
@abracarabbit / abracarabbit.tumblr.com

just a chaotic little gremlin
(Sideblogs in pinned post)

Hello and welcome to my main blog! You can call me Gerbs (pronounced with a G sound, not a J) or Abra or Rabbit, it doesn’t really matter. I am an adult and use she/her pronouns.

Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to peruse my other blogs, drop and ask or stop for a chat! I try to keep it very chill here.

Video Games:

Animal Crossing - @crescentia-airport

Destiny the Game - @astridthewarlock

FFXIV - @jujuna-ffxiv

Kingdom Hearts - @basickeyblade

Anime blogs:

Yu Yu Hakusho - @homeworkneverends

Digimon - @digidreamers



No buts. No 'all evil candidates.' No excuses. No bullshit. You either give a shit about what's happening to you in the United States or you fucking don't. No pleasantries, no argument to hide behind, this is it. Been seeing a lot of Propaganda cropping up again in my feed and I am 10,000% not here for it. I have officially hit my absolute limit for complete and utter nonsense spouted by right-wing bots and plants as some psyop to get the chronically online to not vote.

Bite your lip. Hold your nose. Hell, complain the whole time if you want. But fucking vote. If you care, you fucking vote. That's it.


Not to sound like a fuckin hippie but please for the love of god start noticing and appreciating the natural world around you. You don’t have to go hike the entire Appalachian trail or anything and I get that not everyone has access to the outdoors for various reasons, but just fucking … look around you when you’re outside. Notice the sky and the sun and the birds and creatures. Start caring about them. I’m begging you.


This animation without the filter because it fucked with the framerate for some reason (this isn't the intended look otherwise, but bleh)

im sure most of you dont give a flying dick tit about godzilla shit but this model and now animation is the first thing ive made and was kinda proud of in a long time .


idk probably

im worried that the reason you're getting less attention than you deserve is that this looks like it was clipped out of a Movie, and not one of the lower budget ones

2,840,658 polys

i make my rigs myself

dont do this to me


what’s your ‘thing’ as a friend. i don’t mean like ‘oh im the mom friend’ i mean like what’s the Thing where if one of your friends was looking for a specific interaction they’d message you first. personally i can always be relied upon to get hyped about bugs, literature, and cursed internet images.


i think anyone who’s every used the internet has seen this picture at least once


yes that one exactly

wake me up inside

That first image is an edit of HUGZzz by Irene Strychalski. She’s improved tremendously in the past nine years, and you can see her current work on her tumblr, reniedraws! She has done backgrounds for Archer and Unsupervised, backgrounds and character designs for Chozen, and pencils and inks for issue #1 of Deadpool Family. She’s currently making a webcomic called Shaman Child. Here’s some of her current art:

As for the anime girl in the plaid skirt, I braved the hellscape that is early ‘00s anime websites, exploring endless gif-covered Gaia pages and vampire-filled roleplay forums, traveling across seas of unsourced DeviantArt edits and low-res hentai, to discover that she is an original character by Hiro Suzuhira. She has done work for Shuffle!, Ef: A Tale of Melodies, Akikan!, Phantom Breaker, and We Without Wings, among many others, and she is also a prolific freelance illustrator. Here are some examples of her art:

tumblr VH1 presents “Where are they now? Early 2000′s internet artists”


Fuck yeah! Show those sources! Knowing after all this time of that stolen art being everywhere, seeing the artist named is really great!


Hey I don’t know if this is being talked about on Tumblr but thankfully the AO3 subreddit has a conversation going about this app that just went live.

TikTok user unravel.me.now has just launch an app (lore.fm) she is calling “Audible for AO3”. It’s an app that uses AI voices to read out fics.

🚨She is requiring any authors who do not want their fics to be on this app to OPT OUT by emailing team@lore.fm 🚨 🚨She has not given an actual template or how you’re supposed to prove you’re the author or said how her team will process this or how she will keep these requests secure🚨

I do not have this app. I haven’t seen anyone use it yet. According to Reddit users, unravel.me.now’s earlier TikToks stated she envisions the app being able to create libraries stored on that app and to have version of “Spotify wrapped”. That implies that eventually data collection must happen, if it’s not happening currently.

I don’t know the actual capabilities of this app. I don’t know the legalities. I do know that it personally feels like this app is trying to turn AO3 into a content generation source and I haven’t heard of the app allowing you to leave a comment or kudos or interact with the original work.

I’m just sad about this.

This one post does not cover all the issues that is lore.fm, but I encourage ALL of my readers to not engage with this app or upload my work to it in any way.

I have already sent a denial of consent to their team. That can be found here: (I have yet to receive a response)

Now, with that being said, here is my take:

Lore.fm has done nothing to seek the consent of writers.

A lack of a no is not a yes. A clear, explicit no, is a no. The absence of a no is not a yes, it is still a no.

Regardless of how noble the endeavor is, or to say that this third-party app is for "accessibility," that does not override consent.

In addition, hiding behind accessibility to disguise theft is disgusting and horrendous behavior.

Period. Full Stop.

I work in Special Education. I work with text-to-speech software every. single. fucking. day. Lore.fm is NOT it.

Do not support them.

Do not download their app.

Do not feed fanfiction into their AI.

If you need language access tools, or text-to-speech plug-ins, etc, I will happily give you a few options that do not require a third-party downloadable app.

For my Ao3 readers, I am not locking my work, although lore.fm is advising people do (which is also a shitty ask). They've been sent my written non-consent.

Tagging my writing and archivist mutuals to spread the word: @firelightinferno @glitterypirateduck @childofyuggoth @glassgulls

Thank you, @gloomwitchwrites for tagging me in this. I went straight to the account from unravel.me.now and saw she just posted an update that she and her team got many emails regarding lore.fm and she issues an apology. She thinks it's better to shut it down and I hope she will do it.

I hope people keep telling her that she has to really SHUT IT DOWN. My AO3 account has been locked for quite some time and all is very private but I don't want my fic content on their platform or anywhere else unless I PUT IT THERE.

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