
The LITG Archive Project

@litgarchive / litgarchive.tumblr.com

Development blog. 💕 Demo. 💕 Project by Pine.

This is a fully text-based archive of Love Island The Game Seasons 1 to 3 in an interactive fiction playable format made with ink and Atrament. 💕 Demo is on itch.io. (Last updated on February 02, 2024.) 💕 Here is why this had to be done.

Mobile-friendly. Browser-playable. Saves progress locally on your browser. Has light, dark, and sepia mode. Can change font and font size.

There are still many missing variables. They will be marked (INCOMPLETE). If you choose them, you will be shown a partial scene or sent to the next scene.

Everyone who has contributed references, most especially the LITG FF Discord. To everyone who has offered their support. techniX for Atrament.

Feel free to send comments, suggestions, content, or whatever through Tumblr (@litgarchive), Discord (@pine), or Email (litg@pine.onl).

As of February 02, 2024: Season 3 Day 6 Part 1 has been removed from the demo. It has been replaced with Season 3 Day 1, all parts and routes available except for Elladine branching. 💕 Full status updates here.


Updates and finishes

An LITG Archive Update

There's an update available for Atrament, the UI that I use for LITG Archive. Hopefully nothing breaks when I do update it.

Still finishing things off because I accidentally left some things blank. Then I will do error checks.

My next post will be when the game updates.

Thanks for your patience!

✨️ Pine


Still filling in

An LITG Archive Update

Haven't had a chance to really sit down yet, so I'm not done with filling up Day 2 Part 3 yet.

I am hoping to finish it this week. Sorry for the delay!

🫠 Pine


2 of 3 parts done

An LITG Archive Update

What it says on the tin, basically. I'm done coding 2 of 3 parts of Day 2. I hope to finish it this week, then testing until next week just in case I accidentally start a fire somewhere again.

🧯 Pine


Good news!

An LITG Archive Update

I finished cleaning up Day 9, finally! Huzzah!

I am cleaning up Day 11 currently, but have taken a quick look at the script until Day 13. (Shoutout again to @tremendouslyfreewitch and the LITG Remastered Discord!) I took note of the scenes which are connected to the early days.

This means I can finally switch gears and fill out missing scenes from Day 2 again and code it.

Day 2 update set within this coming month of May.

😌 Pine


Roadblock, perhaps

An LITG Archive Update

I have continued cleaning up code for Day 1 to 9, mostly because of some throwbacks from later days which, ofc, needs to be called from earlier days, and somehow I have not been able to include yet.

The only Day 10 content I have is still the base script as of right now, as I haven't coded it yet.

Anyway, that's the update.

😵‍💫 Pine


Sweep, sweep, sweep

An LITG Archive Update

Haven't had much time this past week to work on the project, except to clean up a couple of knots and write in some conditionals for Days 9 and 10, which I had begun the base script for prior my break.

So, yeah. I am continuing it. I hope to finish a base script up to Day 12 this week.

💕 Pine


Junimos ate me

An LITG Archive Update

So, I did have some progress, mostly because of the reference script by Meri from the LITG Remastered Discord.

Base script is updated to partial Day 10 now.

Admittedly, I could have done a lot more, but Eric "Concerned Ape" Barone decided to tell people to "get ready", but not too much since he's still going for coffee before dropping the Version 1.6 update. Which, I am a mobile player, it won't be updated any time soon, but did it have me on a chokehold anyway? Yes.

Also, given that it's the Holy Week where I'm from, I will be busy with personal commitments this week. The next update post will be on April 9, 2024.

Hope to have more for you all soon!

💕 Pine


No progress this week

An LITG Archive Update

I apologize for the lack of progress to report today. Various things have distracted me this past week, although I did finish prepping Day 10 Part 1 for extraction, but that's the extent of it. I haven't been able to clean up any code or anything else on the backend.

That said, Meri of the LITG Remastered Discord did great work transcribing Days 8 to 13 of the Season 3 script. I can reference their work when I create the base script this week.

Again, sorry about this. This week should be better for working on the project.

💕 Pine


Tiny more progress

An LITG Archive Update

Another short one, as I wasn't able to use my laptop much the previous week. For now, I have:

  • a mostly finished Day 8 base script.
  • prepped up to Day 9 for extraction.
  • filled up some more routes for Day 2 Part 2.
  • added in some variables needed for future episodes, particularly regarding MC's diet.

Have a great week ahead, everyone!

💕 Pine


Tiny progress

An LITG Archive Update

A short quick progress report for everyone:

  • Finished up to Day 7 for my base script, including minor coding and sectioning.
  • Added AJ's route for all of Day 3.
  • Currently adding the rest of the routes for Day 2. Bill's route so far has perplexed me, but nothing unmanageable.
  • Still extracting Day 8 content.

That's all. Keep on being awesome.

💕 Pine


I do hate dusting, but I digress

An LITG Archive Update

I've reached Day 3 Part 3, the part of the base script which made me question everything since I had updated the game. Good news is, I finished its base script and added AJ's route. So, my mind at ease, I can continue cleaning up the rest of the base script that I currently have and extract the Day 8 content that I have on hand.

I'll continue preparation and extraction of the base script until I reach the final day for Season 3.

Afterwards, whenever I'm on the go, I will start preparation for the base script for Season 2, then Season 1. This is to help the LITG Remastered Project as well. (They do need help in extracting the script, and whatever blanks I have left after going through recorded playthroughs I have on hand, I use them as reference. Click here to check their Discord Server out!)

So, there won't be any game updates for this month, unfortunately. But I am making progress on the back-end.


Day 1 re-code is done. Now what?

An LITG Archive Update

I finished cleaning up the code for Day 1 and I have initially tested it using Inky. Haven't tried it with Atrament yet... perhaps when I have a bit more added, like Day 2 content which I am working on filling up.

I am prepping Day 8 whenever I am on the go. Hopefully, I will be able to have a more substantial progress report and a minor update of the game soon for you all.

💕 Pine


Tiny bit of progress

An LITG Archive Update

Yeah, so, a very short update today.

  • I have finished filling in missing scenes and choices in Season 3 Day 1 Parts 1 and 2. Thank you LITG Remastered Discord!
  • Most of the necessary functions had been added in, and variable names have been changed/updated.

I haven't tested any of the code yet. I won't until I finish Day 1 Part 3, which should be done this week.

Anyway, advanced greetings of happy hearts day!

💕 Pine



An LITG Archive Update

No content added after the game update last Friday. I'm working on cleaning up the base script and the code itself, as I've realized a few missing things. Two parts of the update today: a bug, and functions.

The more important announcement is that once the next update drops, you'll have to restart the game due to some code additions.

More under the cut.

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