


literally Vax'ildan

I realized I never actually made an introduction post so lmao here it is.


My name is Iry. I use he/they pronouns as a transmasc biromantic ace. I am also Mexican.

My number one interest is Critical Role! My favorite campaign is Vox Machina, but my two favorite ships overall are Dorym and Greypoppy. Overall favorite characters from each campaign are Vax, Molly, and Orym!

Second biggest interest atm would be Punch-Out. I have a sideblog for it! @irys-punch

I also am a really big Survivor fan and indulge in a lot of Pokémon and Animal Crossing! I'm also a fan of the Magicians + She-Ra, but won't post about those.

I do write fanfiction, and my Ao3 is CobbleCritters! And if you want my most active platform, my twitter is also Cobblesmoke :]

That's all!


Drinking a fruity pink little cocktail by the pool? What are you doing that for, to attract men? Bitch


i need feminism because when jesus does a magic trick it’s a goddamn miracle but when a woman does a magic trick she gets burned at the stake


i mean they did also kill jesus. that was a pretty significant thing that happened. like i understand where you’re coming from here but they very much did kill jesus.


I find it so fascinating that I wrote Blue Jean (my current fic) because I had envisioned this fictional band performing one specific song. that was in November.

it's March, I'm writing that scene. I've listened to that one song now 400+ times, but when I go to write the recreation of it, the song completely blanked in my mind.

how the fuck does that happen


[ID: A digital drawing of Derrig and Orym from Critical Role. Derrig is looking serious and talking to someone out of sight while he has Orym, who is the most absurdly tiny baby, strapped to his chest in a green papoose with flower details on it. Orym is asleep and his cherry blossom themed dummy (binky) is hanging from where it is attached to the papoose. End description.]

A kofi doodle request of tiny baby Orym with full Master of Defence mode Derrig for @sociallyawkwardfoxwriter!

You can request a kofi doodle here: https://ko-fi.com/drawsmaddy/commissions

Anonymous asked:

Hewooo same anon as the one on @/blackvein's blog about His Blue Rose

*will* there be a part 2?? I loved it so so much!!

Do we get to find out a bit more or we just left hangin?

:3 much love

-random anon

Hello anon! I would like to start out by thanking you for your support on my fic. It really blows me away that it leaves people feeling such sentiment after.

To answer your question:

  • I currently don't have plans for a second part. I wrote this oneshot almost two years ago when my CR fixation was at its strongest, and frankly I hadn't necessarily planned any sequel.
  • But. If I were to make a sequel, it would probably be centered on Vax trying to come to a consensus that he can be loved like that when he realizes that he's falling for someone for the first time since Percy. It'd somewhat break away from the edge that was HBR, but it'd still be angsty because that is a tough process and putting it into words can be really emotional. But alas, the odds of that being completed are slim in the midst of my current fixation.

As for your other questions that you left on blackveine's blog:

  • Vax, like a lot of other people, preferred to handle his rejection alone. He swore that nobody else was able to catch onto his love for Percy, and how speaking up would open a whole can of worms he wouldn't want to bare on top of his already aching heart.
  • Vex has a blue rose partially because of her color scheme, but also because of her own journey and self-discovery. Due to a mix of her past familiar issues and her own failed relationships, she found the rose to be empowering. She only saw the petals begin to fall off of it when Percy had admitted his love to her. Upon entering the relationship, she had put the rose in the jewelry box and its magical property kept it alive up until the epilogue.

Overall, thank you so much for your support!


[ID: A digital illustration of Orym and Dorian Storm from Critical Role. They are kissing under the mistletoe, Dorian is tipping Orym's face up with a hand under Orym's chin. They are both wearing jumpers, Orym's is green with plants with white flowers embroidered on the arms and Dorian's is a plain blue turtleneck. Orym is drawn with a long thin tail with a fluffy end that has a green bow tied around it. End description.]

A little late for Christmas day but that's fine! (there's absolutely a big box on the floor under the mistletoe for Orym to stand on)


i love them so much hfskfhskfhskfhskfhskfhskfhsdkfh


[ID: A digitally illustrated three panel comic of Dorian Storm and Orym from Critical Role. The first panel has the text "I really miss Dorian" at the top. It shows Dorian and Orym facing each other with Dorian moving to hold Orym's face in his hands as Orym looks at him, a sad expression on his face, and then Dorian leans down to kiss Orym on the forehead. The second panel shows Orym sat on the edge of an air ship at night, holding his sending stone in his hand and smiling as he talks into it. Under that panel is the text "and sometimes I think that's okay". The third panel shows the airship silhouetted in front of the moon Catha, with Ruidus off to the side, in the night sky. Text at the bottom of the panel reads "and sometimes I think it isn't. End description.]

A truth

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