
Fucking's Landing

@fancydunamancy / fancydunamancy.tumblr.com

- Bára, Czech, she/her, ace - too old for Leo DiCaprio, too young for Nandor the Relentless - random fandom crap 🦇🦇

Okay okay we all know Johnny cash did his cover of Hurt and we were all like “ok he owns that now” but I watched the music video he made and I’m like “oh he OWNS it owns it”

It’s totally wild to me because most people agree that Trent Reznor is a master of his craft and Hurt is considered one of NIN’s best songs. Imagine having this great hit and 8 years later a musical legend who hasn’t done anything great in a long time and is ostensibly dying takes your song and fucking. Just fucking obliterates you

Taken from the Wikipedia page. Even Trent Reznor said it's not his song anymore.


i have finally watched episode 94! welcome back hot boy 💜

y'all might know that i am a staunch supporter of short haired Essek, so when i learned about his new hairstyle i went mmmmm not sure about that! but it took me like. two and a half hours to change my mind. it's cool to experiment with your appearance! the dude deserves some cute fancy curls, as a treat. also zmeess you've been growing out your hair from a buzz cut for years, now he's just like you fr or whatever the kids say.

so yeah, i support you man, you go and dazzle everyone with your fabulous Xhorhassian looks

p.s. haven't watched eps 95 and 96 yet, please no spoilers! \o/


hello bisexuals i bring gifts, feel free to use these icons with your heart, judgement and future that youve chosen but please credit me


literally how is driving not incredibly scary for everybody. how is it so normalized. girl you are going to DIE out there

its not even about car centrism its just like. how is this a thing at all. fuck

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