
"We ship w Villains here, Sir."

@8bitgalaxydoes / 8bitgalaxydoes.tumblr.com

If I follow you and you have no idea why, it's probably a side blog (DM me if curious)
Multi fandom ✦ He/They ☀ Adult 🍃 Will to talk to anyone about AA, Good Omens, or Pokemon

before you post, remember S.T.O.P.!!!!

  • are you SEXUALIZING that old man?
  • does that old man TURN you ON?
  • POST.

Disgust has absolutely no ethical weight. If you are basing your ethical positions on the emotion of disgust you should stop, it is entirely unjustified and leads to a huge amount of harm.

Word for today: wisdom of repugnance

The logical fallacy that because something disgusts you it must be bad

this is probably the funniest example of a tumblr user simply not reading the post theyre reblogging at all



Additions: if your viral load is suppressed by medication to the point it’s undetectable, it’s considered untransmittable, even without condoms. Children with HIV+ carriers are usually given medication when they’re born, to make sure any of the virus doesn’t take hold (which we also do to adults who fear they’ve been exposed, it’s called PEP ((Post Exposure Prophylaxis)), which is a month of medication and must be started within 72 hours of exposure).

(There’s also PreP - Pre Exposure Prophylaxis, which is taking medication if you feel you are at risk of being exposed to HIV, whether through sexual partners or sharing injection needles)

This is why we need universal free healthcare - so people can go on and have happy, healthy lives despite the HIV diagnosis. Nobody should die or live in fear when the treatment is so damn simple and effective.

HIV is not as deadly as it once was in the 1980s-1990s. 

There’s been a lot of progress in this. So long as you’re taking your medications (anti-retrovirals), it’s essentially become another chronic disease like diabetes or COPD etc. HIV patients nowadays are living into their 60s and 70s and are more likely to die of cardiovascular disease rather than opportunistic infections or AIDS defining illnesses. 

If the HIV viral load is undetectable, then your CD4 counts (your white cells that are affected by the virus) should normalise. Such that you’re no different to the general population when it comes to infection risk.

Yes, we should all still be precautious, but it’s no longer a death sentence. 

Stigma remains because of how it is transmitted.

We need to share this information as widely as possible.

Silence still Equals Death.

[image description: a widely smiling black woman hugs a black man and their two children, who are also smiling widely. The woman holds a sign reading “HIV+” and the man and the children hold signs reading “HIV-”. This image is on a tweet by bucci jenkins @/Glorico who says “bruh what”.

There are 2 replies to that tweet, by GEM @/Rozthecreator reading “the woman is hiv positive, she takes her meds which makes her count low, she can’t pass it off to her husband which makes her still able to live her normal life and reproduce. The stigmas of hiv has to stop, and as Blacks especially we have to educate each other.”

The next reply is by t a y l o r @/G14_Classified_, reading “people on this app talk about sex 24/7 but are completely ignorant when it comes to stds and how they can/can’t be contracted. Yikes”.

End id]


people who say “I’m a pretty good judge of character.” are usually not a ‘pretty good judge of character’

“I just know when people are lying.” do you? bc you sound like a cop

so true. and then 250,000 people die because of medical errors each year. many because they weren’t listened to.


Can someone tell me where these feminine trans guys with massive tits who wear push-up bras and skimpy outfits that I keep seeing transphobes complain about are? I’d love to see massive tboy boobs.

Please can transphobes stop gatekeeping the tboys with massive breasts who wear glam makeup . Plsss tell me where you met these people . They sound awesome .


Transphobes trying to create a caricature of a trans person, every time: Okay so imagine this extremely hot cool person right-

these tags deserve to be on the post


grabs your hand. you've had enough plot and exposition and character development lately im taking you to the beach episode


it's rotten work, but without the rot nothing can grow

it's rotten work but decay is part of the cycle of death and rebirth


All the dead things: Its rotten work

The mushroom internet: Not to mycelium. Not if its you


"It's rotten work, but you cannot kill me in any way that matters."


im sick of every f/f ship just being like. oh they are cute and lovey dovey all the time. i want beavis and butthead except lesbians

ENOUGH boiling women down to their Purity and how Proper they are. draw your blorbettes fucking up a kegstand and being put in a cast that the other draws a penis on


id: tag reading #dykevis and butchhead

dykevis and butchhead are now screenreader accessible

important to me that every single person possible is reached by dykevis and butchhead


the problem with watching doctor who as a child is that a small part of your brain can never completely give up the idea that the doctor exists. if i saw a blue police box materialize out of thin air i would not be anywhere near surprised enough.


this post was written by Peter Capaldi


people love to complain about sex scenes in tv shows and violence in movies when the real danger is scenes that make you feel second hand embarrassment.

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