

@roach-works / roach-works.tumblr.com

formerly roachpatrol

did you know you can read an entire queer post-apocalyptic story about healing and threesomes, for free.

hey it's the last week of 2023 and you have nothing better to do. read After The Storm. it's free and illustrated on wattpad.

do you like super-size cinnamon rolls? do you like adorkable cyborgs. do you too fantasize about getting rescued from your shitty job where they stab you a lot and then given all the fish you can eat and also a beautiful couple of nerds who desire you carnally? this is your story. please enjoy.


Tesla is tanking so hard it is dragging the entire EV segment's sales down into the negative. When you omit Tesla from the equation, EV sales are up 13% across the board.

Don't let anyone tell you EV sales are in a slump.


"he would not fucking say that" but it's "they would not be having carefully negotiated bdsm manual sex"

this is escaping containment so I would like to state for the record that it was about batman comics. but also about the one time I saw a fic set in ancient china where they used the traffic light system


Draw badly. Write nonsensically. Embroider messily. Burn what you bake and cook. Get paint everywhere. Read half a book. Lose your mind for a bit. Plant things. Have faith in the process. Abandon 70 wood-carving projects. Get a kit and do some of it and never return to it. Get comfortable with sucking and losing motivation. Continue to create with reckless abandon.


another otta headcanon is that at least a couple of her femmes dated her as a middle age crisis thing where otta is the metaphorical pool boy to their upper middle class recent divorcee

so they get to feel like cougars while also reasoning that otta is 100+ years older than them so it doesn't count

and i think otta fell for this more than once because these 25+ year old half-foot women are more likely to be sexually forward and otta thinks she has to be a dom top to be butch but actually she really craves being told what to do


Gonna eat my hands from how much tumblr is unaware of Bad Bunny

Bad Bunny been doing it and killing it before harry styles was doing it- he’s been wearing skirts and doing his nails just cause and it even got my older brother who is straight painting his nails cause he realized “yeah who give a fuck I like it” and bad bunny kissing men and women on stage being open about the LGBT+ community and speaking out to about the transphobic stuff that happened in Puerto Rico. Like it’s not bad for people not being unaware of him but it makes me wanna rattle people when I see them praising stuff Harry has done calling him iconic and the first of it all for this movement when people like Bad bunny,Prince,etc been killing it

Bad bunny be upon you

This is also VERY important to note + some people can’t read Spanish

Never forget


Just wanted to add more to this

Bad Bunny did half of the music video for “Yo Perreo Sola” in drag. And I cannot emphasize how much the genre is saturated with machismo bullshit and Bad Bunny just refuses to participate in it.

His video for “Caro” is also a celebration of breaking gender norms. Most of the video is performed by Jazmyne Joy as Bad Bunny.

Like I fully understand if you don’t normally listen to reggaeton or Latino music in general. But I cannot express to you how huge and popular he is. He is the highest streaming artist worldwide right now. He’s largely adored by every young Latino out there. He’s having a great time and doing amazing things.


a gallon of milk but with this kind of cap:


quick suggestion

let me raise you an idea ive been keeping for years, just for this moment

The unholy trinity.

only the finest culinary experiences for my followers

is astounds me that each image seemed like the worst thing ever, but then the next image would top that, and now we have ascended to Lovecraftian levels of bad and I fear for the fabric of sanity and reality it may get worse the more this post grows. 

Please keep adding to this post.

is this anything?

i hate you all except you spray can of sprite im okay with you existing


there have been 774664 studies on basic income and the results of every single one have been “wow! we gave people money and literally everything improved! crime rates are down! the actual sky is bluer! my (the researcher’s) wife decided not to leave me after all!” but these have all been short studies, just a couple years. i think what’s really missing from the field is a proper long form study, with a broader, bolder demographic, to really get us those numbers we need. a truly diverse study pool like, say, everyone. forever


Blackout poetry exists on a dual axis from "banal" to "insightful" on the input side and "kind of deep" to "incredibly fucking dumb" on the output side, and while taking something banal and producing something kind of deep is well and fine, for my money taking something insightful and rendering it incredibly fucking dumb is where the real art is.


speculative fiction writers i am going to give you a really urgent piece of advice: don't say numbers. don't give your readers any numbers. how heavy is the sword? lots. how old is that city? plenty. how big is the fort? massive. how fast is the spaceship? not very, it's secondhand.

the minute you say a number your readers can check your math and you cannot do math better than your most autistic critic. i guarantee. don't let your readers do any math. when did something happen? awhile ago. how many bullets can that gun fire? trick question, it shoots lasers, and it shoots em HARD.

you are lying to people for fun. if you let them do math at you the lie collapses and it's no fun anymore.


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