
be brave but remember you dont have to do it alone

@creatinghelen / creatinghelen.tumblr.com

creating art and a positive space on the internet // @creatinghelen on instagram // original posts tagged #hj // poetry tagged #creatinghelen

“the world is heavy  but your bones  (just a cubic inch) can hold 19,000 lbs ounce for ounce they are stronger than steel atom for atom you are more precious than diamond and stars have died so that you may live you need to remember these things when you say that you are weak and worthless” Live Life Happy


(EDIT because this has been an issue: Please do not repost these images on your website or social media. I totally understand that you want to share this comic, and I’m really glad that it resonated with you! Please feel free to link to this post instead. If you’re an outlet/blog, reach out to me and we can discuss a licensing fee - do not repost. Thank you!)

I thought that this might be helpful to talk about.

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