
aka TeaProse

@serindipitysims / serindipitysims.tumblr.com

SerindipitySims: Recolors and CC TeaProse: Stories, Gameplay, Personal, Likes/Follows, and everything else

Introducing the Academia Palette Gradients! 

After many hours and wanting to tear out my hair they are complete!

What are gradients? Why should you use them in recoloring? Can they be used in GIMP? (yes, they can!) 

All is answered below!

Below the break you will find:

  • An explanation of what gradients are and why to use them
  • A written guide on how to use gradients in recoloring
  • Gradient downloads for use in Photoshop, Photopea, and GIMP

Thank you soooo much @tainoodles​​ without you I wouldn’t have been able to complete this! And wouldn’t even know that recoloring with gradients was a thing! XD

And thank you to the amazing community at the @academiapalettes​​ Discord that helped and voted and guided me as I worked on this project.

Now! On to the good stuff!


ClumsyAlien Academia Palette Recolor Dump (1/2)

What better way to get back into recoloring than by working on stuff by one of my all time favorite creators @clumsyalienn

  • 28 Add-on Colors in The Historian
  • 28 Add-on Colors in The Scientist
  • Option for separated files or one file with both palettes
  • Meshes are required! Links below.

Download combined files on Patreon Download individual palettes on SimFileShare



Hi Friends! As I start to brush off my old recoloring skills I have a quick poll for you all to help guide my process.

Preview of the poll:

Which of the following do you agree with? (select all that apply)

  • I only use Historian recolors
  • I only use Scientist recolors
  • I mostly use Historian and only sometimes Scientist recolors
  • I mostly use Scientist and only sometimes Historian recolors
  • I prefer separated recolors (one file for Historian, one for Scientist)
  • I prefer merged recolors (one file including both Historian and Scientist)
  • I mainly use the Academia Palettes for hair recolors
  • I mainly use the Academia Palettes for clothing recolors

You can answer on the linked poll or send me a message on or off anon.

Thank you all!



Hi Friends! As I start to brush off my old recoloring skills I have a quick poll for you all to help guide my process.

Preview of the poll:

Which of the following do you agree with? (select all that apply)

  • I only use Historian recolors
  • I only use Scientist recolors
  • I mostly use Historian and only sometimes Scientist recolors
  • I mostly use Scientist and only sometimes Historian recolors
  • I prefer separated recolors (one file for Historian, one for Scientist)
  • I prefer merged recolors (one file including both Historian and Scientist)
  • I mainly use the Academia Palettes for hair recolors
  • I mainly use the Academia Palettes for clothing recolors

You can answer on the linked poll or send me a message on or off anon.

Thank you all!


Anonymous asked:

Hi! Some of your recolors broke in the last patch update for me. I was wondering if you were planning on updating the files? Your recolors are a lifesaver for Not So Berry!!!!

HI Nonny! I know that this is a million years late so hopefully others will be able to help...

Can anyone let me know which recolors have broken? I haven't had any issues on my end and haven't had reports from anyone else.

If you have any broken recolors please do let me know and I'll get to work on fixing them asap!

Anonymous asked:

HI your scientist color palette is lovely may i use to create some sims 2 object recolors?

Hi Anon! Absolutely! I'd love to see what you create! Please tag @academiapalettes so that we can reblog your work. We're open to recolors in all the sims games!


*awkwardly crawls out of her cave and waves*

Um. Hi.

So yeah, I disappeared for awhile. Sorry about that. Life and brain stuff happened and then I panicked every time I started thinking about logging back into this blog and thinking about all the messages I've missed.

I'm going to slowly work my way through everything, I promise! I just... it's just going to take some time.

In the meantime! Be sure to head over to @academiapalettes where all new recolors get reblogged. You can also find my personal tumblr over at @teaprose



Cottage Living Hairs in the Academia Palettes!

FINALLY they are complete! 

Note: I did not recolor the hairs that have the hats. My brain just wasn’t up to fighting with the fiddly cut out bits. I might come back to them once I’ve recovered from the mass tex reffing I just did :P

Download on Patreon // Download on Dropbox: Historian / Scientist


Cottage Living Hairs in the Academia Palettes!

FINALLY they are complete! 

Note: I did not recolor the hairs that have the hats. My brain just wasn't up to fighting with the fiddly cut out bits. I might come back to them once I've recovered from the mass tex reffing I just did :P

Download on Patreon // Download on Dropbox: Historian / Scientist


I was so close to being done with the Cottage Living hair recolors and then I realized I forgot to do the Toddler hairs.

They’re coming! I promise!


Should have the Academia Palette recolors of Cottage Living hairs out this weekend.

Have a few more recolors to do and then settling in for the tedious task of Tex Reffing.

Time to put on some Community to get me through.


Introducing: The Fiction Depiction Challenge!

A few months back @bumblingbunny challenged our discord to a Fiction Depiction challenge. The challenge was pretty straightforward: “Choose a story you enjoy - it can be from a book, a video game, tv show, podcast, or whatever you like. Then create a sim based off your choice.”

For a pop culture junkie, this is my kind of crack! So, I thought, what if we brought this challenge to all of Simblr? 

The rules are simple, because there’s only one: Choose a favorite character, or characters, from any form of media and recreate them in the Sims. Beyond that… the world is your oyster. Go crazy! Be creative! 

Ways to complete the challenge:

  • Create a character lookbook
  • Character edits
  • Full scene renders
  • Imagine what the character(s) would look like in an AU setting
  • Write a bit of fanfiction and film it the way we do sim stories (or recreate and give credit to an existing fanfic)
  • Literally anything else you can think of!

Here are a few examples:

  • Create a lookbook of what the cast of Clueless would wear in 2021.
  • Render a scene of Harry, Ron, and Hermione fighting off a zombie horde.
  • Show off what you think John Sims from The Magnus Archives looks like.
  • Did your favorite couple not end up together? Make it happen in the sims!

Be sure to tag your challenges with #fictiondepiction and I’ll be sure to give it a reblog here!

Literally all credit for this goes to Mary. I just took her idea and brought it to tumblr. Thank you for helping continue my pop culture addiction, Mary! <3

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