


No longer a Character QnA but you can ask me things I guess lol. Too lazy to change the name. If you like my art and wish to see more, I’m much more active on my Instagram T.W.A._

Hey! I just wanted to let people know that I have a shop! You can view it here!

I’m expecting some more charms I’ve ordered to be here in a couple of days, and will make a post for when they arrive! I’m also giving away a free sticker to 50 people that order my charms! (One sticker per person.) I sadly cannot ship outside of the US, but I do plan on it for the future. it would really mean a lot if people spread this out so I can make more cute charms to sell :) 

If you want more information/updates about the charms I’m selling you can visit my Instagram since I’m much more active there


eSims for Gaza is facing constant eSim shortages.

They get over a thousand requests for connection a day, but their email inbox is regularly sitting at 300-500 eSims. With the bombardment of Rafah and continual internet blackouts, the need for more eSims is particularly urgent.

Even if you have already sent an eSim or donated to an eSim donation drive, there is more you can do. The team is calling for people to campaign in their communities to help spread the word about eSims and encourage donations.

You can help by printing out posters and putting them up in local businesses, on telephone poles and notice boards, or wherever people are likely to see them.

[ID: Poster headed “eSIMs for Gaza” with an illustration of a red poppy, a QR code, and a link to tinyurl.com/gaza-esims; copy reads “Sending eSIMs is an immediate, concrete way to help Gazans on the ground. Scan below to learn how you can get involved.” End ID]

Or make your own poster, pamphlet, or protest sign with one of these QR codes:

i used this to make some posters at my college's makerspace today! :D

[ID: Three posters on a table next to a box of paintbrushes and other art supplies. End ID]


the switch successor will be as powerful as 2 switches duct-taped together

Sorry these tags need to be acknowledged I think


Ok actually aside from the Marx piece here’s a bunch of other stuff I never got around to again- subjecting all of you to my Kirby art archive . Some of these are literally so low quality because all I had left of them was a screenshot unfortunately


fecto elfilis holding kirby like jesus would hold a lamb


twinkle 🌟 stars 🎈🌈

happy 6th anniversary, kirby star allies!

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