
take damage to save time

@sexhaver / sexhaver.tumblr.com

29, agender, he/him or they/them

"Non-hierarchical"/"horizontal"/"consensus-based" organizing/decision-making is a great way to go completely fucking insane

You have two choices for how leadership is done and decisions are made:

- Recognized, designated, democratically-elected leadership with proscribed roles, powers, and limitations that can be held accountable through established structures and make decisions on a dime to accommodate situations as they develop (evil, bad, authoritarian, tankie)

- De facto leadership which will inevitably form around cliques, personal opinions, petty rivalries, and high school drama bullshit with no avenues for accountability or change, where decisions take agonizingly slow to make and are constantly walked back on, inevitably creating an unstable and disorganized clusterfuck which will fall apart even without counteraction by antagonistic forces (good, wholesome, anarcho-libertarian-communalist)


this post is fact checked by real American patriots who had to sit through tens of hours of "General Assemblies" at Occupy


i know i already posted screenshots of this thread but im going back and reading through all the comments and just. jesus fucking christ. i know calling people "cucked" when they haven't literally been cuckolded is shaky territory but what else am i supposed to call this attitude

like the way these people have convinced themselves that this is sane and healthy and not obviously ridiculous to anyone who has played a card game before is so...

BONUS: YGO equivalent of "i played my pro melee friend with items enabled on Jungle Japes and won by getting Snorlax out of a pokeball so clearly competitive melee is fake":

this is from a different thread but apparently you aren't even allowed to fucking take notes about private knowledge???? like if you did the MTG thing where you Thoughtsieze t1 and then write down the contents of their hand, you would get DQ'd

and after all these rules to "prevent cheating", they just. okay this one is actually just insane not even neurodivergent. if you activate an effect where you name a specific card and your opponent has to discard all copies of that card in their hand, and your opponent says they don't have any copies of it in hand, THEY DON'T HAVE TO REVEAL THEIR HAND TO PROVE IT. AND YOU AREN'T ALLOWED TO HAVE A JUDGE VERIFY FOR YOU UNLESS YOU HAVE OTHER EVIDENCE THAT THEY'RE CHEATING. and the worst part is that the most common version of this effect (Mind Crush) made YOU discard instead if your opponent didn't have the named card. so you have perfectly legal play patterns where you Mind Crush naming your opponent's wincon, they say "nah, i don't have it, you have to discard instead, trust me bro," you end your turn, they draw for turn, shuffle their hand around a bit to obscure which card they just drew, and go "wow whaddya know, i just happened to topdeck that card, game 2?"


this one goes beyond even just a tournament rules error (also wtf do they mean "you can't call a judge" im so scared) to being a card design error, every version of this effect in MTG forces the opponent to reveal their hand to avoid issues with this even in casual play

even fucking Uno has this shit figured out! you're only allowed to play a Wild Draw Four Card if you have no other plays, and if someone challenges you on it, you have to actually show them your hand instead of just going "trust me bro" before making them draw 6 instead. deeply deeply unserious game

Anonymous asked:

One of my buddies has gotten really into yugioh recently so they recommended another friend of ours some youtube videos to try and get him into it but instead of coming away with an appreciation for the game he just learned to hate on it with incredible accuracy

the one thing i will concede to YGO is that it has possibly some of the funniest meta shifts around. since their default format is the equivalent of MTG's Legacy (i.e. no set rotation), and the cards are all so ungodly complex, i get the impression as an outsider looking in that the meta basically consists of mad scientists in a lab somewhere cooking up new OTK combos heretofore unknown to man or beast that Konami then has to keep emergency banning like they're playing Whack-A-Mole. the fact that the lack of any kind of mana system hasn't turned the game into a coinflip simulator where you concede if you go second to save time is frankly a miracle


ESO has this recurring issue where they keep trying to add Moral Decisions into quests, but because it's an MMO, they can't make basically any of those choices matter. my favorite example of this so far is a quest where you find a certificate of debt on some dude's body in a dungeon, so you track down the guy who owed the dead guy money, and you have the choice of either collecting the debt yourself or forgiving it entirely.

you get the exact same amount of gold either way


i know i already posted screenshots of this thread but im going back and reading through all the comments and just. jesus fucking christ. i know calling people "cucked" when they haven't literally been cuckolded is shaky territory but what else am i supposed to call this attitude

like the way these people have convinced themselves that this is sane and healthy and not obviously ridiculous to anyone who has played a card game before is so...

BONUS: YGO equivalent of "i played my pro melee friend with items enabled on Jungle Japes and won by getting Snorlax out of a pokeball so clearly competitive melee is fake":

this is from a different thread but apparently you aren't even allowed to fucking take notes about private knowledge???? like if you did the MTG thing where you Thoughtsieze t1 and then write down the contents of their hand, you would get DQ'd

and after all these rules to "prevent cheating", they just. okay this one is actually just insane not even neurodivergent. if you activate an effect where you name a specific card and your opponent has to discard all copies of that card in their hand, and your opponent says they don't have any copies of it in hand, THEY DON'T HAVE TO REVEAL THEIR HAND TO PROVE IT. AND YOU AREN'T ALLOWED TO HAVE A JUDGE VERIFY FOR YOU UNLESS YOU HAVE OTHER EVIDENCE THAT THEY'RE CHEATING. and the worst part is that the most common version of this effect (Mind Crush) made YOU discard instead if your opponent didn't have the named card. so you have perfectly legal play patterns where you Mind Crush naming your opponent's wincon, they say "nah, i don't have it, you have to discard instead, trust me bro," you end your turn, they draw for turn, shuffle their hand around a bit to obscure which card they just drew, and go "wow whaddya know, i just happened to topdeck that card, game 2?"


i know i already posted screenshots of this thread but im going back and reading through all the comments and just. jesus fucking christ. i know calling people "cucked" when they haven't literally been cuckolded is shaky territory but what else am i supposed to call this attitude

like the way these people have convinced themselves that this is sane and healthy and not obviously ridiculous to anyone who has played a card game before is so...

BONUS: YGO equivalent of "i played my pro melee friend with items enabled on Jungle Japes and won by getting Snorlax out of a pokeball so clearly competitive melee is fake":

this is from a different thread but apparently you aren't even allowed to fucking take notes about private knowledge???? like if you did the MTG thing where you Thoughtsieze t1 and then write down the contents of their hand, you would get DQ'd


i know i already posted screenshots of this thread but im going back and reading through all the comments and just. jesus fucking christ. i know calling people "cucked" when they haven't literally been cuckolded is shaky territory but what else am i supposed to call this attitude

like the way these people have convinced themselves that this is sane and healthy and not obviously ridiculous to anyone who has played a card game before is so...

BONUS: YGO equivalent of "i played my pro melee friend with items enabled on Jungle Japes and won by getting Snorlax out of a pokeball so clearly competitive melee is fake":

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