
Beautiful Beyond My Wildest Dreams


"the moon dances with me the way the sun never will" ~ she/her ~ playchoices and romance club my beloved ~ creator of geneva and livin' the luxe life ~ co-creator of the broken stars au ~ amala basu's defense attorney ~ elle greenaway apologist ~ carmen sandiego's "official" therapist
Anonymous asked:

I did not know about the thinspo thing omg!! But I can't find anything on google. Do you know where I can find some receipts?

Hi anon!! I didn’t know about it either until I was scrolling on Reddit and I saw a few receipts posted there a few months ago (while I was still finishing one of my first playthroughs of the book). I’ve spent the last 20 minutes on Reddit now trying to find it but I can’t 😭😭 idk if the person deleted their post or if I’m not searching the right thing?? A lot of RC stuff about the writers doesn’t show up on Google when I search either so I shouldn’t be surprised

It was linked to another post talking about Amala having an eating disorder where someone was like “I’m not surprised if this is true she was based off of a thinspo post” and they posted a link to ANOTHER post with receipts. Granted I should have saved it then but I didn’t really have a reason to at the time and I didn’t understand how Reddit worked

If I see it floating around again I’ll reblog this post with the link!!

Anonymous asked:

As insane as this is, this looks like an author defense more than anything else tbh. They are not saying they want more skinny mcs or anything. They are just defending Remy which is interesting because if they saw Remy hate regarding the skinny mc thing they probably also came across the homophobia and all the other problematic things but decided to do this anyway.

nah yeah, i know they're defending remy, her fangirls are the worst, and they definitely don't care about any of the shit she's pulled over the years. but still, saying "that body type also exists!!" is like acting as if thin people don't get representation ??? which is not the case, especially not in rc. and excusing her by saying "well, older/most books don't have different mc body types so i don't get why this is an issue" is also like ???


seeing someone i follow follow me back after liking a few of my posts is so great like I’m glad I passed the entry exam . thank you


do white people just not care about brown and black people? do we not exist to you all as real living breathing people having to deal with the effects of western imperialism and pollution, often without the same resources that people in the US and UK would have access to? that post about how temperatures in India are reaching the limits of human survivability, it’s our reality, and air conditioners are still very much a luxury here. and you decide it’s a good idea to use it as fodder for your sci-fi stories, on that very same post? how heartless do you have to be? how entitled? people are dying here! are you fuckers not capable of giving a shit about us until it has something to do with you?

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