
Professor Layton Heritage Posts

@layton-heritage-posts / layton-heritage-posts.tumblr.com

Apparently, I'm class-representative of the Layton Fandom

Welcome to my little archive for the best that the Layton fandom has to offer.

Submissions are always open because man do I need them. Rules are:

  1. Hast to be at least 5 months old
  2. Has at least 500 Notes
  3. If a post has 1.500 or more notes, its age doesn't matter anymore

You can submit a Post like this:

  • send me the link of the post through my dms
  • send me the Link through an ask. If you dont have the link or cant find the post just try describing it to me, maybe someone else saw it.
  • send me the link trough a submission
  • just @ me in the post

If you want me to tag something specific just tell me, I want this blog to be accessible for everyone after all.



Hypothetically if I murdered your murderer would I still get the blog


I mean, my murderer would become the next LHP. So by killing my murderer you would be killing LHP. Meaning that you take over as LHP. Yep.

Either that or you just try to take credit for the kill. You could also just do that.

Anonymous asked:

Glad to see people will still resort to murder for a chance at the heritage blog nature is healing

It’s always great when people work hard to achieve their goal. #motivational #inspiring #HolyShitIsThatAKnife

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