

Anonymous asked:

i keep seeing virgin reader but what about virgin xavier who’s all blushy and shy and nervous because he’s so in love with reader and wants everything to be perfect🥹 so cute

“i uh, i have no idea how to do this” xavier gasped when your clit grazed his sensitive tip, his arms hanging loosely around your waist as he sat against the headboard.

he was a mess. his cheeks were a bright red, his eyes watering as he struggled to keep breathing properly. he was still recovering from the ‘mind blowing’ job you’d given him.

your heart warmed at the sight.

Anonymous asked:

Dom reader and Dom James taking care of a bratty Regulus? I love your stuff btw

Punishment~ regulus x James x reader

“Regulus.” James snapped at him, clearly tired of his attitude. “What?” Regulus answered sharply narrowing his eyes at the dominate male sitting in front of him.

“Go to our room. Now.” James replied anger laced in his tone. You watched the scene playing out in front of you silently hoping that regulus would obey at least once. James is always the soft one, so if he uses even a bit of sternness in his voice it usually doesn’t end up well.

You sighed motioning for regulus to go up stairs as he locked eyes with you. He scoffed before stomping his way up the stairs and slamming the door shut.

“Why didn’t you help me!? You know he listens to you more.” James said to you. “He needs to learn that he can’t run to you for everything. Tonight will change that.” You replied with a quiet tone.

You both finished your drinks before heading upstairs to your bratty sub. “Strip.” “No.” Regulus bit back at James causing the male to scoff at him. “Regulus enough with the attitude. Strip.” You broke the silence with a quiet tone.

Regulus gulped looking in your eyes but quickly seeing no softness in them. He slowly took off his shirt and pants deciding to leave on his boxers. James quickly hovered over him beginning to suck on his neck. Regulus whimpered at a particular harsh suck, feeling James’s teeth bite into his sensitive skin.

“I’ll be back. M’ gonna go to Marlene’s to get something.” Your words made regulus let out a sound of confusion. You smiled before making your way towards him.

“James’s gonna punish you today. Just do what he says and he won’t go as hard as you. Bye bunny.” You whispered to him placing a kiss on his pouty lips that already were a bit swollen due to the rough kiss James he just received from james.


“Please daddy m’swear l’ll be good!” Regulus whimpered. You chuckled walking into the room seeing James harshly pounding into the smaller boys hole. “Wanted daddy to punish you so bad hm? Shut up and take it” his words surprised you a little but aroused you nonetheless. “Poor baby, already shaking hm?” You taunted removing your clothes. “Mommy” he whimpered through soft sobs of pleasure overstimulation.

James groaned cumming in the boys ass causing regulus to arch his back but whimper again as James pulled out.

His hole clenched with need to be filled up as cum seeped out of his hole and onto the bedsheets. “Can you do one more baby? I’ll let you cum this time.” You answered sweetly which sounded like heaven to his pathetic little self. He nodded making you chuckle and manhandle him into the doggy position motioning for James to go infront on him. James smirked positioning himself in front of the needy boy.

He grabbed regulus jaw for a moment forcing his mouth to open wide and for his tongue to fall out. “Already ready for our cocks? Slutty little thing” James degraded him while slapping his cock on regulus tongue so the boy couldn’t answer. You pushed the tip of your strap into his ass making him whine at the contact. It took only a couple of seconds before you fully pushed it in. Regulus moaned taking James’s length in his mouth.

He gagged bobbing his head back and forth slowly. He wanted to tell James to go soft but was muffled by his cock. James groaned as the younger boys tongue moved up and down occasionally licking his tip in a circle. James let out a choked moan before tugging on regulus’s hair and shoving his cock down his throat. Regulus coughed and sputtered grabbing onto James thighs trying to breath through his nose.

You thrusted harshly into regulus giving him a few smacks on the ass. He moaned sending vibrations onto James’s dick making the boy see stars. You could tell on both their faces they were both gonna cum real soon. Regulus mewled pushing his head away from James’s pelvic bone that his nose was currently touching.


pjxckson fic masterlist


☽ Complete Fics ☾

The Man in the Moon (M, 26k words, historical AU with Writer!Remus & Pilot!Sirius)

Remus Lupin, a folklore author living in a small town on the sea, has his reclusive life of solitude turned upside down when a young boy evacuated from London at the height of World War II shows up at his door. But Remus never asked to take in a child, let alone one being raised by the man that left him for dead nine years ago.

The Pure Blood Prince (M, 119k words, Second Wizarding War AU, past jegulus)

When Regulus Black was dragged into the water by the Inferi, he found himself frozen in time but alive as the rest of the world moved on. What if Harry pulled him from the cave in the Half-Blood Prince and Regulus was finally given the chance to redeem himself?

the colour of my eyes (T, <2k words)

A long overdue reunion. (Bonus chapter to The Pure Blood Prince)

Call it Love? (M, 4k words)

Remus had never imagined he’d keep anything from Sirius ever again, not after he found out about his lycanthropy, but God help him, after everything that James had done for him, this was one secret Remus would take to the grave. (Chapter 2 of The Pure Blood Prince from Remus’ perspective)


☽ WIP ☾

La Sylphide (E, current wip, Ballet/Football AU)

Ballet dancer Regulus Black has everything - money, privilege, a place in one of the best ballet companies in the world - all he needs to do is make his parents happy and he can keep it too. Until James Potter shows up and Regulus can’t help but want a little more.

Tempest (E, 4.2k words, Artist!Regulus/Jock!James)

James Potter loses a bet and has to nude model for an art class. [currently a standalone one shot but a long fic is in progress to begin posting in early 2023] 



⋆ Hades & Persephone AU [posting expected mid-2023]

⋆ Why Sirius bought a leather jacket (hint: it’s not because he wants a motorcycle) [posting expected early 2023]

⋆ James greeting Peter in the afterlife

⋆ Lily POV of James learning that Regulus has died [posting expected December 2022]

⋆ Professor Remus finding James’ old quidditch trophy

This Is Me Trying

[james potter × regulus black]

[this is a part of “the taylor swift anthology”]

[sequel to the “mirroball” mini-fic]


A/N: hello. I didn't plan to do this one, really. but seems I always get inspired by folklore lol. hope y'all like it cause I had fun writing it.

series summary: regulus and james are officially together but sirius seems to have a problem with that. some secrets are revealed (again). meanwhile, everybody is trying.

300 followers appreciation, Prompt requests accepted from this

Also accepted from - angst prompts

Master link to my prompts/drabble

6. Pinned

36. Angel

Side prompts/ requested

4. Sanity

14. Pretend


For anyone who also cannot stop thinking about dead gay wizards

Here’s some fun and fresh facts for you

The Length of:

ATYD: 526,969 words

Choices: 624,187 words

Crimson Rivers: 720,011 words

The FUCKING Bible: 783,137 words


50,000 words is about 200 pages

The shortest of those works is


We all need mental help

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