
I like my coffee

@pupucino / pupucino.tumblr.com

dark, bitter and hot | multilingual multifandom shitposting | suomitumppu | occasional artist | melodramatic millennial | goth | kaaoksen palvelija | ace gay | any pronouns

Really wish words like “crossdresser” and “transvestite” didn’t get pushed out of people’s vocabulary cause now we’ve got 20yr olds who genuinely believe the two modes of expression are True Transgender and Valor Thief. Seeing takes like “men dressing as women is making a mockery of the transfeminine experience” (predominantly regarding F1nn5ter or celebs in skirts). Like ohhhh you are so right! We need to protect the divine feminine from any measure of mockery. You know what? We should gather weapons and storm our nearest Drag Story Hour and teach those degenerates a lesson.

Agree with everything else but it really depends what you mean by “finn’s egg cracked” because he still does not ID as trans and people are mad about it. He apparently described himself as not trans and not cis and there was uproar about how it isn’t a thing or he needs to pick one—again, deciding either he is True Transgender or a Valor Thief.

He could end up coming out as trans, he could end up finding he likes labels like “nonbinary” OR he could still identify with GNC labels. All of which are not really our business and I feel sorry that this young kid’s whole identity is out there for everyone to scrutinize.

I really really hate tumbr’s obsession with egg cracking and deciding that everyone is either in denial and needs to be prematurely assigned labels, or is a faker stealing resources in which case queer community is restricted from them instead of just giving the guy space to figure out what he wants.

so many people think the point of queerness is to just replace cisheteronormativity with a better set of boxes to fit everyone in rather than rejecting the idea that it's your job to tell anyone else what their box is


hey guys if you actually care about mexicos water crisis please consider boycotting brands like coca cola and heineken. they are the ones running mexico's water supplies dry. I am aware of the "mexicans drink too much coke lmao" stereotype but it is because they have made us dependent on their brand, making it so in certain places of mexico, a coca cola bottle is cheaper than water. all thanks to our ex president Vicente Fox <3


"I don't want to read this" is totally valid.

"This is disgusting to me" is totally valid.

"I don't want to read this because it is disgusting to me" is totally valid.

"I don't think anyone should be allowed to read or write this because it is disgusting to me" is authoritarian.

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