


23 - He/She/They/It
Shifting multifandom. Currently watching, and semi-liveblogging, Death Note for the first time. Marxist-Leninist-Spockist

what the fuck do you mean his name is “Light Turner” in the netflix adaptation


Can’t help but notice that a LOT of focus is being put on the ownership rules in these Death Note ad break bumpers right now


is this the first proper fight scene of the whole show?


L loses one (1) time and immediately falls into a depressive episode


Made a Collection Era reading/listening guide for my friends who are getting into BS on weibo, I’m sharing this here too!

  • Ordering: Corrected from my first draft with info from tardis wiki
  • Layout: me

If you find this useful please reblog for collective archiving in case something ever happens to my blog. You can also repost this but please credit me or at least do not crop out my name from this graphic!


watched the trailer for Netflix’s Death Note and I immediately understand why people fucking hated it lol

maybe I’ll check it out, out of curiosity, after I finish the anime

prolly not tho


the existence of lawlight as a ship is funny to me because as far as i can tell the only reason L would ever be with Light is as a manipulation tactic to get Light to reveal himself as Kira. Light would be fully aware of of this, and would only play along to seem like he isn’t suspicious, a fact that L would ALSO be fully aware of

Which is actually a genuinely hilarious ship dynamic now that I think of it and I hope at least some of the shippers see it that way but idk because I’ve never interacted with the fandom, just seen some terms and names


btw while im still thinking of it. the way L had Misa imprisoned is fucking bananas. i mean i understand the logic of it given what they knew of her powers but it was just cruel. which doesn’t really shock me, frankly. i’ve said before, i really don’t think L is really all THAT superior to Light in terms of morality


Okay so. That was an INSANE way to transition the story into a completely different format. I could be wrong and Light could get the note back the next day, but assuming it lasts for at least a couple episodes, which seems way more likely given the end of the episode…

They have fundamentally shifted the whole show. Light is no longer a villainous character. If anything, he seems actively more heroic than he did prior to obtaining the Death Note, likely due to him still remembering all the lies he told to maintain his cover as Kira, except as, from his perspective, the truth now. He’s always being the protagonist, but, at least for now, he also seems to be a much more traditional hero. At least, by the standards of this show

Simultaneously, L’s situation is even more complex. He clearly still suspects Light, hence the chain, but we the audience know that the current Kira is not Light, and that Light and L will both be investigating the current Kira, whose identity is not revealed, making L’s role in the story… Complicated.

It also fundamentally shifts the nature of the show. Unless I learn who the new Kira is in the next episode, it’s basically a more traditional whodunit. We have a list of individuals, one of which logically must be the killer. Like the protagonist (Light) and the, for lack of a better term to describing his current narrative status, deuteragonist (L), I do not know who the killer is. This is obviously very different from the dynamic between the audience and the original Kira.

Like I said, I felt a shakeup coming on. And boy did they deliver


Damn, did Light actually pull this crazy stunt off?

apparently not. although i figure this is a bluff on L’s part. it must be, right? one last attempt to get Light to confess?

man this episode just keeps throwing me off


Damn, did Light actually pull this crazy stunt off?

apparently not. although i figure this is a bluff on L’s part. it must be, right? one last attempt to get Light to confess?

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