
Kiss Alien 😘👽

@babischlong-six / babischlong-six.tumblr.com

Vera | she/them | 20s | 中/Рус/USA | sporadic multifandom - currently obsessed with sci-fi shows | DILF enjoyer [@dao_holy on twitter, TerokNope on ao3]

Everyone who is disappointed about the character they received in the tags, I am heart broken. You should feel HONOURED to be Nog. Malcolm Reed is a funny little fellow, I would feel BLESSED to be kin assigned him. I love each and every one of these characters dearly (except for Dukat) please do not deny the gift you have been given.


i've always read "canon-divergence" it as it follows canon at a certain point but then proceeds to an alternate path and "alternate universe" as what is says - a completely different universe but i've seen some say they're interchangeable

do you guys find them interchangeable??


I am kind of a picky bitch about AUs in general. I love a well-executed “for want of a nail” AU, where one small change ripples out into canon, or things like daemon AUs where the one big change to the surrounding world is what changes canon.

I get frustrated when a canon-divergence AU starts the ball rolling with a handful of seemingly unrelated changes — like, I want to know why all these things are different besides author fiat. And mundane AUs have just never been something I enjoy.

Actually, I think a big part of the fun of AUs, for me, is AU as formal exercise — like, show me you understand all the complex little ticking parts of canon well enough to very carefully jam a stick through one carefully-chosen gear, and then plausibly play out the consequences.


Thinking about Mirror Universe Hoshi again… she may be a murderer but she’s also cool as hell😎


'you still listen to music from 10 years ago 🤨?' bitch if prehistoric humans had audio recording technology id be sat up here listening to grog and unga bunga's greatest hits don't play with me


Some day I want to see a show that does the “no filler episodes” thing from the opposite direction. Just a whole season worth of low-stakes character pieces that seem to move the overall story absolutely nowhere, then episode 26 pulls all the triggers at once and this massive Rube Goldberg machine of a plot the show’s been quietly setting up in the background the whole time hits you like a truck.


Incredible one-liners as always

[ID: tumblr tags reading: chekhov’s firing squad. / end]


oh uh. scuse me. just a lil snail crossing your dash


I love how certain I am that I’m not the only person who stopped scrolling to let the snail finish crossing the dash.  

In fact, I would bet small sums of money that the majority of Tumblr folk do.    


Rb for the lil hops it does at the end before it finishes crossing 🥺💓


My version of "Saint Sebastian Tended by Irene" attributed to Georges de La Tour :]

My composition got a little spread out and I feel like I could have kept it a lot tighter and more true to the original, but I'm VERY happy with it overall. I totally made up Data's insides as I went along because there isn't a lot of info on his guts, and the one image I did find didn't have any lungs, which I find hard to believe since he breathes a lot. Is there any practical purpose for his lungs to glow blue? No, but he canonically has blinking lights inside his head so i figured I might as well do whatever I want <3


jonathan harker on may 12th: i witnessed with abject terror as the count descended the sheer stone wall of the castle face first as a lizard would. the unmitigated horror of the spectacle haunts my waking hours like an inescapable nightmare. this man or this thing shall surely be my undoing.

jonathan harker on may 15th: saw the old bastard do the crawling trick again and honestly fuck him it's not even that impressive i don't even care anymore i hope he falls.


I've seen 3 of the 4 john wick movies and I love how all the dialogue is like. A dude will go like "Is that you John Wick?" And John Wick will go "Yeah..." and the guy will go "You doing some John Wicking tonight?" And John Wick will go "Something Like That..." And the dude will go "Shame it had to be this way" and John Wick will go "I'm Sorry..." and then John Wick caves the dude's head in with a giant wooden mallet. And it rules.


If tumblr had been around when Babylon 5 first aired, I swear this website would have been obsessed with Londo and G'Kar.

Listen. LISTEN. They are bound by fate. They circle each other like binary stars. When they're around each other, they flare like comets that get to close to the sun. They may well be destined to crush all life between them with the intensity of their will.

Tumblr would not have been normal about them, and I would have been HERE for it.

Marguerite Burnat-Provins (1872-1952) was born in Arras, in northern France. She was the eldest of seven children born to prosperous, cultured, middle class family. Indeed, her father encouraged her keen interest in writing and painting. In 1891 she left for Paris, where she followed arts-based curricula in various schools, since the École des beaux-arts did not yet admit women. At the age of twenty-four she married Adolphe Burnat-Provins, a Swiss architect she met in Paris, and the couple moved to Vevey, Adolphe's hometown. In 1898, on the advice of a friend, the painter Ernest Biéler, she started making regular trips to Savièse in the Valais to paint and write. The area's sunny climate was good for her fragile health and allowed her to develop her talent. Marguerite Burnat-Provins produced a number of paintings, embroideries and posters; she also pursued various literary projects. In 1906 she met Paul de Kalbermatten, a young engineer from the Valais, with whom she had a passionate affair. This precipitated her divorce from Adolphe in 1908 and her marriage to Paul. The couple were living in Bayonne at the outbreak of the First World War; Paul was called up in Switzerland, while Marguerite remained in France. The war proved to be a hugely traumatic experience for Marguerite, inspiring her to undertake a completely new work, entitled Ma Ville. Painted ‘under dictation and not by deliberate design’, the compositions in Ma Ville are peopled by hybrid figures that are part-human, part-beast. She continued to develop this project right up until her death, while also publishing several books. (source)
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