
Chaos central

@fan-mans / fan-mans.tumblr.com

Welcome to my fandom blog! Call me Charlie if you insist on a proper name. He/him Confirmed Sicko. All I care about is respect here. If I do/say anything rude or hostile, please feel free to hold me accountable and tell me as such. I often struggle to understand proper etiquette and I need (And truly appreciate) people calling out any bad behavior. Don't bother harassing me over shit- you aren't accomplishing anything but adding to my blocklist.

gosh!! these two are quite the adoreable couple, aren’t they? <3


Click for better quality! Decided to ask for ships in two different servers and those two ships came up. I'm very proud of those tbh


Happy Pride Month you homos ✨️🏳️‍🌈

Have an unfinished Sander sketch


Yo, what if Bear Hugger put a dress on as a bit and that turned into her trans awakening???


[ID: the first image is a colored digital drawing of Katara and Sokka from Avatar: the Last Airbender, dressed in modern clothing. They are both drawn from the mid leg up, facing the audience. Katara is on the left while Sokka is on the right. Katara has one hand resting on Sokka’s back, the other raised in a wave. She’s wearing a yellow short-sleeved crop top with the trans symbol on it in the colors of the trans flag, as well as plain blue skinny jeans, a blue bracelet, and her mother’s necklace. Her hair is back in a long braid with 2 hair loopies framing the sides of her face. She has her nails painted blue, and wears water drop-shaped earrings that have the colors of peacock feathers. Katara glances up at Sokka, grinning with her mouth open in a happy expression.

Sokka stands next to Katara, one arm around her neck and the other raised to his forehead in a salute. He’s wearing a yellow binder and green cargo pants, with the same blue bracelet and blue painted nails. He has a trans flag tied around his neck like a cape, and wears the white necklace he does in canon along with white anchor-shaped dangly earrings. Sokka looks back at Katara, grinning. The background of the drawing is blue with a rainbow arching diagonally through it. There is a light yellow border around it with the artist’s signature that reads, “thundahouse”.

The second image is an edit of the “before 2014 end” meme of J. Cole holding out his hands so that his palms face the audience. The text on it has been edited to say, “before pride month end: trans water tribe siblings 💕🙈😩”. End ID.]


Happy Pride Month! Ft. Stevonnie (Part 2 of 2)

I considered having Stevonnie with the intersex and non binary flags but since I only had time to draw these two pictures for pride month I *had* to get the iconic rainbow in there for one of them! 


Fontaine being a pan gay

I’ve always perceived fontaine as pan for some reason, and, lo and behold, through my love for him I realized that I am also pan. it was actually quite the revelation for me. thank you, mr. fontaine ;)

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