
Kai 🏳️‍⚧️ (#1 Ciel defender)


Trans 🏳️‍⚧️ gay as hell. grey-asexual, Aromantic He/it Kai/Crow Cookie run enthusiast🍪 Project Sekai enthusiast 🏳️‍🌈 Blackbutler enthusiast ♟️ Skullgirls enthusiast 💀 Artist 🎨 Free Palestine 🇸🇩 Pinterest- https://pin.it/6fvuo8Z Discord- @kaivalentino

If you're struggling with the cost of living right now (reasonable), this is your PSA to...

  1. Google universities/colleges near you.
  2. If you can't get out to more than one, look up which one has the highest tuition.
  3. Look-up when the graduation date is
  4. Drive neighborhoods near the university the week before graduation

So much stuff gets left out on the curb. Wealthy college students tend to prioritize convenience over money, so instead of carefully reselling their perfectly good stuff, they frequently give it away or put it out with the trash because that's easier than moving, reselling, or donating. Take advantage of this.

I furnished pretty much my entire apartment from college giveaways and yardsales.

What I got for free:

  • Mattress and box springs
  • 2 10 ft area rugs
  • The massive 9-drawer chest (that has a label on the back that it was custom-made and shipped across the country) that my TV sits on.
  • Two 13 x 2 ft raised garden beds
  • My desk - just sanded it down and refinished it.
  • Three short stools
  • An organizer rack
  • Watering can
  • Tommy Bahama outdoor cooler (retails for $350)
  • Chairs
  • Shelves

What I got for cheap:

  • Two futons for $50
  • Custom coffee table with storage for $25
  • Three tall stools for $30

Seeing all the tags where people are warning that picking stuff up OFF the curb is illegal in their area has the same vibes as the oranges in Grapes of Wrath, and I hope all your city councilmen get eaten by the live furniture from Monty Python.

If it’s illegal, do it at night or on the last day of classes.

I once got a working DVD-VCR combo machine that also played CDs, working, for free, out of a dumpster during move out week.

If it’s illegal,

do it at night or on the

last day of classes.

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.



Stop being mean to this precious darling he is trying his best look at him

I’ve watched this like ten times I love him

water goblin enjoys a scream


Tired of sebiciel shippers clogging unrelated tags. This is NOT. VOCALOID.

I blocked that tag but these weirdos keep subjecting me to their pedophilia ship 🤢🤢🤮

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