
girls just wanna have fungus

@pbjpuppy / pbjpuppy.tumblr.com

syd | 20 | he/she | lesbian | white my name's syd!! professional puppydog and a pretty fun guy :o] (previously pupygeist!) more about me!! [icon by @lifetime-achieved!!]

hey if we’re mutuals you can literally interact w me whenever. send me whatever u want i will probably be very excited


shoutouts to systems you guys rock. more friend per square friend, its a package offer, what a STEAL baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Listen. New or questioning trans girl. People will say that wearing a skirt and panties giving you a boner is proof that what you're doing is unnatural. This is untrue. You are experiencing the sense of liking how you look: something most cis people have. You have begun to enjoy your body, something that has been absent for years. Your first kiss ever also will feel/felt that much more powerful. It's a little lame but just enjoy it for now.

Very true. It's uncomfortable because it's new, not because it's wrong.


Saw that post about transmascs and how ppl need to talk more about vaginal atrophy and how it's easily treatable with estrogen cream without affecting your HRT and it got me thinking about how none of us transfems seem to talk about dick atrophy either and how it's also easily treatable with topical testosterone cream provided you're not taking a T blocker (so on a GnRH agonist, estradiol monotherapy, or have had bottom surgery). Without T you don't get that passive tissue maintenance so unless you want to get hard every other day for the rest of your life to keep it healthy you're kinda screwed and erections can become really painful, let alone the change in length/shape. So yeah ask about topical testosterone.


daily sildenafil and tadalafil are also good options afaik. working well for me anyway tho idk exactly what the effect on total T levels are. tho it should be noted that topical cream does actually affect your levels a bit, it's just far lower dose than your actual primary HRT so it doesn't necessarily like ruin the effects or raise your E/T levels enough to be an issue. prob a good idea to get your levels checked after using any of these options for at least a month to make sure your levels are all still in target range and make adjustments as necessary. also goes without saying but please masturbate a lot regardless of whether or not you are using these options, it's good for you and will help prevent atrophy to a degree all by itself!

I hope I’m not derailing since this post was started for transfems but I’m worried about those on T in the tags who are asking if masturbation is enough to prevent vulva atrophy and the answer is… no. Not sure why, but it is different with the vulva than penises. Make sure you get estrogen cream as soon as you start feeling discomfort or pain. Its possible it could turn into chronic pain called vulvodynia, and it sucks, but early treatment can prevent it.

I’m not sure if there’s a similar condition for penises where atrophy pain is constant (as opposed to just with erections), but if you’re feeling unexplained pain in the genital region after starting/being on HRT (or birth control, or anything that affects hormone levels) its possible that you’re experiencing atrophy. It causes shrinkage in any genitalia, so that’s usually one of the more observable ways it occurs.

As far as I know atrophy on its own may not cause (consistent) chronic pain as there’s a sizeable amount of people on HRT without it, so there’s no need to panic - it’s just something you gotta know the signs for. It can still feel a bit uncomfortable even without pain, so if it impedes with your baseline comfort level you should get it looked at!

You're not derailing at all we're a community and this is important info for everyone c:


everypuppy cast sleepy spells on me it’s 3am and i can’t fall asleep !!


i have felt weird and terrible all day. what is happening

someone take me out back and shoot me like a sick horse

alright well fuck you too. i’m going to escape my pasture at night while you’re asleep and break all my fragile horse bones


you arent in a pasture at night you are locked in a stall in a barn with a blanket on. bitch.

ok well the blankets not so bad. i like the blanket. and the straw and the oats. dickhead.

do u want a sugar cube. do u want to chill and eat some sugar cubes together

this is fucking great things are all looking up for me. a sweet little treat


One time I was working as a waiter at a burger joint where the fries were tossed in salt and coriander and as I was bringing food over to the table for these two huge beefy guys one of them asks what the green stuff is so I go "it's coriander" and his friend goes very seriously "he can't have coriander" and I'm thinking shit ok maybe he's allergic and guy 1 starts pulling up his sleeve to show me something and I'm thinking shit shit shit he's probably breaking out in hives rn and it's my fault but he just shows me his arm and he has this huge cursive font tattoo that just says "I fucking hate coriander"


btw roleplaying various characters with your friends is the singular most healing thing in the world. playing with toys for adults

are you gonna butch up and play comic book characters with me or lay there bleeding.

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