
Danny is a Monster

dp x dc twin & pit rage au

cw: mild gore

There’s so many possibilities with a believed-to-be Pit-Influenced Danny Phantom.

Danny is Damian’s twin. They’re separated after a mission gone wrong, resulting in Danny ending up with the Fentons and Damian believing his brother is dead. This time around, when Damian is dumped on Bruce’s doorstep, he tells the family about his dead twin. His integration into the family is much smoother because the Waynes are able to get him therapy and grief counseling.

Danny’s not doing so hot. Jazz tries, but neglectful parents are neglectful parents. Neglect turns to abuse when he dies in a lab accident at fourteen and becomes a halfa. Danny’s not as brave this time around. Damian was always his anchor and protector, looking out for him in the League. Now he’s half dead and he doesn’t know what to do. He was never strong enough for the LoA, how is he supposed to fight unearthly beings hellbent on destruction? Ghosts are more dangerous in this world. Not as…friendly. Those claws and fangs are put to use.

Danny learns what it means to be a ghost. He’s scared, always scared. He wants Damian, but without him, he realizes he will have to be a monster to survive. He survives.


The angst and hurt!


This feels like the start to a horror movie and I love it

Me rn:



Politically arranged marriage (IDK how those work)

During a Peace talk between the USA Government and The Infinite Realms a  US representative accuses that the King (Danny) could go back on his word anytime and they would end up defenseless against these monsters. A member of the king's court (I’m thinking Dorathea) asks if a union would convince them of their peace. The US gov is intrigued and think they could manipulate the King if he marries one of their citizens. The thing is… the US doesn’t have a monarchy. 

Then one of the US reps has a brilliant idea. Bruce Wayne has been known as the Prince of Gotham for ages, they won’t have to fake any new articles or anything online to go back years. They could totally manipulate and have Brucie Wayne tell them anything they want to know without him even knowing!!! Danny’s (aged up to around Bruce’s age) like what the shit and quickly interjects. He says it’s improper to go straight to marriage (he’s trying to bs his way out of this) the same king's court ghost says ofc and they’ll have to court each other and both parties have to consent ofc, they thought that was a given.

Another of the king's court asks how this Bruce Wayne Prince of Gotham is even worthy of their king. Another rep tells him that Brucie is also known as the White Knight of Gotham. Another speaks up about his many good deeds and the children he’s taken in. They are all shitting themselves trying to think about how to avoid them finding articles about “Brucie Wayne gets drunk and falls into the harbor from his yacht-compilation” and they're trying to talk him up as much as possible.

Danny 100% knows about said article but he doubts Bruce is gonna accept to be a part of this (hello low self esteem) but he hopes to convince Bruce to play along long enough to keep peace and once everything’s settled down they can “break up”. He’ll go along with it to keep the peace he worked himself to exhaustion for, Ancients know his people wanted war. 

Queue them both falling head over heels in love with each other and Danny getting too attached to both Bruce and the kids. He eventually does find out about Bruce being Batman but that just makes him like him more. 

Those politicians are fuming they can’t get anything dirt on the Realms out of Brucie Wayne of all people!!! He’s talking and talking but he’s not actually saying anything! How does King Phantom stand him?!


More of trans allegory Jason and the goons VS the batfam:

Transmasc older goon, trying to connect: Hey out of curiosity boss, when did your egg crack?

Jason, thinking this is a bird pun about how he became Robin: Uh, 12 I guess...


Penguin henchman: Wow, you really are okay calling yourselves goons? Isn't that like a little demeaning?

Red Hood Goon: Inclusivity my guy -Henchperson is a mouthful, and that way, we don't have to assume.

Penguin Henchman: Oh my god that's so thoughtful!

*they resume shooting at eachother.*


Batman You're not okay Hood, you need a professional. Please, we can help you!

Jason: There's nothing wrong with me, I won't let you throw me into Arkham!

Goon of the week: Yeah Batfreak, the boss doesn't need help, there's nothing wrong with him! How would you like it if we tried to convert you out of being a furry, huh?!!

Batman: reconsiders life choices.


Angry goon: *beats the shit out of Nightwing with a trans pride flag*

Dick, a bisexual cis metrosexual: I'm not sure what is happening but this feels offensive.


Batman: Please, I know there's a lot of bad blood, but you're still my child...

Jason: Really? Because I clearly remember you saying you weren't my father and didn't have to deal with my "teenage angst"!

The Goons: You said what?!

Oracle : You said what?!

Dick, standing up and picking up the pride flag: You said what.


One of the worst offenses was committed today. At least, in the eyes of some, if not many, of the residents of Amity Park. It was no secret that Phantom liked his privacy and avoided people, aside from the rare sighting of him or him even approaching people. The citizens obviously respected that decision, especially since he was the one protecting them.

One day, he was seen at a park sitting at the edge of the forest, focused on something in his lap. No one approached, but many people could swear that it was ice. Several open books and printed pictures lay nearby, which he’d glance at, then back at the ice. Over the course of four and a half hours, Phantom worked on it, carefully carving and adjusting while adding more parts. People who passed by or stayed a while began to realize what he was doing.

He was making the solar system! Out of ghost ice! He was including the moons of every planet, not just Earth’s moon, which took quite a bit when he moved onto Jupiter. The ice floated in place as he worked. It grew a little bigger until it was finally finished. Phantom smiled, proud of his project, until the worst thing happened.

A person visiting from out of town jumped out with a camera to get a picture of Phantom, startling him into dropping it. When he realized it, he stared at the ice shards now scattered across the ground. He looked utterly destroyed. What followed after was something akin to a riot. People got up and stormed to the stranger, and their relative scolded them. They snatched the camera and quickly deleted the pictures, but Phantom was unresponsive. He just stared at the ice shards distraught.

The Fentons were crazy, sure, but right then and there, people remembered about obsessions, about how several ghosts need to partake in some activity revolving around their obsession for their health. Perhaps they could’ve gotten that right, and space was Phantom’s obsession? Before anyone could try to help or offer comfort, he vanished. And so did the ice.


In Arkham they don't allow outside media in fear of the rouges getting any ideas. This leads to them treating the staff like their own personal TV show, this leads to a level of parasocial obsession that can often be detrimental (See Harley Quinn as a notable example). So when DR. Jazz Fenton comes in with subtle hinting of government conspiracies and a 'i've seen worse' attitude they are INVESTED. Meany of them are staying just for the show, their plans can wait they NEED to know this woman's backstory.

"hey it's been awfully quiet"

"Yeah, new hire at Arkham, it happens sometimes"

*3 months later*


"yeah something's definitely up"


The reblogs!!! The reblogs give me life!!

Also when Danny shows up, the rogues gets a new theory!

Scarecrow : he's a vampire!!

Joker: wut?!!

Scarecrow: it makes sense! Supernatural Hunter for parents, a normal brother turned half supernatural. The brother obvy got turned into a vampire!

Doesn't help that being a halfa gave Danny a colder and paler than normal skin and his eyes glow just a tad bit in the right angle.


Imagine going to Amity Park and your relative who lives there hands you a picture of Phantom and below the picture reads

This is Phantom.
Phantom is friendly. Phantom protects our town from other ghosts. No, he does not mean to cause any property damage. Yes, he tries to help clean up the mess. No, you can not approach him.
Don’t go looking for him. He’s scared of people, and we suspect it’s because of ghost hunters. Saying hi might be okay, but don’t be surprised if he leaves. If he approaches you, consider yourself lucky.
Phantom likes space. Don’t be surprised if you see him outside stargazing or in the library reading books on space. If you accidentally make eye contact, simply wave and move on to avoid scaring him. If you see him sleeping, walk away and don’t let the Fentons approach that area.
Many people here at Amity Park love and appreciate our ghost boy for protecting us. We’d hate it if something were to happen to him, so please be polite and respectful.
Have a good day!

It's giving Danny is a stray cat that the whole town loves


im firmly of the belief that batmans cape is just a hotspot for batkids, in the same way as if you touched a spider and a load of mini spiders just erupt from nowhere and you go WTF?? thats batman.

he goes somewhere on a regular justice league mission and then by the end hes just like "alright time to go to the batcave" and suddenly 6 fully grown adults and a child pop out and are like "can we get batburger on the way" and every jl member loses their shit


The Rockstar Draco/Journalist Hermione brainrot persists. 💀📝

What is he whispering to her? In my mind he’s telling her about ALL his piercings…


Bruce posts this to his twitter with the caption "So proud of Gotham to be an accepting and inviting place where me and my family are free to be ourselves ❤️❤️❤️"


Anonymous asked:

Danny ends up in Gotham with no memories of his past or ghost powers. In an attempt for more power a rouge observant weakened Clockwork with liquefied blood blossoms, sent multiple rouge ghosts through the portal to occupy tye rest of team Phantom before stabbing Danny in the back with an electrified blade coated in liquefied blood blossoms as well. This forced Danny into human form as cracked his core leading to him having amnesia.

Danny ends up working at a low rent hair salon after the owner found him and patched him up. He's also staying in the apartment above the salon. He doesn't get the danger when a robber tries to rob the store. Danny sits the robber down and gives him a hair cut and listens to his woes and treats him like a normal person and encourages him to do better.

This keep happening and goes from petty criminals to some of the rouges. The bats are kinda freaking out when they find out Killer Croc is working with Gotham sanitation, that Harley and Ivy opened a therapy office and flower shop, and that the Riddler opened a one hundred percent safe and legal escape room business

Ah yes, one of those “Danny helps the Gotham rouge gallery with the power of friendship” prompts, love to see it. I would’ve liked if they all ended up working at the hair salon. Maybe a petty criminal was using the salon as a “hideout” originally, but took pity on the confused, lanky, wet-cat looking teen. So they made the salon more of a legitimate business, just so Danny could get a living wage(and maybe a bit more than that). Robbers with grudges against the owner get sat down by Danny and are defeated by just having someone to talk to.

I wonder what the rest of Team Phantom are doing. They’re looking for Danny, obviously, and I can see that whole thing going like that one SpongeBob episode. Where Danny doesn’t really want to leave. He doesn’t remember his friends, only his new ones. But I’d imagine his new friends would want him to remember, would want him to go back to his friends. They would help him remember, and support him to the very end.


Found this while going through my fanfic files, and i absolutely had to share.

Danny: i want in
Red robin: …what?
Danny: your bat family. I want in.
Red robin, blinking in surprise: i dont know what you think you know about my associates, but we're not-
Danny: dont be obtuse. I know youre the smart one. And i also know that your all one big relatively happy family. I want in.
Red robin: …why?



edit: in case it wasn't clear, this is (semi)canon art by ryoko kui from "daydream hour", and not fanart! please support the manga through official means if you can ^___^

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