
Artist Ellen


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linktr.ee/ellen.artistic for more info!

Princess Aurora in pink!

The great Blue-Pink debate. How to choose if Aurora's dress should be Blue or Pink? Well I ended up with a few different options, but I'll start with the pink dress since the dress started in it's original sewing stage as pink.

So we have a semi-standard 14th century gown and a sideless surcoat option. Her hair is Princess-length and loose, because I can't be stopped, but she does have ribbons in her braids around her ears to simulate some of hairstyles of the time.

Tomorrow we'll make it blue!

I am the artist! Do not post without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: instagram, tiktok or check out my coloring book available now \ („• ֊ •„) /

(I'm reposting these in 2024 because apparently tumblr lost them, and this lets me work on longer series that I can save up to pose more regularly)


Guys guys guys, look look look at the pretty sleeveless surcoat. Totally need to make one of these

Question for artist: what're the buttons for on the surcoat, don't surcoats go over your head?

Answer for @leah-of-troy I’m pretty sure the side less surcoat is a pull-over the head garment, but in the late medieval (when the really aggressive side less surcoats like this one were a trend) period and during the renaissance buttons were often used purely for decoration. If memory serves a series of fashion laws were put into place that outlawed “excessive decoration” and one of the ways around it was to claim/design the ornaments as buttons and thus had “function” even if they weren’t literally functional. <3


Aurora in Tippets

This time we have a caul, tippets and dozens of little buttons. Just like a proper upper class lady.... except for the flowing princess hair.

And... sideless surcoat options, because I can't help myself sometimes.

I am the artist! Do not post without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: instagram, tiktok or check out my coloring book available now \ („• ֊ •„) /

(I'm reposting these in 2024 because apparently tumblr lost them, and this lets me work on longer series that I can save up to pose more regularly)


Pink? Blue? The best part of the 14th century is that you can have both!

Most of you probably saw this coming, but it's too perfect to pass by. Particolored clothing started as a jester fashion but caught on with the upper classes as well. The difference being that a noble person's attire would be perfectly 1/2 colored from the center to the end of the sleeves, where a jester would have a third color for both sleeves.

This illustration was really fun to create. It also could have been a heraldic kirtle but this is closer to a comedic scene in the movie and as such too good to pass up. And why the fur-lined sideless surcoat is a bonus option.

I am the artist! Do not post without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: instagram, tiktok or check out my coloring book available now \ („• ֊ •„) /

(I'm reposting these in 2024 because apparently tumblr lost them, and this lets me work on longer series that I can save up to pose more regularly)


Princess Aurora in Blue!

It's the same dress, just in the other color option. Like I said... I made a lot of options for Aurora, so there's more to come!

She's still not wearing a proper veil/wimple or anything. If this was live-action I'd be interested in seeing more accuracy but since these are for-fun illustrations... I'm not really stressed about getting all the details right. It's more about keeping elements of the character recognizable to the thing I am "redesigning".

I am the artist! Do not post without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: instagram, tiktok or check out my coloring book available now \ („• ֊ •„) /

(I'm reposting these in 2024 because apparently tumblr lost them, and this lets me work on longer series that I can save up to pose more regularly)


Housekeeping Updates!

So just in case you don't know Meta has made the decision to start scraping everything anyone posts to their new AI. There isn't really a way to opt out either. In some countries you can lodge a formal complaint, but even that doesn't mean your photos or art won't be used despite your wishes.

In a twist no one could have seen coming (sarcasm)... people are leaving or deleting their work. Many artists are going to Cara, an app that is still in Beta mode. I opened an account there as well but am unsure yet if I will post regularly to. I will most likely post my 'official portfolio' there but I don't know if there will be people who aren't artists on the site. So as an art venture it would be great... but on the hopes of connecting with my existing audience? To be seen or shared to people who might commission me? The odds aren't so good.

Lots of decisions to make I'm afraid. At the moment I will be posting my regular content here on Tumblr and to my Patreon (I've had it for years but wasn't using it actively, shout out to the two people who stayed following me over there, you're the coolest). But I won't be posting regularly to Instagram like I was. In fact I've decided to actively delete most of my art from Instagram. And since I can't count on Tumblr to house and categorize and find all that work from over the past four years I've decided to effectively use Patreon as my Archive.

All day I've been copying over my old posts to Patreon, and setting them up in a schedule so they will post once a day for... a very long time. I've barely moved a 100 redesign posts over and I'm into February next year... it's a slow and slightly monotonous process but I think it will be worth it! So if you want to relive my original redesigns on a daily basis they are over at my Patreon. I've set nearly all of them to "all members" so you don't have to be on the paid tier to see them. Only some the oldest/first draft redesigns and some behind the scene screenshots will be for my 'Support System' <3

I am looking into glazing and what not but they have to reply to a DM? or something odd like that so I'm looking at various options while I figure things out. Will this crush my tiny art business? Maybe. Will I do this in protest anyway? Yeah. F Meta. (Holds in tirade about the state of megacorporations owning our data)

TLDR: Meta wants everybody to feed their ai for free, I'm removing posts from IG and archiving them onto my Patreon for all members. I'm still going to be posting on tumblr.



Princess Aurora in pink!

The great Blue-Pink debate. How to choose if Aurora's dress should be Blue or Pink? Well I ended up with a few different options, but I'll start with the pink dress since the dress started in it's original sewing stage as pink.

So we have a semi-standard 14th century gown and a sideless surcoat option. Her hair is Princess-length and loose, because I can't be stopped, but she does have ribbons in her braids around her ears to simulate some of hairstyles of the time.

Tomorrow we'll make it blue!

I am the artist! Do not post without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: instagram, tiktok or check out my coloring book available now \ („• ֊ •„) /

(I'm reposting these in 2024 because apparently tumblr lost them, and this lets me work on longer series that I can save up to pose more regularly)


Tada! Peasant Aurora! Or... Briar Rose at this point.

Sleeping Beauty is set in the 14th century. Not only is it the origin for the original fairytale but Prince Phillip has a rather iconic line in the Disney film explicitly stating that it is the 14th century.

This outfit has a two layer dress. One is the actual dress and the other is a surcoat that isn't just fashionable for the time but also serves it's intended purpose of protecting the dress underneath. The 14th century is the beginning of more form-fitting dress tailoring, so details like the lacing on the sleeves and tighter fit are important for defining the era's fashion. She should be wearing an apron and a veil or wimple but it is artistic license? (And there are some historic evidence of loose hair illustrated in this time so if anyone could get away with it, it would be a peasant girl who has never met anyone outside of her caretakers?)

Either way, Aurora's movie palette really works for this kind of homespun outfit with nods to her royal (purple) heritage. I went the extra step as well and added ribbons in the colours of her future wardrobe.

I am the artist! Do not post without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: instagram, tiktok or check out my coloring book available now \ („• ֊ •„) /

(I'm reposting these in 2024 because apparently tumblr lost them, and this lets me work on longer series that I can save up to pose more regularly)


Hi, sorry for the inconvenience. Can I use your arts in edits on tkk or YouTube?


I don't know how you'll edit them, they are very stiff. (ง•̀.•́)ง I'm working on that, but it's been slow progress.

But if you have something you want to edit with them and you credit me properly (Tag me!!! I wanna see it!!) and use my handle somewhere in the description or on screen and the answer is sure!! Have fun!! Get creative! <3

Anonymous asked:

What were people nasty about regarding the HOTD designs? I swear I read like nearly all of the comments on them when they were each posted and everybody seemed to love them. I did, anyway, and your running commentary about the...weird state of HOTD/GOT costume design.

Well Anon,

you'll never believe it but i have my Anon box open. (·ω<)☆

I try to keep my page as positive as possible so there are plenty of things I don't react to. And... tumblr isn't the only place I post my art. I love so many of the tags and comments people leave me, but that doesn't mean things are always sunshine and rainbows. ('; ︵ ;`)

It's an age old story but there is always a behind the scenes, and I do like my privacy. I appreciate all the kindness everyone has sent me! But I still don't think I'll do HoTD season 2. I can't even think about Blood or Cheese? if that's what it's called without my lizard brain panicking. So that paired with negative feedback means that I'm not really interested. Certainly not before season 2 has even dropped.

Anonymous asked:

Hi! I read your post about not doing anymore HOTD redesigns, and I want to say that I’m so sorry you got some less than kind comments that caused you to become uninterested in continuing them. I really love your designs, and I was checking your blog almost daily, and was always so pleased when I saw you’d posted a new one. Your art is lovely and I’m sorry that some people have caused you to lose interest in making them. Please know that there are many people who love your art. I hope you have a lovely day. 💕

Aw, thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed following the series :D

I hope you have a lovely day too <3

Anonymous asked:

Will you consider making a colouring book/printables out of your Game of Thrones designs?

Yes.... if you have any subtle title ideas, request for organizing them... anything at all... comment or reblog about it! I wanna hear your thoughts!

It might take a while though because I used to make the redesign illustrations on much smaller canvases... like 7x5in kind of small. So I might have to redraw/redesign them all anyway. ( TT v TT) /

Anonymous asked:

you have a personal catalogue of set poses you made that you use as the base to your drawings? they’re so polished

Yes...and no? It's a lot more evident in my older designs, I haven't been using them as much recently (for obvious mermaid reasons and I used poses from HotD actors/actresses), but if you're scrolling back there's a whole archive of poses I've used and re-used.

Having base-models to work with was really the secret sauce to making so, so, so many character designs in so little time from 2020 to 2022 especially. I think I have well over 100 of the older series... and maybe 100 in the GoT series?Or... at least GoT felt like a 100, realistically it's probably less. Though because I also used to work on much smaller canvases I will probably have to trace/revisit any of the GoT designs I want to incorporate into a coloring book.... would you guys be interested in seeing those again? Maybe with changes?

(Get back on track ellen) It's all a part of growing and changing as an artist. Weighing pride vs skill and adding lots of practice. And I've got a lot of practice in these last few years.


The seven new historical mermaids for Mermay 2024!

Here's the new set for Mermay 2024! What do you think? Which is your favorite? <3

I am the artist! Do not post without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: instagram, tiktok or check out my coloring book available now \ („• ֊ •„) /


Historical mermay Prompt 8: Meiji Era -> Aztec Mermaid (Tlanchana)

So the last prompt for Historical Mermay was supposed to be Meiji era but.... last year there was a historical Japanese mermaid and a late Victorian mermaid so.... I decided to switch this one out with a different historical mermaid that had been on my list.

Aztec mythology has a mermaid-like figure, which is very exciting for me, but there's a full backstory so strap in for some lore. The origin for Tlanchana isn't Aztec at all, but instead originates from an Otomi goddess called Acpaxapo. Acpaxapo is a benevolent lake goddess who is half woman, half water-serpent. When she was adopted by the Aztecs her aspect evolved to Tlanchana, a much more mysterious and dangerous deity who would drown men with her tail.

I had hoped to make some more references to the original Otomi influence in my illustration but I was having a devil of a time looking for specifically Otomi artifacts (Otomi is technically a collection of languages and is an exonym for the peoples who speak Otomi languages ((if I've even understood what I 'm reading correctly))...and English websites barely cover the big 3) so I eventually pivoted, since I haven't done any siren-like mermaids for this challenge yet and was interested in doing something a little moodier. A description of Tlanchana described her as wearing only jewels and that sparked a lot of creative joy. And looking at all the jade ornaments in pre-colonial jewelry.... I dove right in. I kept a very serpent-like design for her tail, and made all her ornaments in jade... a series of necklaces, her nose jewelry (which I took some creative liberty with after looking at goddess depictions), and ear plugs. I wouldn't say she is accurate, there's a lot of artistic license salt in this stew... but I think she turned out pretty cool.

(And if you just had the thought that this is the most i have written in a description for ages... it's because this one had... new? research. Example: I've drawn redesigns with Ottoman fashion 3+ times, I don't have much new to say for the Ottoman mermaid. I've talked and researched a lot less on Aztec mythology so I had things to say.)

I am the artist! Do not post without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: instagram, tiktok or check out my coloring book available now \ („• ֊ •„) /


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