
where art and junk meet

@mccoppinscrapyard / mccoppinscrapyard.tumblr.com

Alaina // 27 // white // autistic // she/her

" Y'all can't even boycott Chick-fil-A " objectively funny and correct to me and I will hear no arguments against it

funny in a sad sort of way to be clear. Yes I'm sure there's infinite Nuance and if I really put my mind to it I can come up with about 10 different scenarios in one minute about why someone might need to eat at Chick-fil-A but at the end of the day those don't really apply to a lot of the bitches who are just like "oh but that spicy chicken sandwich though..." Does it? The truth is y'all are weak in the knees and have a spinal column the consistency of almond paste

If you tell me I'm so strong for adhering to any given boycott because food it's just that good I don't think it's funny and I don't respect you for it I'm just embarrassed that these are the people I have to work with


Me: "If I was writing a sequel to the 2013 animated film "Turbo" I would include a cameo character for Eminem who is a snail named "Slime Shady""

My Guardian Angel: [smiles and adds another thread that connects me directly to god]


Russian style dress belonging to Princess Charlotte, c. 1817.

Dress, full length, sleeveless; blue silk trimmed round bodice and down centre skirt with scalloped gold lace with red highlights; skirt edged with gold fringe: separate front opening bodice, drawstring high-waisted flared/gathered skirt.

There’s a video at the source too that shows lots of closeups of the dress and talks a lot about it, the portrait she had done wearing it, and how it was worn during her final tragic pregnancy.

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