
We make flags!

@mogai-flag-makers / mogai-flag-makers.tumblr.com

A group of mods coining terms and stuff -  https://imoga-mods.carrd.co/

“great, more mods” you must be thinking.

some of haven’s headmates want to be mods so we’re gonna let them. 3 of them. 

we’re gonna be putting them all in haven’s carrd page, which we’ll rename to faer system name (do i use singular pronouns? im not a system.)

anyways, welcome, key, ben, and nora!

it’s OK to say alters!!! :3

^owo^ Nora ^owo^


“great, more mods” you must be thinking.

some of haven’s headmates want to be mods so we’re gonna let them. 3 of them. 

we’re gonna be putting them all in haven’s carrd page, which we’ll rename to faer system name (do i use singular pronouns? im not a system.)

anyways, welcome, key, ben, and nora!

i forgot my name omlllll

from xeno.


“great, more mods” you must be thinking.

some of haven’s headmates want to be mods so we’re gonna let them. 3 of them. 

we’re gonna be putting them all in haven’s carrd page, which we’ll rename to faer system name (do i use singular pronouns? im not a system.)

anyways, welcome, key, ben, and nora!


<3 <3 !!Pastel genders!! <3 <3

Pystal (pronounced peas-tahl): A gender which is a combination of softboi + softgirl! Associated pronouns are pa/paer/paes/paeself (Pa is a pystal. Pa loves to play with paer cards. I would love to play cards with paem. Pa is very good, so pa should be very proud of paeself!) 

Used like girl/boy/enby!!

Pasugosgender: A gender that is both pastel and goth, but not pastel goth! Like a blend of light, easter colours, and dark blacks! Associated pronouns are  pas/pasu/gos/goself (Pas is pasugosgender. Pas loves to play with pasu cards. I would love to play cards with gos. Pas is very good, so pas should be very proud of goself!)

So hapi abt my first post ^w^!!! 

- pastella


œilsangine - a gend3r rel8ed 2 eyebleed colors, ravez, contrazzting colorz, n neonz! ass0ci8ed pr0nounz r ne/ne0n/ne0nz/ne0nz/ne0nzelf + ey/eyez/bleedz/bleedz/bleedzelf (ne luvz raves! I go to raves w/ ne0n. ne bringz ne0nz frendz w/ ne0n, and even hostz sum ravez ne0nzelf!) (ey luvz raves! i go to raids w/ eyez. ey bringz bleedz friendz w/ eyez, and even hostz sum ravez bleedzelf!) ^^

frum fae!! x3


my c4rrd p4g3 1z mezzed up o-o

1t s4yz p4ns3xual...1′m ac3 p4nro...

x3n0 f1x th1s plx 

s1nc3r3ly, fae 


w0w i didnt 3xpext s0 much h8 :(

bu7 w3re a f4m1ly so w3 can d3al w1th 1t!!


An idea - AlphabetGenders!

GenderA - A gender that feels strong, powerful, independent, and neutral

GenderB - A gender that feels beautiful, spoiled, and feminine

GenderC - A gender that feels harsh and static, but is fluid, soft, and energetic 

GenderD - A gender that feels very precise, static, and masculine

GenderE - A gender that feels badass and masculine

GenderF - A gender that feels very elegant and mystical, like pixies and fairies

GenderG - A gender that feels quirky, misshapen, flexible, and genderless

GenderH - A gender that feels like two genders were strung together by a very thin string

GenderI - A gender that feels personal and easy on the surface, but the more you think about it and discover more identities the more intricate it gets

GenderJ - A gender that feels clanky and unfitting at first, but begins to bloom int something elegant and understandable

GenderK - A gender that mimics other genders to the point where it becomes a completely unique and new gender, a fluid amalgamation of gender

GenderL - A gender that seems to be smooth, straight, and simple, but as soon as you get comfortable with it shifts into a clunky, uncomfortable, yet masculine mess

GenderM - A gender that is fluid between soft and harsh, but also feminine and neutral

GenderN - A gender that is similar to genderM, but completely different in a sort of uncertain way

GenderO - An intensely fluid gender that only feels contained by a thin guard of stability. This guard can be a certain time where your gender isn’t fluid, a certain amount of your identity that isn’t fluid, etc

GenderP - A gender that stands strong without the need of any other genders or orientations

GenderQ - A gender that doesn’t show itself often, or you don’t feel it often, but when you do feel it, it’s overwhelmingly loud and annoying

GenderR - A gender that is hardcore and rough like sandpaper

GenderS - A gender that goes through an almost mechanical process to reach the end result, but the end result never seems to come

GenderT - A gender that is structured and layered to be as tough as possible, but feels like it can break down at any second (note, only to be used by neurodivergent people on the anxiety spectrum)

GenderU - A gender that “bites” into other genders and overpowers everything, wanted or unwanted

GenderV - A feminine gender that is strange, but in a beautiful way

GenderW - A gender like genderV, but masculine

GenderX - A gender that exists, but you care about it so little you consider it as not a part of your identity

GenderY - A gender that is the combination of 3 genders that cannot exist without both others

GenderZ - A gender that feels like your last resort, or something so indescribable and unique that it becomes frustrating and difficult to define yourself as

- Nellz


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