
@teamhook / teamhook.tumblr.com

Captain Swan shipper, lover of Hook and Colin O'Donoghue.

I miss OUAT... not because it was such a great show or anything... but I miss the the Captain Swan fandom days, the experience of being part of a community. Of hunting for spoilers, speculating about storylines, suffering through cliffhangers and hiatuses, writing and reading fanfics, analyzing characters, and yes, even the occasional drama. The shipmates, fandom friends.

Never before and never after the OUAT/CS fandom I've been part of such a vibrant, creative, funny and passionate community.

It's been a great few years, and I just miss it.

Anonymous asked:

more bs. saw a sq saying cs wasn't true love because of the test in the underworld and emma would've jumped in front of anyone on fire including regina...ok

Yes! Emma would've saved anyone from the fire. Including Regina.

However they are missing the key element here.

"I think I know. I think I have to weigh my heart to see if my love for you is true." - Emma 5x20

The scale was weighing her heart to see what kind of love it was. So if it had been Regina instead the door wouldn't have opened because Emma's heart doesn't share true love with Regina. But it did open for Killian Jones.

I still think his response was being tested as well because the show was always saying or showing that true love is shared. You can't have true love if the other person doesn't return it (like Rumple and Belle have both rejected the other or how it doesn't work when the other person doesn't remember who they are or the other person).

Also, in S6 the door opened to Emma's true love. So that is two true love tests and both doors opened to Killian Jones. The haters just need to accept that CaptainSwan was shown to share true love. It's canon. Deal with it.

Emma: Oh, by the way, if you ever speak disrespectfully again about my husband, I’ll kill you. Sorry, that sounded like a joke. I will ACTUALLY kill you.

Yesterday I had a big fight with S/Qer, who went to my moot’s comments under CS edit and wrote his “opinion”. It so strange to me, how they can see everything in completely wrong way. And it’s funny how they ignore all red flags in Regina even if you give them facts, quotes and moments.

That guy said that they could do True Love test in Underworld because Emma felt guilty. Oh, man, they literally said that it was TRUE LOVE test. Your interpretation is only your problem.

And that guy wrote “Because of an opinion like yours, women are raped and killed”. What? 💀

Just ship what you want and don’t try to bring your unnecessary opinion to those people who will never understand you and your delusional interpretation.


I'm sorry but SQ fans for the most part feel that way. They miss the whole actual rape of men on that show. Don't worry about it just ignore it

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