
Hermaphrodyke's Dog Bling Emporium

@vergess / vergess.tumblr.com

Sounds like Aphrodite. =-Please DO interact-= 🇱🇧✡️🇵🇸
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Name: Vergess, Vees, Vee, V. (Any, It/its, Ze/zir)

Help me pay rent:

Donate a particular amount, and you can request the following!

  • Prose editing: $10 USD per 1,000 words. Up to 2000 words per piece. Longer work available at commission. (Link: What is prose editing?)
  • Technical Support: Windows, Android, and Linux operating systems only. $15 USD, via Discord or phone, text or voice. Ask me your tech questions and I'll do my best to answer and educate.
  • Digital painting: $25 USD. Artist's choice, requests welcomed. Commission information here if you want something specific.
  • Photos of my Service Dog: Free with any donation, just let me know!

this is so fucking funny

i can't stop thinking about this. this kind of shit is not like milsim plane nerds with their own super-expensive desktop cockpit recreations. that kind of hardware makes sense to exist.

this does not. they're playing world of tanks which is like the "call of duty" of tank games (casual, players only slightly bad-smelling). it also doesn't have support for tank peripherals. no game does. no trainers do afaik. which means that (assuming this isn't just a video editing) all of that shit they are fucking with translates into mouse/keyboard inputs that the game understands. that's weird/hard and perplexing, uh, and considering that "tank peripherals" aren't a thing that exist i can only guess they built them theirselves

which is fucking hilarious because why are they so good. why does the fucking cannon breech have a little dry ice smoke effect when the breech opens like they just shot a shell. what. manual turret traverse crank?? did they build a fucking ready rack!! they're even using the correct phraseology which means one of these mofos read a PDF file

oh yeah i almost missed the BIG RED CARTOON BUTTON for firing the cannon. which is a very funny choice in the context of all the rest of it. there is nothing that uses big honking red button except emergency stop buttons and that button. let alone firing a tank (trigger on gunner's stick + pull string mechanical backup)


Winter is rainy season in California, and ironically when I do all my gardening. I just love how lush and green everything becomes with the winter rain 💧🌿🌼🌷


Today in obscure Doctor Who jokes:

Somebody on Twitter pointed out that the Big Finish companion Hex is canonically from the year 2021, so when he occasionally abbreviates the word "suspicious" to "sus," it's probably an Among Us reference.

The punchline is that this character was actually introduced back in 2004. It was made-up future slang that they happened to get right.

“British writer invents time travel and uses it on One Joke”


They recorded tinnitus? It's a physical thing?????


The most mind-blowing moment, not only for De La Mata but the scientists too, came when they managed to actually record the sounds that she heard in her ears – which now appear as ‘Left Ear’ and ‘Right Ear’ which begin sides A and B on the album – and in doing so opened up questions about the nature of tinnitus itself. “The NHS definition is that it’s a phantom sound that your brain is creating, that it isn’t something ‘real’, so you should try to ignore it.” By having De La Mata place her ear into an anechoic chamber, with an ultra-sensitive microphone perched in her ear canal, they were able to provide significant evidence to the contrary. “After the first recording of it, it was ‘There’s no way, this isn’t possible.’” They tried again with her breath held, and again with her tensing her ears, and again with other members of staff, but each time it became apparent that yes, the noises De La Mata hears are seemingly something physical.

even tho golems don't actually move (sadly) you can still make one that will protect you by using very durable materials and by making it the perfect size to throw at antisemites


tumblr removed my header which was literally just this image

okay I know we’re only 4,000 notes in but look at the likes-reblogs ratio… it’s almost the same. Staff you done fucked up

12k now, there's a difference in the ratio now but still a close one. Wowsers Staff.


Do we think perhaps just maybe staff removed your trademark violation because they are legally required to do so in the US as soon as it is brought to their attention? That perhaps you were maliciously reported due to transphobia but that the actual removal is, in fact, because of a genuine violation self evident in the very pictures in which you use the tumblr logo and associated graphic designs to explicitly mislead viewers into believing you are using those graphics with company permission and for company goals?

No, no, 'tis the transphobia of course.

The transphobia is why they removed the picture they're legally required to remove. Not that meagre force of US law. Merely another instance of unmitigated transphobia from one of the most aggressively queer software teams on earth, of course. No exterior or systemic pressures here, no way!

This is just like when they banned pride (by making pride decorations on the site permanent year round instead of temporary). Or when they banned that woman for her exploding clown car threat (not the hundreds of examples of her really harassing marginalized people for fun).

We can add 'passive aggressively steals trans pfps (by following us trademark law)' to the list! Yay! What fun!

Obviously since the problem isn't systemic legal abuse just some random transphobes on staff, the only solution to this is to [checks notes] make a post bitching about tumblr on tumblr and in no way notify the staff, instead of a) using an appeal of any sort or b) holding the US government accountable for their absurd restrictions on the use of a trademarked logo in obvious parody.

I know y'all hate hate HATE the idea of listening to anyone but yourselves on this stuff, but if you could at least pretend to care that sex workers have been tirelessly redirecting you to the actual, legal causes of this behaviour for years, that'd be just fuckin peachy thanks.

But nah, by all means, keep building your conspiracy theories that actively distract from real solutions, by blaming US law on one of the smallest tech comapnies on earth. I'm sure that's just as good.


The tumblr experience is watching someone with $50 to their name absolutely tearing at the throat of someone with $1,500 to their name.

Explaining to tumblr with gentle voice and nice words that being able to absorb one unexpected car issue (just like, not a BAD issue) is not the experience of the bourgeoisie elite.

Watched an anon call another tumblr user privileged because that tumblr user had more followers, and thus had a wider audience to ask for emergency donations from. On the don't have money website.


i just don't get it it dot org dot jpeg. resistance is justified when people are occupied sure yeah when you're resisting the military. but going into civilian homes and shooting people sleeping in their beds? chasing unarmed people running away from you? spending hours hunting people down who are hiding in closets, bomb shelters, and walk-in fridges so you can kill them? how tf is that "resistance" and why do y'all support it. i just don't get it like genuinely.

like help me understand how "check the walk-in fridge in case there are a few civilians left hiding in there after our initial attack a few hours ago and kill them" is

a) a logical military objective

or b) "justified" and worth celebrating

i mean i guess it's very possible that many of you just don't believe most of what happened, the narrative did shift in the early weeks from "omg so cool" to "it's all lies"

also ugh the fact that this post is going to be used as further proof im a "zionist" and everyone should block me, and will make people suspect i'm secretly the long arm of the israeli government trying to infiltrate tumblr with my pro-israel propaganda rather than a random person who just finds this shit triggering because im only 1-2 degrees away from people affected....... is insane lmao


Environmental charity Climate Force is collaborating with the Eastern Kuku Yalanji people and rangers to create a wildlife corridor that runs between two UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Australia: the Daintree Rainforest and the Great Barrier Reef.

Wildlife habitats in this region have become fragmented due to industrial agriculture, and a forested corridor is expected to help protect biodiversity by allowing animals to forage for food and connect different populations for mating and migration.

The project aims to plant 360,000 trees over an area of 213 hectares (526 acres); so far, it has planted 25,000 trees of 180 species on the land and in the nursery, which can also feed a range of native wildlife.

The project is ambitious and organizers say they’re hopeful about it, but challenges remain, including soil regeneration and ensuring the planted trees aren’t killed off by feral pigs or flooding.

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