


I just post what ever. Things that intrigue me or things that make me laugh. A blog for me and those who may share the same interests.

"DO BETTER!" Says Now Televised Fanboy

He, Dash Baxter is a Phan-Stan!! It's kinda his thing. See, he's a fancy ass talk show host now. Married Paulie, moved out of Amity, actually DID something with his life. His parents? Did not approve. Long n short of it? He got kicked out.

Paulie's parents were PISSED.

Retaliated by giving him all the help he needed getting EVERY scholarship he qualified for. He went to a really nice college. Missed his girlfriend like mad. But she was off in Metropolis, terrifying weaker men. Conquering the fashion scene.

And SOMEHOW? Thanks to that long talk he had with Phantom (*incoherent fanboy gibbering noises* SO COOL!) he's worked to be... more of a LEADER, you know? Less of an asshole. Cause he's popular. People copy him. He can't be an asshole.

So, somehow, when he's punching out some try-hard that thinks he's hot shit for bullying a Nerd? He and the nerd get talking, right? Cause the guy got his glasses completely fucked up. And it's what Phantom would do.

But GET THIS? Guy's never HEARD of Phantom! Is super curious, cause he runs a small time Hero's show on the web. And, Dude? Is it your LUCKY DAY! Cause you just met THE number 1 fan of Phantom, hands down!! He makes his VERY spirited case, about why Phantom is THE best Hero to ever have lived. And this guy?



Just straight up BEGS him to join his show. Cause apparently? He was BORN for it. Which? Yeah. He HAS been giving speechs to the team for YEARS now. And Talking at fan meet ups. Leading fan meet ups. Hosting parties... actually, now that he thinks about it? He DOES do a lot of public speaking? Huh.

But still, he's about to say "no", when?

Dude mentions? He'll get to talk about Phantom.


It. Blows. Up. Absolutely EVERYONE is in love with his pretty face, hot bod, and STRONG opinions. But they ALSO have no idea who Phantom is! Paulie! This is CRIMINAL! Horrifying! What is going ON!?

Some bullshit information black out, apparently. At least according to her... friendly Nemesis? The Goth Dweeb. Who's engaged, apparently? So good for her. Unsurprisingly, it's too the OTHER Dweebs, but still. Bout time she started planning to drag them to a court house. She's the only one with any spine in that group! If she waited for THEM to propose?

Not even as Ghosts, man.

They'd get distracted by shiny nerd shit and whimp out.

Still... a world where NO ONE knows how Awesome, Phantom is? Not on HIS watch!

So he works it in. To every segment. It becomes "his thing". Oh? Super man saved a kitten from a tree? Cute. Well PHANTOM saved a bus full of Ghost Puppies from a shady, rouge, Goverment agency. Do BETTER, Superman!

The Flash, who is a cheap knock-off and stole his name, took down an Ice Villian? Adorable! PHANTOM stopped a Rouge WINTER SPIRIT with the help of YETI WARRIORS then assisted in giving FREE medical care for anyone who needed it! Here's a picture of him making GHOST ICE SNOWMEN for small children! Do BETTER, Knock-off!

What's THAT you say? Wonder Woman fought a GOD in down town paris?

Excellent work Wonder Woman. Flawless as always. But YOU, god-boy, are a disappointment! All that power! And WHAT do you use it for? Are you even supposed to BE here?? PHANTOM uses his power to HELP people! Is awesome and knows TONS of better gods! You're just salty you didn't make the cut!


And obviously? No one believes him. There's no record of this "Phantom" guy. The pictures look fantastical and vaguely glitchy/glowy. Not quite right. They GOTTA be photo shopped. Manipulated somehow. But? As a shtick? A fake "perfect Superhero" is kinda funny and unique.

And it's one hell of Fake Hero!

A Dead Champion? Who fights gods and monsters? Rouge agencies? Sassy and tragic? With a mysterious past? Pretty cool! There's even an Offical Comic from some guy that went to the same high-school as Baxter!

Of course, as Baxter get more and more popular? The "meme" hero, Phantom, get more well known? People get more interested in where Dash grew up. You know, just a bored Google. Maybe see if the hero was based off a local legend or something. But... huh...

The Town website?

Weirdly? Sanitized.

Like... like aggressively sanitized. All smooth edges and no details. Very "move along, citizen". Ha ha... it's part of the joke right? They get it! They'll just look up local restaurants or som-....


Hey, guuuuys?

Are you finding ANYTHING?

And! Nothing. And I do mean NOTHING! Triggers the "oh? Secrets???" Instincts of a Hacker, like finding a hard blank wall of "KEEP OUT". Especially when it's somewhere it rightfully shouldn't BE.

All it would take? Is ONE person, of decent skills and an account on Certain Forums, getting bored enough to Google the Dude On The TV(TM)? For the GIW's lil walls to come crashing down. Because yeah, you can stop ONE hacker. Even two. Probably five or six.

But how about thousands?

Hundreds of thousands?

From every time zone. Competing. Just to see what you HAVE and don't want them to see. Maybe they do something with it, maybe they don't. But fuck it, you're being RUDE and now they're CURIOUS. And THEN? Oh. Oh holy shit.

Not a meme.

Very real.

Not a joke.

The walls come crumbling down, down, down. Ripped apart by hundreds of hands. Emails sent to every sort of agency. The JLU line inundated with emergency tips. Not a joke. Not A Joke. Holy Shit, IT WASN'T A JOKE!

Phantom is REAL!

And there, on TV, stands the Man. The signal FINALLY breaching containment. Fighting off the invading God of the week. Built like statue, hair like an aurora borealis of white fire held almost delicately in place by a CROWN of ice, a suit made of void and starlight. Inhuman. Beyond human.

Here to help.

A laugh that crackles like ice and the snap of winter, rolls through the air like coming storms, rich and somehow warm. A smile that bares teeth, yet turns so KIND when he looks upon humanity, as though we are precious and worth fighting for. A living star.

A... a once living star.

And in the center of it all? Wearing his BESPOKE, custome made, Number 1 Phan full body outfit? That's right. Dash Baxter. Ha! You fuckers doubted him! Behold his blorbo and WEEP, ya fuckin casuals! The BESTEST of boys! The FINEST of Heros! Superman? Could NEVER.

And now? The weather!


Masterlist of Recommendations (OLD)

I've compiled all of my posts here for easy access (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧

This is the link for my new and more organized Masterlist. This is where I will update my newest posts from now on.


NeTi au is from @rhub4rb Maribat (Daminette) from @ozmav

The songs NETi sings are Shameless & Easy by Camila Cabello.

Warning: This is 4K and has brief mentions of suicide in the “EXTRA”.


could you explain the post about shoelaces and presidents? it would be greatly appreciated thank you


Sure! Do you mean this post?

So, it started in a post in 2012 (or earlier, I don’t know the exact date). As the Urban Dictionary entry explains, you would say “I like your shoelaces” in public as a sort of secret code if you suspect there’s another Tumblr user there. And if there is another Tumblr user, they would reply “Thanks, I stole them from the president” to let you know they understood the message and are, in fact, a Tumblr user. 

I don’t think people do this anymore, and if they ever did, it probably wasn’t a very common thing to do. Maybe they did back in 2012 when the post was recent and Tumblr wasn’t as popular as it is now. 

I also don’t think there’s any deeper meaning to the phrases. “I like your shoelaces” seems like a pretty common and nice thing to say, and if it turns out the person you thought was a Tumblr user doesn’t recognise the ‘secret message’, nothing would happen. But then “Thanks, I stole them from the president” seems weird and specific enough that you would know they understood the ‘secret message’, unlike if they just replied “Thank you”. 

Then other posts appeared making references to the shoelaces and president posts:


Jagged’s song

It was happened one day, in a late afternoon a little accident stirred up a butterfly effect.
Jagged had had the day off and was playing with Fang, his pet crocodile he teased him a bit too much and in response the croc decided to jump on him. Neither expect the force in which the crash occurred but jaggeds arms were bruised and was unable to continue trying to make music.
So he decided to post an apology to his fans by posting a song that didn’t fit in with any of his new albums. No one had any idea that this song had been inspired by his personal designer and the struggles she faced.
The song was called “Grateful” (by Neffex).
He had been inspired by the way Marinette was always demanded of things with no one ever helping her and how she seemed to always smile through everything. This included her teacher who deemed her the star student who’s job was basically the same as a teachers, friends who demanded clothing and banners and what not for free, and getting things pushed on her with no warning like babysitting.
He had remembered asking her if she had wanted him to outright dismiss the ladyblog and Lila but she had said no and replied that if she did that that it was possible for an alumna to come for one of the two girls or even cause a mass akumaization. She said she would figure something out but that everything will be fine because she will find a way to love what she is doing and she will never give up and will continue to believe in herself and those she can still call friends. She won’t let them break her, she’ll keep her head held high and not look back because she has nothing to be ashamed of.
Jagged knows that she is strong but that doesn’t mean she’s invincible. He sees her push herself to be the best and beyond that he sees that she tiring herself out. He sees that things are different from the past that she’s lonely because the Lila girl took mostly everyone away with the honey coated words. But her way of coping or her medicine with it was to be busy and with that she was always doing something like baking, designing/ making new clothes, babysitting and more.
Jagged wanted her to see that not everyone can be saved and that she shouldn’t hurt herself to please others. That sometime all the good that you do out of the kindness of your heart is all for not because some people buy into the fools gold and leave the actual treasure to be forgotten. That now she knows who she can call her friends because through everything they believe her and have sided with her and have let her into their hearts.
He wants her to show the world what she can do. He knows that she can take the world by storm because she is akind girl who has exordinary talent in the artistic world be it for clothes to food to even traps and that she deserves real friends who want her in their lives just because and not for what she can do for them. Her hard work should not be used to give them fame if they don’t want to put any effort in. Instead they would rather take the easy way out with nothing to back them up. For example Alya did this she wanted fame yet didn’t put in any of the hard work for what made her famous. Aka no research to prove for any of lilas stories that she keeps posting on her blog.
It was later that same week when he went and got interviewed by Nadia. He told them that he was inspired by his main designer and that she had changed his life in many way and that he considered her family. He started to brag about them and their deeds looking so much like a father or uncle who is talking about family. It was then they questioned jagged by using comments from the q&a section. It was then seen that multiple accounts were spamming what about lilas song and recounting why she should have a song. Jagged then goes to discredit both the ladyblog and Lila by saying he has a pet croc who was the one that bruised his arms and that whoever this Lila is she is a lier and gives her the nickname lie- la.
Soon before the show was over Nadia asked one question “Is your designer who I think it is? She’s the one that made your special glasses and the cover for one of your albums.” He replies “Yup, it my honorary niece Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She a rocking girl whose too kind for this world.”
Later that same day the ladyblog lost its reputation and Lila was official seen as a lier by all of Paris. She was soon expelled from school due to her missed days and the bulling she insited.

This could be the most important post I’ve ever shared. Please Share it with anyone who is or might be going through this terrible disease.

My mom has fairly severe respiratory issues and is recovering from joint replacement; her PT told her the same info about sleeping/sitting positions and how they impact the lungs. Fascinating.

A LOT of folks have disputed the “set your alarm every two hours while sleeping” thing and said you should let your body rest more.


Fairy Tail AU

So what if Natsu had a habit of gathering small beings aka kids, exceeds. He would care for them be overprotective and at time would call them hatchlings like you hatchlings need to stay in side or else you could get sick. Maybe it extended to immature people too like maybe in his head that’s what he was those that still act like children and have to to grow up.


What if jagged ends up bruising his arms or his vocal cords and unable to play any music or continue his tour and to keep his fans happy he releases some songs that he was keeping for emergencies such as this. Or they were songs that didn't fit in with his current album he was making so he releases those and they become big hits. Like maybe he made one called family and it describes Penny and the Dupain Chengs. Then the class comments saying what about lilas song or like if you want salt that shes a bully and why wasn't Lila mentioned?


What if jagged ends up bruising his arms or his vocal cords and unable to play any music or continue his tour and to keep his fans happy he releases some songs that he was keeping for emergencies such as this. Or they were songs that didn't fit in with his current album he was making so he releases those and they become big hits. Like maybe he made one called family and it describes Penny and the Dupain Chengs. Then the class comments saying what about lilas song or like if you want salt that shes a bully and why wasn't Lila mentioned?


Top 10 fictional characters

Thank you for the tag @sielustaja 😻 You’re right, this one can be repeated over and over again and it will always yield different results. 

Rules: List your favorite character from 10 different fandoms then tag 10 people. 

So here they come, in no particular order: 

- Irene Adler (Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)  - Anna Marie aka Rogue (X-Men) (her comic version tho)  - Twig Verginix (The Edge Chronicles)  - Vanya Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)  - Spring-Heeled Jack (Skulduggery Pleasant)  - Maria Rambeau (MCU)  - Meredith Vickers (Alien)  - Monica Jansson (The Long Earth)  - Marisa Coulter (His Dark Materials)  - Jay Cavendish (Slow West) (even though he’s an idiot sometimes) 

Tagging (as always no obligation, and sorry if you were already tagged 💖): @hellfre @secretlymagneto @adlerirene @midrashic @elimaryholmes @tinaxpow @ultralarryus @xazuco @crystallized-iron @lindstrom2020

omg Irene, Rogue, Vanya, Maria >>>>> taste

Rules: List your 10 favourite characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people

In no particular order (except Erik’s my #1 oops):

- Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto (X-Men)

- Irene Adler (ACD and Granada Sherlock Holmes)

- Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)

- Spock (Star Trek)

- Neil Perry (Dead Poets Society)

- Jordan Baker (The Great Gatsby)

- Legolas (Lord Of The Rings)

- Kenma Kozume (Haikyuu)

- Curt Wild (Velvet Goldmine)

- Klaus Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)

This was so fun! Thank you so much for the tag!!

Rules: List Your 10 Favorite Characters From 10 Different Fandoms And Tag 10 People.

Virgil And Roman Sanders (Sanders Sides)

(I don’t care that I’m only supposed to choose on character from each fandom. They’re both my favorite and I love them equally!)

Emile (Cartoon Therapy)

David Rose (Schitt’s Creek)

Rosa Diaz (B99)

Dean Winchester (Supernatural)

John Watson (BBC Sherlock)

Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls)

Lee Scoresby (His Dark Materials)

Sokka (ATLA)


Ahh- this is intimidating, but I’ll go ahead anyway! Thanks for the tag~

Rules: List Your 10 Favorite Characters From 10 Different Fandoms And Tag 10 People.

Virgil Sanders (Sanders Sides)

Loki (MCU)

Baz (Simon Snow)

Bill or Soos (Gravity Falls) 

Scorpius Malfoy (Harry Potter, technically the play but he’s my boy and I love him so much because he’s smart and kind and my favorite character in the whole gosh darn thing) 

Crowley (Good Omens) 

Klaus (Umbrella Academy)

Todoroki Shoto (BNHA) 

Tom (Star vs. The Forces of Evil… UNDERRATED SHOW… the plot in seasons 3-4 is so meticulous and careful and beautiful. It makes not-so-subtle important commentary on increasingly important issues and I think that’s incredible to see in a show meant for kids) 

One-One (Infinity Train, ANOTHER UNDERRATED SHOW) 

And one extra: Darkwing Duck, baby. He is my family’s most favorite character on all of Ducktales. 

Apparently, I spend my time watching shows meant for children. Whelp. 


Oooo! This is going to be a hard one!! Let’s see… In no particular order:

  • Loki (MCU)
  • Sherlock (Arthur Connan Doyle and BBC Sherlock)
  • The Doctor (9th in particular but i love them all)
  • Castiel (Supernatural)
  • Jareth (Labyrinth)
  • Chihiro or Howl or Haku or Sophie (Ghibli. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!)
  • Harley Quinn (DC)
  • Christine (Phantom of the Opera)
  • Connor Murphy (Dear Evan Hansen. I know he’s only in the musical for like a minute but his story and everything hit a little close to home and the character just breaks my heart)
  • Lydia Carlton (Earl and Fairy. She was what i wantee to be growing up. She could talk to fairies and make friend with them and she also had a cat (familar i thinl?)that prefered to walk on two legs and i just loved her.)

This was really hard!! I couldn’t just choose one! (As you’ve seen what happened with Ghibli) Really had fun doing this!

Wow, my first time actually being tagged in something like this! Thank you @whitelunanight !

Rules: List your 10 favorite characters from ten different fandoms and tag 10 people

This is gonna be hard I already know.



If we’re talking just Avengers, then Loki. If we’re looking at Defenders, then Daredevil. Spider-man, Peter Parker.

DC: ooof. Uh. Canonically, probably Jason Todd. If we’re talking Fanon though, then 100% Edward Nygma from the fanfic series “From the Case Files of Edward Nigma” by Pierre Gringoire on Ffnet.

One Piece: Zoro. I. Love Zoro.

Detective Conan/ 名探偵コナン: Kudou Shini’ichi

Phantom Thief 1412: Kuroba Kaito (I’m a dirty Kaishin shipper lol)

Hunter x Hunter: Killua

Miraculous Ladybug: Marinette.

Black Butler: Undertaker

Soul Eater: Death The Kid

Avatar the Last Airbender: Zuko

I’m pretty basic lolol. No particular order to the characters or fandoms.


Thank you so much for tagging me @soulmate-game !
Okay, so this was not easy because I have many favs in each fandom I’m in but I think I got it!!!
Peggy Carter from the MCU - cause she is a badass lady who deserves some love (seriously tho, watch Agent Carter it’s amazing!)
Algernop Krieger from Archer on FXX - I love the crazy scientist types because it makes for some interesting characterizations, so obviously he’s a fav
Wonder Woman from DC- again a badass powerhouse of a woman who is just amazing and so inspiring!
Ahsoka Tano from Star Wars- She has been a favorite of mine since her first appearance, she deserves as place here!
Knockout from Transformers:Prime- again, crazy scientist mixed with some great character development and moments
Katara from ATLA- it’s tough to pick between her and Zuko but I love her just a little bit more. I love how she developed as person and how her bending reflected it!
Aziraphale from Good Omens- his repressed bastard energy is a mood
Hermione Granger- as a bookish gal it’s nice to see more bookish gals represented positively. I also happen to be the mom friend too…
Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tail- I admire her for her persistant kindness and courage a lot
John Watson from Sherlock BBC - I like how he is represented as a sort of opposite to Sherlock and how he goes through life.

So thank you @multifandomscribette for tagging me!! So here are my ten of mg favorite characters from different fandoms.

  1. Naruto Uzumaki- (Naruto) I just love his positive personality and even through all of his trama he is still so kind.
  2. Marinette Dupain-Cheng- (Miraculous tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir) I like how creative she is and the ways she uses her lucky charms.
  3. Peter Parker-(Spider-man/Marvel)- I like his abilities and how he uses his intelligence/skills to fight the bad guys.
  4. Billy Batson -(Shazam/DC) I just love his personal quote of "Do good and good will follow" Plus magic that can turn him from a ten year old to an adult is pretty interesting.
  5. Son Gohon- (Dragon Ball) I love that even though he is a fighter he is still very reluctant to harm others.
  6. Sokka- (ATLA) I love his jokes and how he, a nonbender, was a great warrior of the Avatar squad.
  7. Natsu Dragneel-(Fairy tail) I like his protective personality that is brought out when any friends may be hurt or in trouble.
  8. Izuku Midoriya- (My Hero Academia) I like that even though for over a decade he was told it was impossible he never gave up his dream of being a hero and he wants to help everyone he can be it physical or mental pain.
  9. Hikaru Hitachiin- (OHSHC) I love his child like personality and how he is the more immature twin.
  10. Kurapika Kurta- (Hunter x Hunter) First he has a great character design in mg opinion and I love his calm demeanor his has most of the time. His abilities are amazing and smart. Being a newbie taking out a seasoned fighter easily.
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