
Teleport Books

@teleportbooks / teleportbooks.tumblr.com

Fanbinding and other bookbinding projects! I follow from @ehyde

Ficbinding: Salvage by @muffinlance (typeset by @no-name-publishing)

I've recently been getting back into AtLA fic as my kids are watching the series. I was already thinking about binding Salvage when I realized that @no-name-publishing had already typeset it; thank you for letting me use your work!

The marbled paper on the cover is a piece I made myself a few months ago, but unfortunately I only had one letter-sized sheet and couldn't do a standard paper w/leather spine cover. But restriction breeds creativity as the saying goes, so I cut the paper on the diagonal, and built the rest of the cover around that.

I decided that a wave pattern would look cool to fill the remaining space, so I cut a stencil with my Silhouette and painted the design with Angelus leather paint, which I used for the first time here and can't recommend enough for applying titles/designs on leather covers. The endpapers were done with the foil quill attachment; both designs are from this artist.

I have told my eldest that she can read this if she's very careful with it :D


Ficbinding: The Exorcism of Lan Yuan by EHyde

Lan Yuan has been possessed for as long as he can remember. Surely, when he finally tells Hanguang-jun, his father will keep him safe?

I've been bookbinding for 2+ years and this is my first binding of my own work! Ignore the unfortunate glue stain on the front cover

Since this is my own fic I can be as self-indulgent as I want. I did a hardcover B6 size book even though the fic is only 5k. I made a title page in six layers of translucent paper, with one more word on each layer, so that at first look, the name "Lan Yuan" is almost completely faded away. Rather than place the title on the cover, I made a cutout window with one more additional translucent layer.

The cover fabric is shot dupioni, blue that shifts to red when seen at an angle. I also made red endbands. The typeset itself is minimal, with wide margins, set in Coelacanth (one of my favorite text fonts).


Ficbinding: An Internal Affair by nirejseki

I had the chance recently to bind this for @robininthelabyrinth recently and I had a lot of fun with it! I'm not very familiar with the fandom and I had a great time getting to know the characters (albeit an AU version of at least one of them) while figuring out how I would design the book.

The marbled paper I found for the endpages (a red/gold chevron that I thought was reminiscent of a lightning bolt pattern) had such straight, even lines that I got the idea to set one stripe of it as an inset band on the cover. I'm pretty happy with that, might do something similar in future book designs!


Experimental bookbinding!

A couple of years ago there was a conversation in the Renegade discord about books styled after corsetry, and I thought it would be cool to model the actual construction after corsetry, not just the aesthetics. So,

  • Book pages are often held together by being sewn onto cords or tapes, which are then glued or tied to the cover boards
  • What if they were laced to the cover boards instead?

In this notebook, each section of folded pages is sewn individually. The sewing creates channels to thread the lacing through.

It took a couple of lacing attempts to get it to work. On an actual corset, the lacing would alternate being threaded out to in vs in to out, so that the corset would be able to lace completely closed. When I laced the book like this, the pages didn't stay in place--I needed the lacing to pull the pages towards the outside edge of the board at every pass through.

The pages are made of onesided graph paper, so they're blank on one side and gridded on the other. I plan to use this as a bookbinding planning journal. Technically, one could unlace the pages and replace them with a blank set when it's full.

The flat-felled seams and boning channels on the cover are purely decorative.


ficbinding: Joy in the Midst of These Things by glitterbombshell

This is the fic I bound for this winter's @renegadepublishing exchange! I was excited to see this series among my giftee's requests because it's one I really enjoyed.

I recently (... okay, that was in the summer and it's already December, but. Recently) did a different stab binding box set and I liked it a lot and wanted to do it again, and thought it would work well for this series. This time instead of a slipcase, I made a wraparound case modeled after a Chinese style.

When I ordered this decorative paper, I thought it was just going to be light blue, but it turned out to also have streaks of red, and I thought that made it even more fitting for a story about Wei Wuxian finding his place at the Cloud Recesses.


Astronicht's Lan Fangji series is a wangxian Italian Renaissance AU (they are visiting). Also, a vampire AU (“A european vampire,” he says, “my uncle will be so disappointed.”) Please read it if you haven't, I'll wait.

Anyway so a year or so ago I did a mockup title page just for fun in a vaguely historically appropriate style, but at that point I had no intention of actually binding the series because at under 20k words in total, it would make for a pretty thin tome. Enter: @renegadepublishing's tiny book bang! This was an event where participants typeset fic in miniature and passed it off to someone else to bind. On a smaller page size, it worked out well. The typesetting is loosely modeled after Aldus Manutius (did you know you can just look at full scans of really old books on archive.org? it's very cool). He's credited with inventing italic type and with popularizing printing 8 pages on a sheet (octavo) for more conveniently sized books. This book is also an octavo! But on smaller paper. I don't know if shaping the text into a triangle at the end of sections was his thing or if everyone did it back then but I like it, it's very fun. The AU setting is a little before his time but iirc not too far off. I printed the art (by @butleronice, included with permission) in black and white to better match the style.

Here I will pause to recommend KPS Fonts (a collection of historic fonts) and Bookbinder JS (an online tool which can rearrange your pdf into an octavo or pretty much any other imposition you might want).

So, I didn't do the binding for the exchange, but I couldn't help thinking "what if I bind it in a historically appropriate style too?" and then this happened. This style of limp vellum binding covered a wide historical range and I think is reasonably appropriate? Though the specific details of construction are closer to modern conservation techniques, because that's what I could find instructions for. I'm not entirely sure that what I bought from etsy was the right sort of vellum for this project, but the nice stuff is beyond my current purchasing power so this will have to do. For the paper, I bought some big sheets of drawing paper from the craft store (off-white cotton paper, with a laid texture instead of smooth like printer paper) and cut them down to letter size so they would fit in my printer.


Ficbinding: Hear a Song This Deeply by so_shhy

I typeset this fic a year ago for @daemonluna for Renegade's typesetting exchange, and have finally gotten around to printing and binding a copy for myself.

This is one of my favorite modern cultivation AUs -- it revolves around Lan Wangji trying to recreate the Lan Sect's musical cultivation techniques from the past, which have been lost to history. For the typeset, I used some "sound wave" stock vectors, and drew a sort of music-staff-thing for the chapter headers (inspired by some imagery from the webcomic Girl Genius).

I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with the cover, which was part of why it took me so long to get around to it, but then I saw a paste paper cover design in an old bookbinding exhibition book and got inspired to do this. Paste paper is basically like fingerpainting but without the preschool associations. In this case I applied the paste in a gradient, and used a piece of chipboard I'd cut into a fork shape to make a wavy music staff. I think if I'd planned the whole book in one go, I'd have kept the musical notation to just the cover, and used a different chapter header, maybe a nice pic of instruments or something.

I decided to try marbling the page edges and ended up getting the book too wet, so the fore-edge is a little wrinkly inside. But it's still readable and I learned what not to do next time!

Title font: Son of Time Body font: Newt Serif Initials: Konanur


Bookbinding Starter Kits!

A little PSA for my friend and fellow Renegade member Starblight Bindery: if you're looking to start bookbinding but are also deeply confused about where to source equipment, or want something more affordable but of decent quality, Starblight has made a starter pack of the harder-to-find materials! And these are legit high quality materials (linen tape or ramie band!!), plus some custom 3D-printed tools, PLUS the cutest bag. I have all these materials myself but am considering getting it just to get the bag. :D

While it doesn't have literally everything you need to bind a book, she included a list of where to source other tools and materials if you don't have them already.

Shipping is free in the US, and she can also ship to Canada and Australia. If you're from another country, let me know and I can pass that on to her.


Hi folks, today we're announcing the Rally for Palestine Raffle, a cross-fandom charity raffle to raise funds and awareness for Palestinians in the Gaza strip. (Reblogs appreciated to spread the word!)

Why donate?

Some background on what’s going on in Palestine and how you can help:

There is an urgent need for awareness, solidarity, local action and donations regarding the current genocide and ethnic cleansing occurring in Palestine, led by the Israeli government. After weeks of bombing and military attacks — and decades of displacement and occupation — Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip are currently in need of aid that has been blockaded, as well as solidarity and local action from global citizens.

Palestinians have most immediately asked us to put pressure on our local governments to end the ceasefire and to end the blockade to humanitarian aid. Please find action links below:

How to enter and donate:

You can win a fanwork from an amazing crew of cross-fandom creators, and one bid is only $10. Rules for how to enter AND the bidding site are here: https://rallyforpalestineraffle.site/

Please donate directly to the org FIRST, then send your donation receipt to rfpraffle@gmail.com to verify your number of bids before checking out on the site!

Links to Donate:

If you are a US citizen, sign the ceasefire petition HERE: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/tell-congress-ceasefire-now


Here is our incredible first lineup (with several amazing creators waiting to be unlocked in stretch goals!). Bid on them right now!!!!!

The more we raise, the more mystery creators will be unlocked!

You have until Friday, October 27 to bid. Matches are highly welcomed; see the site for more details.

Let's get raffling!

All stretch goals in this raffle have been unlocked which means you now have a chance to win a fanbinding from me! I'll bind any fic, from any fandom, up to 200k words (with author permission).


I'm opening up bookbinding commissions!

However, most of you probably follow me for fanbinding, and I’m not personally comfortable earning money from something that someone else gave to the community as a gift. So unfortunately, I won’t be doing fanbinding commissions (with on exception). Here are some examples of what I will bind:

  • Public domain works
  • Notebooks/journals (blank or with custom page templates)
  • Your own writing (original or fic - this is my fanbinding exception)
  • Rebinds (ie you supply a paperback, I convert it to a hardcover)

If you're interested, or if you're just curious, please don't hesitate to message me! Pricing will vary depending on the scope of the project. I'm only going to take on a couple of projects right now (I don't want to overcommit) and I will post an update when slots are filled.

ETA my dm's might not be working - you can also reach me at teleportbookbinding@gmail.com or @ehyde on discord.


Rebind: Thomas the Tank Engine story collection

This is a bit different, I don't usually do rebinds, but this was a commercial book that was rather poorly made. Although it does have sewn pages they were barely attached to the case and the book was completely incapable of standing up to frequent use by small children. So I redid enough of the stitching to add tapes, added sewn headbands, a leather spine (with an oxford hollow) and new endpapers. Since I wanted to keep the original covers I converted it to a three piece bradel binding. 3yo absolutely does not appreciate the work that went into this 😂 but that's okay.


Fanbinding: the webnovel "Are You OK?" (You Yao)

Without getting too spoilery, this novel features a great number of transmigrators who have irreparably altered the historical fantasy setting they landed in. I wanted to play with anachronism in my binding but I thought "if I do some sort of mock stab binding that's not going to read as anachronism, that's just going to read as low effort." With a proper stab binding, I couldn't put the whole thing in a single volume, but fortunately the novel is comprised of interconnected short stories so it was easy to split up.

Each volume contains two stories (the sixth volume is the extras) and they're bound tête-bêche style, meaning that they start at opposite ends meet in the middle, flip it over to read. I lined the inside of the covers with rainbow marbled paper and bound each volume with matching colors of thread. The slipcase (my first, and easier than expected) is edged with the same marbled paper and lined with a promo image from the donghua. So, this is kind of all over the place, design wise, but I hope like... coherently so.

Obligatory disclaimer that this is a personal project which can be considered a form of fan art, and I am not making any money from it.


bookbinding commissions poll

I've been considering opening up commissions as I could use a little extra income. But in order to do this at all I would have to charge a fair price for my labor, and I'm not comfortable asking that kind of money for fanfiction that an author gave the community for free.

Would there still be any interest in bookbinding commissions if they were limited to non-fanfic content? (formatted journals, public domain works, your own writing, rebinds of published books, etc)


This has been possibly my favorite fic of the past year--in which Wei Wuxian is reborn as a comet. To paraphrase the comment I left when I first read it, it does such a good job conveying the enormous scale of both space and immortality. I never expected to have so many feelings about comets. And I found myself wanting to reread it almost immediately, which bumped it up in my bookbinding queue (...and then I didn't get to binding it until a year after I typeset it, but such is life).


Ficbinding: Restoration by ritualist

Restoration is (among other things) a Yiling Wei Sect au, so I went with a strong red and black color scheme. Stenciled titles -- one copy of this book, the one pictured here, had black cloth, and the other leather, so I got to try out stenciling on both materials. The endpapers are unryu tissue layered over construction paper, and the headband is a wrapped chevron style (thanks to @no-name-publishing's demo video).

To be completely honest, I chose the art deco font for the titles because I was idly browsing font sites (as one does), saw this, said "that looks so cool, too bad I can't use an art deco font for an MDZS fic" and then I said "...OR CAN I?" and I did. However the author said they thought it was a fitting aesthetic for the post-Sunshot-Campaign vibes, so, there you go!

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