
MCU Kink Bingo

@mcukinkbingo / mcukinkbingo.tumblr.com

Welcome to MCU Kink Bingo, where the game's made up and points don't matter! MCU Kink Bingo is an event centered around creating kink-friendly content set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Find event information by searching the tag #kink bingo info.

MCU Kink Bingo is CLOSED

Thank you to everyone who has participated in this event over the years. If you still have a card, you are welcome to use the prompts for inspiration and continue posting. However, a number of real life events and waning interest have resulted in the closing of this event. The tumblr page will remain open, as will the AO3 collection and discord server. Feel free to read, reblog, and interact with other participants.

Again, thank you for your support of this event. We wish you all the best.

MCU Kink Bingo mods


All pending bingo cards have now been sent out except one (see below). The new sign-up form is currently closed.

The one bingo card that I didn't send was because the kink level selected was 3 - ultra kinky, but the DNWs listed made it impossible to fill an entire bingo card. If this sounds like you and you still want a card made, comment on this post or send an ask.

Anonymous asked:


I have signed up for the Kink Bingo a while ago, and I clicked the option for pre-made cards. It is still a unclear to me if I am supposed to use the cards seen in the sign up form, or if I will get them with my username on them.

If I am supposed to use the ones seen in the sign up form that's totally okay as well, but I was not sure if that's what I'm supposed to do or not.

Thank you in advance 😁

Hi there! We'll send you a card that has your name on it, but it will be identical to the one on the form unless you requested any square changes. We'll get that to you soon!


Up All Night For Good Fun

Pairing: Loki/Thor/Tony Stark (thunderfrostiron) Rating: E (Explicit) Word Count: 1550 Warnings: Sibling Incest, Sex Toys, Friends With Benefits, Polyamory Summary:  It’s Loki’s birthday. The brothers and Stark have a little fun with party games and alcohol. As friends with benefits, of course.

Fills Bingo Squares:

@anyfandomfluffbingo   O2 ‘Party Games’

@mcukinkbingo​ N3 'Free Space - Sex Toys’

@anyfandomkinkbingo  G1 'Friends With Benefits’

@marvelfluffbingo​  N4 'Truth Or Dare’

@fandombingo  G3 'Loki x Thor x Tony’

A night like this was long overdue. The world was quiet enough to allow the three to meet and enjoy one another’s company. It also happened to coincide with Loki’s birthday, which meant Tony and Thor were eager to make it a time of celebration and to reward the god of mischief for staying out of as much trouble as divinely possible.
Fingers pinching the stem of his wine glass, Loki lay draped across Stark’s sofa, one foot propped up on Thor’s lap, the other dangling. Eyes alight with joy, he watched Tony parade about the room, energised by his guests and the game they were playing. As gifted as Tony was with words, he was not yet practised enough in Asgardian roast-poetry.
“Forsooth, I will now attempt to tell you in song, about the time I saw Loki in a thong.”
Anonymous asked:

Hi, hope you're doing well :)

How would Prep!Steve react to Punk!Peggy's nipple piercings?

I absolutely love this idea. So much that I wrote a little something.


Peggy had always been sexy to him, there was no denying that. He just never knew how much sexier she could get until he saw her with her nipples pierced.

Bingo: Secret Lovers - @agentcarterbingo, Trans Sex -@cabottombingo, Breast Worship @kinky-things-happen, Free Space @mcukinkbingo, Sat In their lap @marvelfluffbingo Characters: Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter Relationships: Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers Warnings: None beyond this is a smut fest and my terrible writing skills

Steven Grant Rogers was your typical next-door neighbor. He played tennis, gardened, volunteered at the animal shelter, and drove a car too expensive for most people’s taste. He loved his expensive clothes and he wore cologne that was offensive to anyone’s noses

His father doted on him and was so proud when Steve won a tennis scholarship. He had ensured that his boy grew up to run the family’s business. He had set him on a fast track to success and it was going swell until the Carter’s moved in.

The very minute that Peggy and her brother had come over for a welcome to the neighborhood barbeque, Joseph had forbidden his son from ever being ‘with the likes of her’. He didn’t see what was wrong with Peggy, what would make his father have such a strong reaction.

Peggy’s fashion choices, sure, weren't to his father’s taste, and going by her mother’s sour look, it wasn’t hers either. He didn’t care, he thought she looked good with her piercings. With the silver industrial piercing in her ear, the helix and orbital highlighted the look.

She dressed in dark clothes often ripped or grunge look. It was certainly a fashion choice that wasn’t to his taste for himself but Peggy pulled it off exceptionally well. It worked for her and he loved it.

So what if she looked like a punk? He didn’t see the big deal. Regardless of what his father had said, Steve wasn’t going to follow such a ridiculous rule. Peggy was his neighbor and his classmate for several classes.

How could he not talk to her and not fall for her?


Title: Breaking Rules Author: @aurorawest Rating: T Relationships: Loki/Stephen Strange Major Archive Warnings: none Word Count: 4.5k Summary: Stephen, serving out his sentence in minimum security prison, gets a new neighbor in the prison dorm. Stephen’s not interested in making friends in prison, so he won’t be friends with Loki. And when the strength of his indefinable feelings blindsides him, he decides it can only be dislike.

And god, he hates Loki’s lip ring.

Prison AU.

Written for @suck-tember, day 4: piercing, and day 8: kiss

Fills the following bingo squares:

B2 - risking getting caught, @mcukinkbingo I1 - prison AU, @lgbtqbingo B1 - piercings, Stephen Strange Custom Bingo B2 - inconvenient attraction, @anyfandomgoesbingo

Stephen can see the gym from the library. Loki’s in there every time Stephen works, like he’s timing it that way. He’s obviously not. It’s coincidence.
Stephen watches him working out. Loki doesn’t take the lip ring off. Does he ever take it off? Stephen’s never had a piercing. He doesn’t know.
It bugs him, seeing this rangy, lean guy deadlifting weights, biceps and lats popping, hair pulled up in a knot behind his head, sweat sheen on his forehead. And that stupid lip ring.

Title: Positive Reinforcement Author: @aurorawest Rating: E Relationships: Loki/Stephen Strange Major Archive Warnings: none Word Count: 1.4k Summary: A little light bondage seemed like a great idea when Loki arrived at the Sanctum. He should have considered how horny he was. He should have considered how much Stephen likes to take his time.

He has regrets.

Written for @suck-tember​, day 5: spread

Fills the following bingo squares:

​G1 - bondage equipment: leather restraints, @mcukinkbingo​ B1 - gagged, @mfbingo

Even though he could mostly only see the top of Stephen’s head, Loki could tell by the way his hair was flopping that he was suppressing laughter. No, a person couldn’t tell when someone else was laughing by the way their hair was flopping, and also no, Loki didn’t care. He could tell. Stephen was laughing at him. And torturing him.
“I hate you,” Loki panted.
Stephen rested his chin on Loki’s hip.

The Loveliest Pup (0.5k)

Summary (Stony, M): Tony hand feeds his puppy, Steve.

Contains: Nonsexual D/s, puppy play, puppy Steve, Owner/Daddy Tony, married couple, fluff (full tags on AO3)
Written for @suck-tember Day 6: innocent “What are you waiting for?”. & @mcukinkbingo fill: scratching / @anyfandomkinkbingo fill: free space / @anyfandomfluffbingo fill: family dinner.
Preview below:

Tony gazed lovingly across the table at his husband and reached for a piece of bread. He noticed Steve hadn’t touched his own dinner yet so he enquired playfully, “What are you waiting for, gorgeous?”

He didn’t expect Steve to blush and duck his head. Oh, Tony realised, it was going to be one of those nights. His lips stretched into a grin that made the corners of his eyes crinkle, and amplified the fluttering in Steve’s stomach.

Steve thought that those crinkles were so charming and handsome, even more so when they were aimed at him. Which was why he almost missed it when Tony told him, “Bring me your pillow, darling boy.” Almost, but Steve could never actually miss those words.

♥︎ Continue on AO3 ♥︎ My Masterlist ♥︎


The Brat Flag (0.8k)

Summary (Stucky, M): Bucky entices Steve away from his work.

Contains: Omegaverse, D/s, age difference, Daddy/Alpha Steve, brat/Omega Bucky, lingerie (full tags on AO3)
Written for @suck-tember Day 5: spread. & @hellyeahbottombucky / @stuckybingo fill: Daddy kink / @mcukinkbingo fill: A/B/O: true mates / @afgomegaversebingo fill: power exchange / @anyfandomaubingo fill: Omegaverse AU.
Preview below:

Steve didn’t have to see Bucky to know his boy was probably up to something, or would be soon. He was used to having Steve's full attention during the weekends and Bucky made a point of making sure his Alpha didn’t work himself too hard.

Bucky’s methods were rather… mischievous, a trait that was usually discouraged for those of his designation, but Steve was never a traditional Alpha. He loved it, and the results tended to speak for themselves. (Steve’s abandoned desk, the room filled with the thick scent of arousal and happy pheromones, their naked bodies flush together).

So Steve wasn’t surprised when he heard the door creak open. He assured his boy while he typed, “I’m almost done, sweetheart.”

♥︎ Continue on AO3 ♥︎ My Masterlist ♥︎


Title: Redux Author: @aurorawest Rating: E Relationships: Loki/Stephen Strange Major Archive Warnings: none Word Count: 1.6k Summary: The movie Loki and Stephen are watching is boring, so Loki comes up with something more…exciting for them to do.

Written for @suck-tember, day 3: messy

Fills the following bingo squares:

G5 - licking up come, @mcukinkbingo O2 - positive body image, @anyfandomkinkbingo G4 - dirty talk, @anyfandomgoesbingo O4 - established relationship, @mfbingo

Loki repurposed a drinking game he found online, only instead of drinking, he undid a button or zipper. And after he ran out of buttons and zippers (which, fortunately, was quickly), he removed articles of clothing. By the sixth time someone said “Apollo,” on screen, Loki had Stephen naked, which was a very nice view. And obviously he couldn’t look without touching.

Realizing a Dream

Bucky has always dreamt to visit the Grand Canyon. Steve has known that since they were little and the farest they had gone was the height of the ferris wheel in Coney Island.

The occasion comes when, for his birthday, Tony and co. gift Steve a new motorcycle, obviously not without custom touches from his friends.

Steve then decides it's time for both him and Bucky to take a pause from everything, leave behind the weight of world for a while to finally fulfill a dream.

The road leaves them space to clear their minds and somehow regain a sense of normality they thought they had lost.

But the best of things, the gift of this journey, it's truly the glinting gaze Bucky reserves to orange rocks of the Grand Canyon, a light and wonder in them that Steve thought he wouldn't have seen again and that he promises to cherish and protect from that moment on.


For @appleschloss <3 Happy birthday! It's been a while since the last fic of these three 🥰

Also fills for both the @buckybarnesbingo and @mcukinkbingo

BBB Round 4: U4- Sunrise/Sunset

MCU KB: B5 - Begging

Pairing: Steve/Bucky/Loki Rating: Explicit Word/Chapter count: 1,626 (1/1) Tags: Modern AU, Married Steve/Bucky, BDSM, Polyamory, Bookstores, Fluff & Smut, (see full list of kink/non smut tags on AO3)

🍓 Summary 🍓

The setting sun gleams through the windows, bathing the front of the store in its bright orange rays. Bucky grumbles under his breath as he totes a folding display sign inside and leans it against the wall. He slips his key out of his pocket, glad to finally make his way home after a long afternoon of work.

He’s merely two steps out the door when a tall, slim figure comes into his peripheral vision.

“I’m sorry, we’re clos—”

The words evaporate from Bucky’s mouth at the sight of dark, curly hair, and broad shoulders outlining navy fabric.

“Hello, darling.”

“Hi, sweetheart.”

Bucky blinks, darting his gaze between his husband and partner. “W-What are you two doing here?”

“To pick you up, of course,” Steve says, his tone dripping lower when he leans in to whisper into the shell of Bucky’s ear, “but also to have a little fun.”

Read on AO3


The Final Letter

Weeks after Steve’s death, Peggy receives a letter from him.

Bingos: Writing A Love Letter - @mcukinkbingo Characters: Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter Relationship: Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers Tags: Heavy angst

The constant knocking on the front door wasn’t doing anything to help the pounding headache.

“I’m coming, I’m coming,” she grumbled, “This better be important.”

“Yes. You’re Miss Carter, right?” a muffled voice asked. “I have an urgent delivery from Steve Rogers.”

Peggy had to hang onto the desk to support herself, her heart jumping to her throat. That’s a name she’d been avoiding for so long. It was just a mere few months after his death and she had no choice but to move on, to bury herself in her work.

Approaching the door with a gun in hand, Peggy opened it to see the face of a young delivery boy. He held up an envelope addressed to her and handed it over before disappearing into the night.

She couldn’t wrap her head around where this letter had come from. They’d already gone through Steve’s things before the government claimed possession of it, claiming Steve was their ‘possession’. She had to leave the room before she lost it on the government official.

There were no letters and far as she knew, the Howling Commandos didn’t keep anything from her. They were the reason that she’d gotten a small box of his things, as it was.

“What did you do, my darling?” Peggy whispered to the envelope.


Title: The Pool

Pairing: Darcy Lewis is a fandom bicycle. It's all fair game.

Rating: M/SFW (ish)

Warning: N/A

A/N: Don't have much to say. Expect if I was to make this into a fic, it would be just slice of life smut.

Image Credits: Banner made by me with the help of PicsArt and Google Images

Created for:


crawl home

Squares Filled:

Pairing: scott lang/sylvie laufeydottir

Word Count: 5093 words

Summary: The man’s stance relaxes, catching something in Sylvie’s eyes that apparently convinces him that she’s no threat, and the absolute lunatic invites this alien woman he’s just met into his home for something warm to drink and a safe haven from the rain.

She must be just as crazy as he is, because she accepts.

Rating: explicit


Star Spangled Cover

Summary: Bucky loves his boyfriend. Especially when he’s Captain America, poses for a magazine cover, and lets Bucky boss him around a little. Today happens to be when the stars align and all three happen.

Tags: Established relationship, Dom/sub undertones, Gentle Dom Bucky Barnes, Bottom Steve Rogers, Canon Related, Porn With Feelings

Word Count: 1351

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